8 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of zeolites on nitrogen uptake and plant height in shallots. This research method used a combination randomized block design (RBD), the treatment consisted of two factors: the first factor was the dose of zeolite (0 kg / ha, 4000 kg / ha of zeolite, 8000 kg / ha) and the second factor was the variety of shallots (Bima Brebes, Super Philip, and Trisula), the size of the plots was 1.8 mx 1m, the distance between the plots was 30 cm, the distance between replicates was 100 cm using a spacing of 20 cm x 15 cm. The result of Zeolite treatment of 4 tonnes / ha on Bima Brebes variety showed the highest nitrogen uptake, namely 17.72. The best plant height was produced using zeolite 8 ton / ha with Bima Brebes variety

    Penumbuhan Jiwa Wirausaha Siswa SMK Ma’arif NU 01 Wanasari Melalui Pelatihan Pengolahan Limbah Air Kelapa

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    Entrepreneurship development among productive young people is a strategic program to build young entrepreneurs who have quality human resources. Vocational students are a strategic choice for building young entrepreneurs. The purpose of this community development activity is 1) Building strong character, because strong character becomes the main capital to become an entrepreneur in facing the challenges of changes that occur in his life. 2) Vocational students have skills to process coconut water waste into nata de coco. 3) Vocational students can start opening new business opportunities either before or after graduating later. The partners of this activity are students from SMK Ma'arif NU 01 Wanasari who are selected 20 students, their have an interest in food entrepreneurship. This activity was carried out in four stages for 2 months. Activities are divided into 4 stages. stage I is measuring the level of understanding from the students about entrepreneurship by giving quisioners, stage II is a process transfer knowlegde with the lecture method, stage III is carried out with the practice of directly using appropriate technology, stage VI is the evaluation stage of activities with quisioner and lecture methods. All vocational students participate in all stages of the training well, with this entrepreneurship training vocational students have increased skills and knowledge in entrepreneurship. Through these activities vocational students also have the skills to process coconut water waste into nata de coco until the packaging process is ready to be marketed and vocational students have basic knowledge about starting entrepreneurship in the food sector. Based on the evaluation results of entrepreneurship training activities, Vocational students are very happy and satisfied and in accordance with the expectations of SMK students to build their entrepreneurial spirit

    Ekstraksi Beras Hitam Sirampog Berbantu Gelombang Mikro (Microwave Assisted Extraction (Mae))

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    Beras hitam sirampog varietas lokal Kabupaten Brebes memiliki sejuta khasiat, salah satunya kandungan antosianin yang baik bagi kesehatan. Komponen aktif yang dimiliki beras hitam perlu dilakukan ektraksi untuk mempermudah pengaplikasian. Metode ekstraksi MAE (Microwave Assisted Extraction) cocok digunakan untuk ekstraksi komponen yang rentan terhadap panas, karena dapat dikontrol melalui daya dan waktu ekstraksi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh daya dan lama waktu ekstraksi berbantu gelombang mikro (MAE) terhadap rendemen dan pH ekstrak beras hitam sirampog. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu variasi daya (100,175,250 watt) dan variasi waktu ekstraksi (3,6,9 menit). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Uji F dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% dan jika berpengaruh nyata dilanjutkan dengan analisis DMRT  (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) dengan taraf 95%. Hasil penelitian yaitu rendemen tertinggi (45,75%) dihasilkan pada perlakuan D2W1(175 watt dan 3 menit), sementara rendemen terendah (18,75%) pada perlakuan D3W3 (250 watt dan 9 menit). pH tertinggi (pH 6,56) dihasilkan pada perlakuan D2W3 (175 watt dan 9 menit) dan D3W3 (250 watt dan 9 menit), sementara pH terendah (6,35)  terjadi pada perlakuan D1W1 (100 watt dan 3 menit)

    Brebes Sheep Skin That is Hydrolyzed With Excess Acid Solution (CH3COOH) and Sitrate Acid (C6H8O7) Became Gelatin

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    Local resources from Brebes Regency that have not been maximized properly are sheep skin. Brebes sheep skin can be converted into gelatin. This study aims to determine the quality of the yield and gelatin protein of sheep skin hydrolyzed using weak acids. The main ingredient of this research is sheep skin from Brebes Regency, which is 1-2 years old. The research method uses a completely randomized design (CRD) 2 x 3 factorial pattern where the first factor is the soaking material (CH3COOH 2% v / v and C6H8O7 2% v / v) and the second factor is the immersion time (2 hours, 3 hours and 4 hour), then proceed with the Real Difference test using the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The yield measurement results showed the percentage of sheep skin gelatin is 10,12-10,77%, and the measurement of sheep skin gelatin protein showed a percentage of 70,96-72,87%. The ability of CH3COOH 2% in hydrolyzing sheep skin collagen is better than C6H8O7 2%. The highest percentage of yield and protein is at 4 hours soaking time for each type of solution.Keywords: Gelatin, Low Acid, protein, sheep skin, rendemen


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    Beras hitam sirampog varietas lokal Kabupaten Brebes memiliki sejuta khasiat, salah satunya kandungan antosianin yang baik bagi kesehatan. Komponen aktif yang dimiliki beras hitam perlu dilakukan ektraksi untuk mempermudah pengaplikasian. Metode ekstraksi MAE (Microwave Assisted Extraction) cocok digunakan untuk ekstraksi komponen yang rentan terhadap panas, karena dapat dikontrol melalui daya dan waktu ekstraksi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh daya dan lama waktu ekstraksi berbantu gelombang mikro (MAE) terhadap rendemen dan pH ekstrak beras hitam sirampog. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu variasi daya (100,175,250 watt) dan variasi waktu ekstraksi (3,6,9 menit). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Uji F dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% dan jika berpengaruh nyata dilanjutkan dengan analisis DMRT  (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) dengan taraf 95%. Hasil penelitian yaitu rendemen tertinggi (45,75%) dihasilkan pada perlakuan D2W1(175 watt dan 3 menit), sementara rendemen terendah (18,75%) pada perlakuan D3W3 (250 watt dan 9 menit). pH tertinggi (pH 6,56) dihasilkan pada perlakuan D2W3 (175 watt dan 9 menit) dan D3W3 (250 watt dan 9 menit), sementara pH terendah (6,35)  terjadi pada perlakuan D1W1 (100 watt dan 3 menit)

    Pengaruh Penambahan Udang Rebon Kering terhadap Peningkatan Kandungan Protein dan Uji Organoleptik Pada Sate Aci

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    Sate aci yang berbahan dasar tepung tapioka dapat diberikan variasi kuliner dengan penambahan udang rebon kering yang dapat memperkaya cita rasa dan zat gizi yang terkandung didalamnya. Khususnya kandungan protein dalam udang rebon kering dapat menambah kualitas gizi pada sate aci. Penelitian ini bermaksud melihat pengaruh penambahan udang rebon kering terhadap peningkatan protein serta uji organoleptik pada sate aci dengan 4 parameter yakni warna, aroma, tekstur serta rasa. Pembuatan sate aci udang rebon kering dengan 6 perlakuan penambahan udang rebon kering (0g, 10 g, 20, g, 30 g, 40 g serta 50 g) ini akan diuji dengan metode kjeldahl untuk mengetahui kandungan protein dan uji kesukaan kepada 30 panelis. Desain riset ini menerapkan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 kali ulangan. Sate aci tanpa penambahan udang rebon kering akan digunakan sebagai kontrol. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kandungan protein pada sate aci udang rebon kering dengan nilai tertinggi  7,26 % pada perlakuan penambahan udang rebon kering 50 gram. Hasil uji organoleptik dari panelis yang paling disukai dan diterima ialah pada perlakuan penambahan udang rebon kering 10 gram.Sate aci made from tapioca flour can be given culinary variations by adding dried rebon shrimp which can enrich the flavour and nutrients contained in it. Especially the protein content in dried rebon shrimp can increase the nutritional quality of aci satay. This study aims to see the effect of the addition of dried rebon shrimp on the increase in protein and organoleptic tests on aci satay with 4 parameters namely colour, aroma, texture and taste. The making of dried rebon shrimp aci satay with 6 treatments of dried rebon shrimp addition (0 g, 10 g, 20, g, 30 g, 40 g and 50 g) will be tested by kjeldahl method to determine the protein content and taste test to 30 panellists. This research design applies a completely randomised design with 4 replications. Sate aci without the addition of dried rebon shrimp will be used as a control. The results of this study showed an increase in protein content in dried rebon shrimp aci satay with the highest value of 7.26% in the treatment of adding dried rebon shrimp 50 grams. Organoleptic test results from the most preferred and accepted panellists were in the treatment of adding 10 grams of dried rebon shrimp

    Membuat aneka olahan rumput laut

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    Rumput laut merupakan salah satu potensi laut yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku industri, baik pangan maupun non pangan. Rumput laut juga dimanfaatkan menjadi berbagai macam produk olahan pangan yang memiliki cita rasa dan nilai gizi yang tinggi. Buku ini membahas tentang industri pengolahan rumput laut, sarana dan prasarana, mengenal dan memilih bahan, aneka olahan rumput laut, pengemasan dan penyimpanan, cara pemasaran dan analisis usaha.viii, 88 hlm.; ill.: 21 cm