60 research outputs found

    Empirical Investigation of the Validity of Historical Cost/constant Dollar Data Estimation Models

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    Business Administratio

    Surfactant protein C peptides with salt-bridges (“ion-locks”) promote high surfactant activities by mimicking the α-helix and membrane topography of the native protein

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    Background. Surfactant protein C (SP-C; 35 residues) in lungs has a cationic N-terminal domain with two cysteines covalently linked to palmitoyls and a C-terminal region enriched in Val, Leu and Ile. Native SP-C shows high surface activity, due to SP-C inserting in the bilayer with its cationic N-terminus binding to the polar headgroup and its hydrophobic C-terminus embedded as a tilted, transmembrane α-helix. The palmitoylcysteines in SP-C act as ‘helical adjuvants’ to maintain activity by overriding the β-sheet propensities of the native sequences.Objective. We studied SP-C peptides lacking palmitoyls, but containing glutamate and lysine at 4-residue intervals, to assess whether SP-C peptides with salt-bridges (“ion-locks”) promote surface activity by mimicking the α-helix and membrane topography of native SP-C.Methods. SP-C mimics were synthesized that reproduce native sequences, but without palmitoyls (i.e., SP-Css or SP-Cff, with serines or phenylalanines replacing the two cysteines). Ion-lock SP-C molecules were prepared by incorporating single or double Glu−–Lys+ into the parent SP-C’s. The secondary structures of SP-C mimics were studied with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and PASTA, an algorithm that predicts β-sheet propensities based on the energies of the various β-sheet pairings. The membrane topography of SP-C mimics was investigated with orientated and hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange FTIR, and also Membrane Protein Explorer (MPEx) hydropathy analysis. In vitro surface activity was determined using adsorption surface pressure isotherms and captive bubble surfactometry, and in vivo surface activity from lung function measures in a rabbit model of surfactant deficiency.Results. PASTA calculations predicted that the SP-Css and SP-Cff peptides should each form parallel β-sheet aggregates, with FTIR spectroscopy confirming high parallel β-sheet with ‘amyloid-like’ properties. The enhanced β-sheet properties for SP-Css and SP-Cff are likely responsible for their low surfactant activities in the in vitro and in vivo assays. Although standard 12C-FTIR study showed that the α-helicity of these SP-C sequences in lipids was uniformly increased with Glu−–Lys+ insertions, elevated surfactant activity was only selectively observed. Additional results from oriented and H/D exchange FTIR experiments indicated that the high surfactant activities depend on the SP-C ion-locks recapitulating both the α-helicity and the membrane topography of native SP-C. SP-Css ion-lock 1, an SP-Css with a salt-bridge for a Glu−–Lys+ ion-pair predicted from MPEx hydropathy calculations, demonstrated enhanced surfactant activity and a transmembrane helix simulating those of native SP-C.Conclusion. Highly active SP-C mimics were developed that replace the palmitoyls of SP-C with intrapeptide salt-bridges and represent a new class of synthetic surfactants with therapeutic interest

    A sulfur-free peptide mimic of surfactant protein B (B-YL) exhibits high in vitro and in vivo surface activities [version 2; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background: Animal-derived surfactants containing surfactant proteins B (SP-B) and C (SP-C) are used to treat respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in preterm infants. SP-B (79 residues) plays a pivotal role in lung function and the design of synthetic lung surfactant. Super Mini-B (SMB), a 41-residue peptide based on the N- and C-domains of SP-B covalently joined with a turn and two disulfides, folds as an α-helix hairpin mimicking the properties of these domains in SP-B. Here, we studied ‘B-YL’, a 41-residue SMB variant that has its four cysteine and two methionine residues replaced by tyrosine and leucine, respectively, to test whether these hydrophobic substitutions produce a surface-active, α-helix hairpin. Methods: Structure and function of B-YL and SMB in surfactant lipids were compared with CD and FTIR spectroscopy, and surface activity with captive bubble surfactometry and in lavaged, surfactant-deficient adult rabbits. Results: CD and FTIR spectroscopy of B-YL in surfactant lipids showed secondary structures compatible with peptide folding as an α-helix hairpin, similar to SMB in lipids. B-YL in surfactant lipids demonstrated excellent in vitro surface activity and good oxygenation and dynamic compliance in lavaged, surfactant-deficient adult rabbits, suggesting that the four tyrosine substitutions are an effective replacement for the disulfide-reinforced helix-turn of SMB. Here, the B-YL fold may be stabilized by a core of clustered tyrosines linking the N- and C-helices through non-covalent interactions involving aromatic rings. Conclusions: ‘Sulfur-free’ B-YL forms an amphipathic helix-hairpin in surfactant liposomes with high surface activity and is functionally similar to SMB and native SP-B. The removal of the cysteines makes B-YL more feasible to scale up production for clinical application. B-YL’s possible resistance against free oxygen radical damage to methionines by substitutions with leucine provides an extra edge over SMB in the treatment of respiratory failure in preterm infants with RDS

    Dynamic Surface Activity of a Fully Synthetic Phospholipase-Resistant Lipid/Peptide Lung Surfactant

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    This study examines the surface activity and resistance to phospholipase degradation of a fully-synthetic lung surfactant containing a novel diether phosphonolipid (DEPN-8) plus a 34 amino acid peptide (Mini-B) related to native surfactant protein (SP)-B. Activity studies used adsorption, pulsating bubble, and captive bubble methods to assess a range of surface behaviors, supplemented by molecular studies using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD), and plasmon resonance. Calf lung surfactant extract (CLSE) was used as a positive control.DEPN-8+1.5% (by wt.) Mini-B was fully resistant to degradation by phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) in vitro, while CLSE was severely degraded by this enzyme. Mini-B interacted with DEPN-8 at the molecular level based on FTIR spectroscopy, and had significant plasmon resonance binding affinity for DEPN-8. DEPN-8+1.5% Mini-B had greatly increased adsorption compared to DEPN-8 alone, but did not fully equal the very high adsorption of CLSE. In pulsating bubble studies at a low phospholipid concentration of 0.5 mg/ml, DEPN-8+1.5% Mini-B and CLSE both reached minimum surface tensions <1 mN/m after 10 min of cycling. DEPN-8 (2.5 mg/ml)+1.5% Mini-B and CLSE (2.5 mg/ml) also reached minimum surface tensions <1 mN/m at 10 min of pulsation in the presence of serum albumin (3 mg/ml) on the pulsating bubble. In captive bubble studies, DEPN-8+1.5% Mini-B and CLSE both generated minimum surface tensions <1 mN/m on 10 successive cycles of compression/expansion at quasi-static and dynamic rates.These results show that DEPN-8 and 1.5% Mini-B form an interactive binary molecular mixture with very high surface activity and the ability to resist degradation by phospholipases in inflammatory lung injury. These characteristics are promising for the development of related fully-synthetic lipid/peptide exogenous surfactants for treating diseases of surfactant deficiency or dysfunction

    Critical Structural and Functional Roles for the N-Terminal Insertion Sequence in Surfactant Protein B Analogs

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    Surfactant protein B (SP-B; 79 residues) belongs to the saposin protein superfamily, and plays functional roles in lung surfactant. The disulfide cross-linked, N- and C-terminal domains of SP-B have been theoretically predicted to fold as charged, amphipathic helices, suggesting their participation in surfactant activities. Earlier structural studies with Mini-B, a disulfide-linked construct based on the N- and C-terminal regions of SP-B (i.e., approximately residues 8-25 and 63-78), confirmed that these neighboring domains are helical; moreover, Mini-B retains critical in vitro and in vivo surfactant functions of the native protein. Here, we perform similar analyses on a Super Mini-B construct that has native SP-B residues (1-7) attached to the N-terminus of Mini-B, to test whether the N-terminal sequence is also involved in surfactant activity.FTIR spectra of Mini-B and Super Mini-B in either lipids or lipid-mimics indicated that these peptides share similar conformations, with primary alpha-helix and secondary beta-sheet and loop-turns. Gel electrophoresis demonstrated that Super Mini-B was dimeric in SDS detergent-polyacrylamide, while Mini-B was monomeric. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR), predictive aggregation algorithms, and molecular dynamics (MD) and docking simulations further suggested a preliminary model for dimeric Super Mini-B, in which monomers self-associate to form a dimer peptide with a "saposin-like" fold. Similar to native SP-B, both Mini-B and Super Mini-B exhibit in vitro activity with spread films showing near-zero minimum surface tension during cycling using captive bubble surfactometry. In vivo, Super Mini-B demonstrates oxygenation and dynamic compliance that are greater than Mini-B and compare favorably to full-length SP-B.Super Mini-B shows enhanced surfactant activity, probably due to the self-assembly of monomer peptide into dimer Super Mini-B that mimics the functions and putative structure of native SP-B

    Aerosol delivery of dry powder synthetic lung surfactant to surfactant-deficient rabbits and preterm lambs on non-invasive respiratory support [version 2; referees: 3 approved]

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    Background: The development of synthetic lung surfactant for preterm infants has focused on peptide analogues of native surfactant proteins B and C (SP-B and SP-C). Non-invasive respiratory support with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) may benefit from synthetic surfactant for aerosol delivery. Methods: A total of three dry powder (DP) surfactants, consisting of phospholipids and the SP-B analogue Super Mini-B (SMB), and one negative control DP surfactant without SMB, were produced with the Acorda Therapeutics ARCUS® Pulmonary Dry Powder Technology. Structure of the DP surfactants was compared with FTIR spectroscopy, in vitro surface activity with captive bubble surfactometry, and in vivo activity in surfactant-deficient adult rabbits and preterm lambs. In the animal experiments, intratracheal (IT) aerosol delivery was compared with surfactant aerosolization during nCPAP support. Surfactant dosage was 100 mg/kg of lipids and aerosolization was performed using a low flow inhaler. Results: FTIR spectra of the three DP surfactants each showed secondary structures compatible with peptide folding as an α-helix hairpin, similar to that previously noted for surface-active SMB in other lipids. The DP surfactants with SMB demonstrated in vitro surface activity <1 mN/m. Oxygenation and lung function increased quickly after IT aerosolization of DP surfactant in both surfactant-deficient rabbits and preterm lambs, similar to improvements seen with clinical surfactant. The response to nCPAP aerosol delivery of DP surfactant was about 50% of IT aerosol delivery, but could be boosted with a second dose in the preterm lambs. Conclusions: Aerosol delivery of DP synthetic surfactant during non-invasive respiratory support with nCPAP significantly improved oxygenation and lung function in surfactant-deficient animals and this response could be enhanced by giving a second dose. Aerosol delivery of DP synthetic lung surfactant has potential for clinical applications

    Aerosol delivery of dry powder synthetic lung surfactant to surfactant-deficient rabbits and preterm lambs on non-invasive respiratory support [version 1; referees: 3 approved]

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    Background: The development of synthetic lung surfactant for preterm infants has focused on peptide analogues of native surfactant proteins B and C (SP-B and SP-C). Non-invasive respiratory support with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) may benefit from synthetic surfactant for aerosol delivery. Methods: A total of three dry powder (DP) surfactants, consisting of phospholipids and the SP-B analogue Super Mini-B (SMB), and one negative control DP surfactant without SMB, were produced with the Acorda Therapeutics ARCUS® Pulmonary Dry Powder Technology. Structure of the DP surfactants was compared with FTIR spectroscopy, in vitro surface activity with captive bubble surfactometry, and in vivo activity in surfactant-deficient adult rabbits and preterm lambs. In the animal experiments, intratracheal (IT) aerosol delivery was compared with surfactant aerosolization during nCPAP support. Surfactant dosage was 100 mg/kg of lipids and aerosolization was performed using a low flow inhaler. Results: FTIR spectra of the three DP surfactants each showed secondary structures compatible with peptide folding as an α-helix hairpin, similar to that previously noted for surface-active SMB in other lipids. The DP surfactants with SMB demonstrated in vitro surface activity <1 mN/m. Oxygenation and lung function increased quickly after IT aerosolization of DP surfactant in both surfactant-deficient rabbits and preterm lambs, similar to improvements seen with clinical surfactant. The response to nCPAP aerosol delivery of DP surfactant was about 50% of IT aerosol delivery, but could be boosted with a second dose in the preterm lambs. Conclusions: Aerosol delivery of active DP synthetic surfactant during non-invasive respiratory support with nCPAP significantly improved oxygenation and lung function in surfactant-deficient animals and this response could be enhanced by giving a second dose. Aerosol delivery of DP synthetic lung surfactant has potential for clinical applications

    Pediatric DXA: clinical applications

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    Normal bone mineral accrual requires adequate dietary intake of calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients; hepatic and renal activation of vitamin D; normal hormone levels (thyroid, parathyroid, reproductive and growth hormones); and neuromuscular functioning with sufficient stress upon the skeleton to induce bone deposition. The presence of genetic or acquired diseases and the therapies that are used to treat them can also impact bone health. Since the introduction of clinical DXA in pediatrics in the early 1990s, there has been considerable investigation into the causes of low bone mineral density (BMD) in children. Pediatricians have also become aware of the role adequate bone mass accrual in childhood has in preventing osteoporotic fractures in late adulthood. Additionally, the availability of medications to improve BMD has increased with the development of bisphosphonates. These factors have led to the increased utilization of DXA in pediatrics. This review summarizes much of the previous research regarding BMD in children and is meant to assist radiologists and clinicians with DXA utilization and interpretation

    Depreciation Graphics: A Time Saving Tool

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    Basics of accounting and information processing : the accounting cycle

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