159 research outputs found

    Prediksi Financial Distress Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of financial ratios to predict probability of financial distress in the company. Financial ratios in this study using the indicators leverage ratio, liquidity ratio, activity ratio, and profitability ratio. The population in this study are all of the companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange and continuously published financial statements in the year 2008-2012. Based on purposive sampling method, samples obtained are 59 companies in the period 2008-2012, so obtain 295 observations. As for the criteria of financial distress in this study was measured by using interest coverage ratio, whilst statistic analysis that used in this study was logistic regression. The result of this research showed that leverage ratio (debt ratio), liquidity ratio (current ratio), and activity ratio (total asset turnover ratio) were financial ratios that have significant value to predict financial distress in the company, whilst profitability ratio (return on asset) is only financial ratios which not significant to predict financial distress in the company

    Evaluasi Sistem Surveilans Ibu Hamil, Bayi dan Balita di Puskesmas Unit I, Puskesmas Moyo Hulu dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sumbawa (Evaluation Of Pregnant Women, Infant, Underfive Children Surveillance System At PHC Unit I, PHC Moyo Hulu And Health Di

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    Background: District Sumbawa is one of the underdeveloped district (DBK), the ratings are based on indicators that include the concerns of pregnant women, infants and toddlers, from the existing data gaps in other words surveillance system implemented may not produce outputs that have high leverage the prevention of health problems. The purpose of this study is to identify issues and priorities the strengthening of the surveillance system of pregnant women, infants and toddlers in Sumbawa, Provinsi NTB. Methods:research conducted at PHC Unit I, PHC Moyo Hulu and Sumbawa District Health Office. Data were collected by observing to see the weaknesses or lacks of a surveillance system, then make alternative reinforcement through the Focus Group Discussion to get the most ideal reinforcement priorities to be implemented. Results: There is a difference between health districts profile data, Health Center profile data and the program data. The difference begins from the data source occurs pregnant women infants and toddlers: which at the time of data collection, at the time of recording and reporting, and at the time of publishing information. Strengthening alternative system that has been identified is building a database, simple data analysis, increased monitoring and evaluation, formation and repair forums verivication of the data storage system. The calculation of priority the strengthening of the surveillance system was decided the a simple data analysis is the most likely alternative. Conclusion: Problems surveillance of pregnant women, infants and toddlers is a process and output activities. Priority strengthening surveillance systems of pregnant women, infants and toddlers are most likely to be implemented is a simple data analysis to interpret the resulting figures


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    This study aims to assess students' English-speaking abilities based on peer assessment. This study is a quantitative study involving 10 students. Data was collected using tests and student speaking assessment rubrics with score criteria from 1 to 5. Speaking assessment criteria are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and understanding. Data were analyzed using Many Faceted Rasch Measurement (MFRM). The Facets Rasch Measurement model is able to see the interaction between respondents and items at once. The research results show that the item index for criteria/quality (6.39), speaker (0.51), and rater (5.32) as well as the standard deviation value clearly shows a good distribution of item difficulty. Criterion reliability is 0.98 for raters is 0.21, for raters is 0.97

    Analisis Pemanfaatan Dana Pensiun terhadap Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Hidup Pns Pensiunan Guru Kota Medan

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    This study aims to analyze the use of pension funds for the substistence like needs for food, clothing, housing, health needs and their families and family needs. In this study, the data used are primary data by giving questionnaires to 50 respondents retired teacher in Medan. Respondents' answers will be used to answer whether pension funds can fulfill the needs life of PNS retired teacher in Medan. The analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. Data analysis techniques using data tabulation of frequency distribution and percentage. The results showed that pensioners living needs during retirement fulfilled. From the results of this research is the income received from pension funds are not sufficient to subsistence. Pensioners get extra income from children and other businesses. From the results of this research is that more pensioners choose to receive a pension funds once the whole than the receiving each month

    Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kontak Tani terhadap Persepsi Kinerja Kelompok Tani Ikan Lele di Desa Babakan, Ciseeng, Kabupaten Bogor

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    The role of Kontak tani in the group is one thing that can`t be separated to the survival of the group. Leadership styles that`s applied by Kontak tani are the ways of working in order to achieve the purpose directing members of a group that can be seen from the performance. This study aims to determine the leadership styles that`s generally applied by Kontak tani and the relationship of leadership styles with performance. The author use validity test, reliability test and Spearman rank test as the analysis tools in this research. Based on the research conducted, leadership styles were commonly applied by the farmer in the village of Babakan contacts are participatory that visible from the involvement of members in the group. In addition, there is a fairly strong correlation between leadership style and performance based on the perception of the group mamber. It needs a through understanding of the various stakeholders within the group or institutional farms that, establishment of groups is based on the increase in well-being and not merely for assistance

    Opera House di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Eko-Arsitektur

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    Enthusiastic people about artistry in Pekanbaru progressively increasing. It is characterized by the presence of music festivals and other art events in the frequency of routine in Pekanbaru. This phenomenon is inversely proportional to the infrastructure that supports arts activities. Beside it, performing arts venues are now insufficient to meet the needs of visitors and not the maximum in the public interest will be art. In the construction of the Opera House was not spared from its impact on the surrounding environment. Construction, operation and demolition are responsible for some of the effect that occurs in nature such as greenhouse gas emissions, declining air quality, a lack of groundwater flow and depletion of natural resources. Seeing the impact that occurs from the current development are not concerned with the environmental aspects it is fitting the concept of eco-architecture applied to the foundation of the current development. Opera House is using the concept of Eco-Building Perform meaningful combination of the results of space created from the activities and the natural surroundings which are both interconnected to create a building that can provide and benefit from the surrounding environment
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