1,834 research outputs found

    Experimental Realization of a One-way Quantum Computer Algorithm Solving Simon's Problem

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    We report an experimental demonstration of a one-way implementation of a quantum algorithm solving Simon's Problem - a black box period-finding problem which has an exponential gap between the classical and quantum runtime. Using an all-optical setup and modifying the bases of single-qubit measurements on a five-qubit cluster state, key representative functions of the logical two-qubit version's black box can be queried and solved. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first experimental realization of the quantum algorithm solving Simon's Problem. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with the theoretical model, demonstrating the successful performance of the algorithm. With a view to scaling up to larger numbers of qubits, we analyze the resource requirements for an n-qubit version. This work helps highlight how one-way quantum computing provides a practical route to experimentally investigating the quantum-classical gap in the query complexity model.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Photon pair generation using four-wave mixing in a microstructured fibre: theory versus experiment

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    We develop a theoretical analysis of four-wave mixing used to generate photon pairs useful for quantum information processing. The analysis applies to a single mode microstructured fibre pumped by an ultra-short coherent pulse in the normal dispersion region. Given the values of the optical propagation constant inside the fibre, we can estimate the created number of photon pairs per pulse, their central wavelength and their respective bandwidth. We use the experimental results from a picosecond source of correlated photon pairs using a micro-structured fibre to validate the model. The fibre is pumped in the normal dispersion regime at 708nm and phase matching is satisfied for widely spaced parametric wavelengths of 586nm and 894nm. We measure the number of photons per pulse using a loss-independent coincidence scheme and compare the results with the theoretical expectation. We show a good agreement between the theoretical expectations and the experimental results for various fibre lengths and pump powers.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Experimental demonstration of a graph state quantum error-correction code

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    Scalable quantum computing and communication requires the protection of quantum information from the detrimental effects of decoherence and noise. Previous work tackling this problem has relied on the original circuit model for quantum computing. However, recently a family of entangled resources known as graph states has emerged as a versatile alternative for protecting quantum information. Depending on the graph's structure, errors can be detected and corrected in an efficient way using measurement-based techniques. In this article we report an experimental demonstration of error correction using a graph state code. We have used an all-optical setup to encode quantum information into photons representing a four-qubit graph state. We are able to reliably detect errors and correct against qubit loss. The graph we have realized is setup independent, thus it could be employed in other physical settings. Our results show that graph state codes are a promising approach for achieving scalable quantum information processing

    Quantum interference with photon pairs using two micro-structured fibres

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    We demonstrate a quantum interference experiment between two photons coming from non-degenerate pairs created by four-wave mixing in two separated micro-structured fibres. When the two heralded photons are made indistinguishable a 95% visibility is demonstrated

    Two-photon interference between disparate sources for quantum networking

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    Quantum networks involve entanglement sharing between multiple users. Ideally, any two users would be able to connect regardless of the type of photon source they employ, provided they fulfill the requirements for two-photon interference. From a theoretical perspective, photons coming from different origins can interfere with a perfect visibility, provided they are made indistinguishable in all degrees of freedom. Previous experimental demonstrations of such a scenario have been limited to photon wavelengths below 900 nm, unsuitable for long distance communication, and suffered from low interference visibility. We report two-photon interference using two disparate heralded single photon sources, which involve different nonlinear effects, operating in the telecom wavelength range. The measured visibility of the two-photon interference is 80+/-4%, which paves the way to hybrid universal quantum networks

    A Hybrid Thermal Video and FTIR Spectrometer System for Rapidly Locating and Characterizing Gas Leaks

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    Undiscovered gas leaks, known as fugitive emissions, in chemical plants and refinery operations can impact regional air quality and present a loss of product for industry. Surveying a facility for potential gas leaks can be a daunting task. Industrial leak detection and repair programs can be expensive to administer. An efficient, accurate and cost effective method for detecting and quantifying gas leaks would both save industries money by identifying production losses and improve regional air quality. Specialized thermal video systems have proven effective in rapidly locating gas leaks. These systems, however, do not have the spectral resolution for compound identification. Passive FTIR spectrometers can be used for gas compound identification, but using these systems for facility surveys is problematic due to their small field of view. A hybrid approach has been developed that utilizes the thermal video system to locate gas plumes using real time visualization of the leaks, coupled with the high spectral resolution FTIR spectrometer for compound identification and quantification. The prototype hybrid video/spectrometer system uses a sterling cooled thermal camera, operating in the MWIR (3-5 µm) with an additional notch filter set at around 3.4 µm, which allows for the visualization of gas compounds that absorb in this narrow spectral range, such as alkane hydrocarbons. This camera is positioned alongside of a portable, high speed passive FTIR spectrometer, which has a spectral range of 2 – 25 µm and operates at 4 cm-1 resolution. This system uses a 10 cm telescope foreoptic with an onboard blackbody for calibration. The two units are optically aligned using a turning mirror on the spectrometer’s telescope with the video camera’s output

    A new light at the end of the tunnel: fiber gas discharge lasers

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    Optical fibers have emerged as a transformative platform for building better and more robust solid state lasers. However, the wavelengths available to these lasers are limited. Using hollow core optical fibers allows us to add gases as new potential gain media for fiber lasers, and also liberates the gas laser from the limits normally imposed by diffraction. To demonstrate the new technology, we present a fiber laser at 3500 nm wavelength, using an antiresonant guiding hollow core optical fiber containing neutral xenon atoms pumped by an afterglow discharge of a helium-xenon mixture within a fiber of over 1 m in length. Laser action is confirmed through observation of polarization dependence, mode pulling and mode beating. Our results unlock a new breed of flexible fiber lasers operating at a plethora of wavelengths, many previous unavailable.Comment: 10 page

    Nonclassical 2-photon interference with separate intrinsically narrowband fibre sources

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a source of photon pairs based on four-wave-mixing in photonic crystal fibres. Careful engineering of the phase matching conditions in the fibres enables us to create photon pairs at 597 nm and 860 nm in an intrinsically factorable state showing no spectral correlations. This allows for heralding one photon in a pure state and hence renders narrow band filtering obsolete. The source is narrow band, bright and achieves an overall detection efficiency of up to 21% per photon. For the first time, a Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with unfiltered photons from separate fibre sources is presented.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Low loss (34 dB/km) silica hollow core fiber for the 3 ÎĽm spectral region

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    Experimental characterization of photonic fusion using fiber sources

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    We report the fusion of photons from two independent photonic crystal fiber sources into polarization entangled states using a fiber-based polarizing beam splitter. We achieve fidelities of up to F = 0.74 ±\pm 0.01 with respect to the maximally entangled Bell state \phi+ using a low pump power of 5.3mW with a success rate of 3.2 four-fold detections per second. By increasing the pump power we find that success rates of up to 111.6 four-folds per second can be achieved, with entanglement still present in the fused state. We characterize the fusion operation by providing a full quantum process reconstruction. Here a model is developed to describe the generation of entanglement, including the main causes of imperfection, and we show that this model fits well with the experimental results. Our work shows how non-ideal settings limit the success of the fusion, providing useful information about the practical requirements for an operation that may be used to build large entangled states in bulk and on-chip quantum photonic waveguides.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure
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