3 research outputs found

    Effective approaches to financial well-being among university students: a conceptual paper /Amri Mohamad...[et al.]

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    This is a conceptual paper showing the linkages on the relationship between factors affecting the financial well-being of university students and also the moderating effects of parents’ influence on their financial well-being. The focus on the financial well-being of university students isvery important to ensure that university students do not encounter financial difficulties during their years at universities. To be more specific, this paper examines the four factors which determinethe financial well-being of university students whichare Budget & Financial Education, Structured Funding, Unstructured Funding,and Food Coupon & Book Voucher. The objectives of this research are to establish the extent of the conceptual relationship between four determining factors and the students’ financial well-being. The aims and objectives of this research are accomplished when the conceptualizations of each of the independent variable dimensions and students’ financial well-being are established and the linkages are clearly explained

    Audit Reporting Lag In Malaysia: The Case Of MESDAQ

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    Timeliness is a very crucial aspect in assessing the accountability and the quality of financial reporting. Financial information could be accessed by users once the auditor has issued and completed the annual reports. Therefore, the time taken to publish the annual report depends partly on the audit time taken to sign the audit report. This paper aims to investigate the attributes affecting audit reporting delay. The sample is 118 MESDAQ companies listed in Bursa Malaysia and uses 2006 annual reports. It examines ten corporate attributes and three auditor attributes. The corporate attributes include the existence of independent internal audit department, the number of audit committee's meeting, firm size (proxied by total assets), audit complexity (proxied by total development costs and status of subsidiaries) financial year-end, new listed company, change of financial year-end, number of subsidiaries and place of incorporation of subsidiaries. The three auditor attributes are the type of audit firm (for company and its subsidiaries) and audit opinion. Regression analysis conveys that audit opinion, total research and development cost (R&D) and newly listed company are significantly related to audit reporting delay for companies listed in MESDAQ. The rest of the independent variables are not significantly associated with audit delay. The results of this study are discussed under findings and discussions section

    Sistem e-PA / Azilawati Abdullah @ Abd Aziz ...[et al.]

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    Penasihat akademik adalah pensyarah yang diberitanggungjawab sebagai penasihat dan pembimbing pelajar dalam merancang pelan pengajian mereka, sebagai orang tengah untuk menyelesaikan sebarang masalah akademik mengenai pelajar di bawah seliaan mereka dengan pihak berkenaan dan juga sebagai pemantau prestasi akademik pelajar sepanjang tempoh pengajian mereka. Sistem e-PA dibangunkan untuk memberi kemudahan kepada pensyarah untuk menyelia dan memantau semua pelajar di bawah seliaan mereka. Di samping itu, Sistem e-PA boleh membantu menyelesaikan masalah pensyarah yang susah untuk memantau pelajar di bawah seliaan mereka. Pensyarah boleh mendapatkan segala maklumat berkenaan dengan pelajar di bawah seliaan mereka walau di mana berada. Ini kerana, melalui soal selidik yang dibuat di bawah Unit Kualiti UiTMCK telah mendedahkan terdapat pelajar yang tidak pernah langsung bertemu dan membuat rundingan dengan pensyarah yang menjadi penasihat kademik mereka. Pelajar juga memberi maklumbalas mengatakan pensyarah atau penasihat akademik mereka terlalu sibuk dan tidak membalas mesej yang dihantar. Sistem e-PA ini beroperasi dengan pelajar memasukkan segala butiran yang diperlukan oleh pensyarah atau penasihat akademik mereka di dalam ―excel worksheet‖ yang dibangunkan oleh pensyarah di―web-based‖ iaitu ―Google Drive‖. Dengan adanya Sistem e-PA ini, para pensyarah atau penasihat akademik mudah untuk menyelia dan memantau pelajar–pelajar mereka walau di mana berada dengan menggunakan telefon pintar. Jadi, hubungan yang rapat antara penyarah atau penasihat akademik dengan pelajar-pelajar di bawah seliaan mereka secara tidak langsung member kesan yang positif, meningkatkan prestasi pelajar dalam bidang akademik dan bukan akademik serta boleh meningkatkan peratus ―graduate on time‖ di kalangan pelajar-pelaja