119 research outputs found

    JNK Isoforms Differentially Regulate Neurite Growth and Regeneration in Dopaminergic Neurons In Vitro

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    Parkinson’s disease is characterized by selective and progressive loss of midbrain DAergic neurons (MDN) in the substantia nigra and degeneration of its nigrostriatal projections. Whereas the cellular pathophysiology has been closely linked to an activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and c-Jun, the involvement of JNKs in regenerative processes of the nigrostriatal pathway is controversially discussed. In our study, we utilized a mechanical scratch lesion paradigm of midbrain DAergic neurons in vitro and studied regenerative neuritic outgrowth. After a siRNA-mediated knockdown of each of the three JNK isoforms, we found that JNKs differentially regulate neurite regeneration. Knockdown of JNK3 resulted in the most prominent neurite outgrowth impairment. This effect was attenuated again by plasmid overexpression of JNK3. We also evaluated cell survival of the affected neurons at the scratch border. JNK3 was found to be also relevant for survival of MDN which were lesioned by the scratch. Our data suggest that JNK isoforms are involved in differential regulation of cell death and regeneration in MDN depending on their neurite integrity. JNK3 appears to be required for regeneration and survival in the case of an environment permissive for regeneration. Future therapeutic approaches for the DAergic system may thus require isoform specific targeting of these kinases

    The JNK Inhibitor XG-102 Protects against TNBS-Induced Colitis

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    The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-inhibiting peptide D-JNKI-1, syn. XG-102 was tested for its therapeutic potential in acute inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in mice. Rectal instillation of the chemical irritant trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) provoked a dramatic acute inflammation in the colon of 7–9 weeks old mice. Coincident subcutaneous application of 100 µg/kg XG-102 significantly reduced the loss of body weight, rectal bleeding and diarrhoea. After 72 h, the end of the study, the colon was removed and immuno-histochemically analysed. XG-102 significantly reduced (i) pathological changes such as ulceration or crypt deformation, (ii) immune cell pathology such as infiltration and presence of CD3- and CD68-positive cells, (iii) the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in colon tissue cultures from TNBS-treated mice, (iv) expression of Bim, Bax, FasL, p53, and activation of caspase 3, (v) complexation of JNK2 and Bim, and (vi) expression and activation of the JNK substrate and transcription factor c-Jun. A single application of subcutaneous XG-102 was at least as effective or even better depending on the outcome parameter as the daily oral application of sulfasalazine used for treatment of IBD

    Guanosine stimulates neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells via activation of heme oxygenase and cyclic GMP

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    Undifferentiated rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells extend neurites when cultured in the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF). Extracellular guanosine synergistically enhances NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth. We investigated the mechanism by which guanosine enhances NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth. Guanosine administration to PC12 cells significantly increased guanosine 3-5-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) within the first 24 h whereas addition of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) inhibitors abolished guanosine-induced enhancement of NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth. sGC may be activated either by nitric oxide (NO) or by carbon monoxide (CO). \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} NωN^{\omega } \end{document}-Nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME), a non-isozyme selective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), had no effect on neurite outgrowth induced by guanosine. Neither nNOS (the constitutive isoform), nor iNOS (the inducible isoform) were expressed in undifferentiated PC12 cells, or under these treatment conditions. These data imply that NO does not mediate the neuritogenic effect of guanosine. Zinc protoporphyrin-IX, an inhibitor of heme oxygenase (HO), reduced guanosine-dependent neurite outgrowth but did not attenuate the effect of NGF. The addition of guanosine plus NGF significantly increased the expression of HO-1, the inducible isozyme of HO, after 12 h. These data demonstrate that guanosine enhances NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth by first activating the constitutive isozyme HO-2, and then by inducing the expression of HO-1, the enzymes responsible for CO synthesis, thus stimulating sGC and increasing intracellular cGMP

    Rapid and bi-directional regulation of AMPA receptor phosphorylation and trafficking by JNK

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    Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are implicated in various neuropathological conditions. However, physiological roles for JNKs in neurons remain largely unknown, despite the high expression level of JNKs in brain. Here, using bioinformatic and biochemical approaches, we identify the AMPA receptor GluR2L and GluR4 subunits as novel physiological JNK substrates in vitro, in heterologous cells and in neurons. Consistent with this finding, GluR2L and GluR4 associate with specific JNK signaling components in the brain. Moreover, the modulation of the novel JNK sites in GluR2L and GluR4 is dynamic and bi-directional, such that phosphorylation and de-phosphorylation are triggered within minutes following decreases and increases in neuronal activity, respectively. Using live-imaging techniques to address the functional consequence of these activity-dependent changes we demonstrate that the novel JNK site in GluR2L controls reinsertion of internalized GluR2L back to the cell surface following NMDA treatment, without affecting basal GluR2L trafficking. Taken together, our results demonstrate that JNK directly regulates AMPA-R trafficking following changes in neuronal activity in a rapid and bi-directional manner

    The structure of the unliganded extracellular domain of the interleukin-6 signal transducer gp130 in solution.

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    Interleukin-6 (IL-6) plays an important role in immune responses and signals via two different pathways. When IL-6 binds to its non-signalling membrane-bound receptor (IL-6R), a non-covalent dimer of the ubiquitous interleukin-6 signal transducer gp130 is recruited to initiate intracellular signalling cascades. This so-called classical signalling pathway is restricted to cells expressing the membrane-bound IL-6R, such as hepatocytes and certain leukocytes. In addition, an alternative trans-signalling pathway uses soluble forms of IL-6R (sIL-6R) in complex with IL-6 to activate cells expressing gp130, but not membrane-bound IL-6R. In both cases, a tetrameric or hexameric signalling complex consisting of two gp130 molecules and one or two molecules each of IL-6 and (s)IL-6R is formed. The structure of the hexameric complex of the ligand-binding domains of gp130 (D1-D3) with IL-6 and sIL-6R has been solved by X-ray crystallography as well as the full-length extracellular part of gp130 (D1-D6) as a monomer. Since gp130 exists as a preformed dimer on the cell surface, we used a sgp130Fc fusion protein - consisting of two extracellular gp130 regions (D1-D6) dimerised by an IgG1-Fc part - to study the structure of unliganded gp130 extracellular domains in solution by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS data indicated that sgp130Fc forms a rigid molecule in solution. The low resolution structural model reveals an elongated assembly with an Fc base and two gp130 arms, whereby the orientation of the ligand-binding domains D1-D3 with respect to the membrane-proximal domains D4-D6 differs from that in the crystallographic monomer. Functional implications of these findings are discussed

    Efficacy of sterile fecal filtrate transfer for treating patients with Clostridium difficile infection

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    Background & AimsFecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a highly effective therapy for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). However, transferring undefined living bacteria entails uncontrollable risks for infectious and metabolic or malignant diseases, particularly in immunocompromised patients. We investigated whether sterile fecal filtrates (containing bacterial debris, proteins, antimicrobial compounds, metabolic products, and oligonucleotides/DNA), rather than intact microorganisms, are effective in patients with CDI