308,062 research outputs found

    Nachwort von: James Joyce, Ulysses. A Critical and Synoptic Edition, Band 3: New York, 1986

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    Processing peptidase of Neurospora mitochondria

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    Subunit 9 (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide binding protein, 'proteolipid') of the mitochondrial F1F0-ATPase is a nuclearly coded protein in Neurospora crassa. It is synthesized on free cytoplasmic ribosomes as a larger precursor with an NH2-terminal peptide extension. The peptide extension is cleaved off after transport of the protein into the mitochondria. A processing activity referred to as processing peptidase that cleaves the precursor to subunit 9 and other mitochondrial proteins is described and characterized using a cell-free system. Precursor synthesized in vitro was incubated with extracts of mitochondria. Processing peptidase required Mn2+ for its activity. Localization studies suggested that it is a soluble component of the mitochondrial matrix. The precursor was cleaved in two sequential steps via an intermediate-sized polypeptide. The intermediate form in the processing of subunit 9 was also seen in vivo and upon import of the precursor into isolated mitochondria in vitro. The two cleavage sites in the precursor molecule were determined. The data indicate that: (a) the correct NH2-terminus of the mature protein was generated, (b) the NH2-terminal amino acid of the intermediate-sized polypeptide is isoleucine in position-31. The cleavage sites show similarity of primary structure. It is concluded that processing peptidase removes the peptide extension from the precursor to subunit 9 (and probably other precursors) after translocation of these polypeptides (or the NH2-terminal part of these polypeptides) into the matrix space of mitochondria

    Numerical Renormalization Group Analysis of Interacting Quantum Dots

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    Wilson's Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) is so far the only nonperturbative technique that can reliably access low-energy properties of quantum impurity systems. We present a recent extension of the method, the DM-NRG, which yields highly accurate results for dynamical quantities at arbitrary frequencies and temperatures. As an application, we determine the spectrum of a quantum dot in an external magnetic field. Furthermore, we discuss magnetic impurities with orbital degeneracy, which have been inferred in recent experiments on quantum dots in an Aharonov-Bohm geometry. It is demonstrated that for spinless electrons, interference between neighbouring levels sets the low-energy scale of the system. Switching on an external field leads to a remarkable crossover into a regime dominated by orbital Kondo screening. We predict that the broadening-induced level splitting should be clearly visible in measurements of the optical absorption power. A more general model including the electron spin is studied within an extended two-band NRG procedure. We observe competition between interference and Kondo screening, similar to the situation in two-impurity models (RKKY).Comment: Invited talk at the DPG spring meeting 2001, to appear in Advances in Solid State Physics 4

    Evidence for a bicritical point in the XXZ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a simple cubic lattice

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    The classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet with uniaxial exchange anisotropy, the XXZ model, in a magnetic field on a simple cubic lattice is studied with the help of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Analyzing, especially, various staggered susceptibilities and Binder cumulants, we present clear evidence for the meeting point of the antiferromagnetic, spin--flop, and paramagnetic phases being a bicritical point with Heisenberg symmetry. Results are compared to previous predictions based on various theoretical approaches.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures (to appear in the Phys. Rev. E (2011)

    Highlight: Molecular machines

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