36 research outputs found


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    Adolescents were prone’s ages to the risk behaviors. Health’s promotion was be the efforts to reduce adolescent involvement in their risk behaviors. Selected of health promotion’s media will increase the adolescents’ knowledge. The aim of the study were to determine the adolescents’ opinion about interactive’s puppet show as a health’s promotion on adolescents’ risk behaviors. The methods of the study were qualitative research with rapid assesment and use the opinion’s questionnaires as a tool. The study was conducted during the Interactive’s Puppet Show and held at Graha Indrapura Surabaya on November 2014. Samples of the study were high school’s students who present at the event. The results showed that 40 from 42 students gave their satisfi ed opinions about the interactive’s puppet show as a health’s promotion medium. The show for them as new thing, consider a very creative, interesting, funny, providing motivation and knowledge to youth-related issues as cigarettes, drugs and promiscuity. Opinions of respondents which were related to the issues were varied. The study concluded that adolescents gave positive’s opinions about puppets show and interactivediscussions as a health promotion’s medium. Adolescents had good responses to get knowledge about their problem. and interactive’s puppet show as health’s promotion models could be enjoyed and understood the content that were delivered to the audience. A good health’s promotion that could be accepted by adolescents were need to consider the topic and new alternative media for them. By holding adolescents as an equal partners was indispensable in delivered health’s promotion messages that were associated with adolescent problem itself. Abstrak Usia remaja merupakan usia rentan terhadap paparan perilaku berisiko. Promosi kesehatan adalah salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi keterlibatan remaja dalam perilaku berisiko. Pemilihan media promosi kesehatan yang tepat akan meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapat remaja terhadap pertunjukan wayang interaktif sebagai sarana promosi kesehatan tentang perilaku berisiko pada remaja. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan penilaian cepat melalui angket. Penelitian dilakukan saat pertunjukan Wayang Interaktif di Graha Indrapura pada bulan November 2014. Sampel adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas atau yang sederajat yang menghadiri acara tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 40 dari 42 siswa/siswi sekolah yang hadir menyatakan puas dengan pertunjukan wayang interaktif sebagai media promosi kesehatan. Pertunjukkan tersebut dianggap hal baru bagi remaja, kreatif, menarik, lucu, memberikan motivasi dan pengetahuan kepada remaja terkait masalah rokok, narkoba dan pergaulan bebas. Semua responden berpendapat bahwa permasalahan rokok, narkoba dan pergaulan bebas merupakan perilaku negatif, dengan alasan yang sangat bervariasi. Kesimpulannya remaja memberikan pendapat yang positif terhadap promosi kesehatan menggunakan media wayang dan diskusi interaktif. Respons remaja untuk mendapat pengetahuan tentang masalah remaja adalah baik dan model promosi kesehatan wayang interaktif bisa dinikmati dan dipahami isi materinya oleh remaja. Promosi kesehatan yang baik agar bisa diterima di kalangan remaja perlu mempertimbangkan topik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masa remaja disertai pemanfaatan media promosi kesehatan alternatif yang lebih komunikatif. Menggandeng remaja sebagai mitra yang setara diperlukan dalam penyampaian pesan promosi kesehatan terkait dengan masalah remaja itu sendiri. &nbsp

    The Effect of the 5E Learning Cycle Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Islamic Elementary School

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the 5E learning cycle model on student learning outcomes in grade IV, especially on the material life cycle of living things. The effect of this study is shown by the difference in the average student learning outcomes of the experimental class and the control class. This research is quantitative research, with a quasi-experimental design with a posttest-only control design. The population in this study were all fourth-grade students at MI Nurul Islam, a total of 109 children. The sampling technique in this study used the Simple Random Sampling technique. It is said to be simple (simple) because the collection of sample members is done randomly without regard to the strata in the population. The sample in this study was class IVA which consisted of 28 students as the experimental class, and class IVD which consisted of 27 students as the control class. In data collection techniques, researchers used documentation, observations, and tests. In this study, researchers obtained primary data by means of interviews, observations, and tests. Meanwhile, researchers obtained secondary data from several relevant journals, books, and previous research. The data analysis technique used is to test (independent t-test). Based on the results of the t-test (independent t-test), the results obtained were Sig. (2-tailed) has a value of 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is an influence between the two variables. And the correlation/relationship (R) value is 0.875. From this output, the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 76.6%. This shows that the Learning Cycle 5E learning model influences student learning outcomes by contributing 76.6%, and the rest is influenced by other variables

    Analisis Potensi Interaksi Obat Pada Pasien Geriatri Dengan Penyakit Hipertensi Di Poli Rawat Jalan RSI Ibnu Sina Padang Periode Tahun 2020

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    Hipertensi merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang ditemui meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Pasien lanjut usia berada pada risiko tertinggi karena terjadinya penurunan fungsi organ sehingga lebih mudah terserang penyakit. Penyakit hipertensi biasanya disertai dengan komplikasi penyakit lainnya sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan kejadian polifarmasi pada peresepan hipertensi. Oleh karena itu, interaksi obat kemungkinan dapat terjadi. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan studi untuk mengetahui potensi interaksi obat-obat yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi interaksi obat berdasarkan mekanisme, tingkat keparahan, dan mengetahui hubungan antara polifarmasi dengan interaksi obat. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara retrospektif menggunakan data yang bersumber dari rekam medik pasien geriatri dengan penyakit hipertensi di poli rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Islam (RSI) Ibnu Sina padang periode tahun 2020. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dan didapat sampel sebanyak 155 pasien yang termasuk ke dalam kriteria inklusi. Data penelitian dikaji secara deskriptif menggunakan literatur (Stockleys Drug Interaction, Adverse Drug Interaction) dan perangkat lunak pada Drug Interaction Checker (www.drugs.com), kemudian dianalisis menggunakan SPSS. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa jumlah potensi interaksi obat-obat yang terjadi cukup tinggi yaitu sebesar 63,2%. Pola mekanisme terbanyak adalah farmakodinamik (66,67%) dengan tingkat keparahan interaksi obat terbanyak adalah moderate (88%). Penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara polifarmasi dan interaksi obat (p=0,000)

    The Availability and Properness of the Health Care Facilities for Waste Handling Based on Indonesian Topography and Geo

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    Background: medical facilities research (Rifakes) 2011 was performed to know a comprehensive image about thegovernment health care facilities as a plan in medical service development that fi ts with the society needs. Although healthcenter was already available, but the availability and the properness of the health care facilities were not spread evenly,such as waste handling facilities. The aim of this research is analyzing the availability and the properness of waste handlingin health center based on demography and geography in Indonesia. Methods: This research is a secondary data analysisof Rifakes 2011 about the availability and the properness of waste handling in health center. The data analysis was donein univariat and bivariat. The correlation between the properness of waste handling and the isolation of an area was testedwith spearmann correlation. The correlation between the properness of waste handling of health care in archipelago and ofthat in frontier area was tested with mann whitney test. Results: More than a half ( 66,8%) of the waste handling of healthcenter is already available, yet with improper category ( 72,7% ). There is a signifi cant correlation between the propernessof waste handling with a location topography ( isolation area, archipelago, and frontier area ). The improper waste handlingis especially in rural area with 80, 6%, whereas in city with 5,7%. Conclusion: There is a signifi cant correlation between theproperness of waste handling in health center with topographical and geographical condition. Recommendation: Wastemanagement in health centers should be more serious attention and handling, availability WWTP, feasibility of handlingthe waste, and if possible waste minimalisali clinic

    (Correlation Between Family Social Economy Status and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Tanah Kali Kedinding Public Health Centre, Surabaya)

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    Background: The result of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas 2010) showed that the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months were lower than the exclusive breastfeeding coverage target in Indonesia that is 80%. One of the factor that assumed can affect the continuity of exclusive breastfeeding is social economy condition. Methods: This study was a descriptive research with cross sectional design. Samples were taken from population who were mothers with 6-12 months old children within the area of Puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding on 2011. Closed quistionnaire was used to collect data and analyzed with Chi Square. The aim of the study was described the correlation between social economy factors and exclusive breastfeeding on babies. Result: Only a small portion of respondents that had good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding. There was a significant correlation between good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with exclusive breastfeeding practice. There was a significant correlation between vocational status of mother and knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding with exclusive breastfeeding practice. There was no significant correlation between education level and family income with exclusive breastfeeding practice. Conclusions: The scope of exclusive breastfeeding must be enhanced. Poor of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding and working mothers influence the low level of exclusive breastfeeding practice. Recomendation: Increasing knowledge of mothers and families about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, preparation and technical, as well as how storage and giving stored breastfeeding to the baby. Working mothers should try to give the exclusive breastfeeding which it must be facilitated by the company


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    Baby blues are often ignore so that it is undiagnose and untreate well. This situation can be a problem, because baby blues can progress to more severe emotional disorder that is postpartum depression and even postpartum psychosis. Baby blues can interfere the mother in doing her role as mother, obstruct the producing of oxytocin hormone which is causes the producing of ASI to be reduce. This research is aimed to analyze the relationship between mothers’ knowledge about baby blues, birth process and parity with baby blues at RSIA Srikandi IBI in Jember District.The study was done on 4 October to 3 November 2016 with the type of analytic quantitative research bysectional approach. The total samples were 69 respondents.The analysis of data in this research used the chi square test with 95% significant level (α = 0.05).The analysis result showed that there was no relationship between the level of knowledge about baby and the incident of baby blues at RSIA Srikandi IBI in Jember District (p value = 0.965). The analysis also showed that there was a relationship between birth process and parity with the incident of baby blues at RSIA Srikandi IBI in Jember District (p value 0.002 <0.05) and (p value 0.005 <0.05).                 Keywords: Baby blues, Knowledge, Birth process, Parit


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    Objective: Hypertension is a degenerative disease that increases with age. Elderly patients are at the highest risk due to organ function decreasing. Therefore, drug interactions are possible. This study determined the potential drug interactions, which aimed to assess the potential for drug interactions based on the mechanism and severity, and next, to determine the relationship between polypharmacy and drug interactions. Methods: This research was conducted retrospectively using data from medical records of geriatric patients with hypertension at the outpatient polyclinic of RSI Ibnu Sina Padang for 2021. Purposive sampling was used in this study. Results: A sample of 155 patients was included in the inclusion criteria. The data were checked using Stockleys Drug Interaction, Adverse Drug Interaction, and software on the Drug Interaction Checker (www. drugs. com), then analyzed descriptively using SPSS. The results showed that the number of potential drug-drug interactions was quite high at 63.2%. The most common mechanism pattern is pharmacodynamics (66.67%), with the highest severity of drug interactions being moderate (88%). The study showed a significant association between polypharmacy and drug interactions (p=0.000). Conclusion: The active role of pharmacists is expected in monitoring drug use that can potentially cause drug interactions. This action can prevent unwanted events associated with concurrent drug use


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mengetahui kelayakan media puzzle Matematika berbasis kearifan lokal pada materi bangun datar di kelas IV SDN Ketangi dan mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penggunaan media puzzle Matematika berbasis kearifan lokal pada materi bangun datar di kelas IV SDN Ketangi. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development ) dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas IV SDN Ketangi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan model 4D yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. Pada tahap define dilakukan analisis kebutuhan, kurikulum, tugas maupun konsep. Pada tahap design dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan referensi, mengumpulkan draf, menyusun materi dan layout. Pada tahap develop dilakukan dengan untuk membuat desain produk menjadi produk dan memvalidasi produk secara berulang hingga dihasilkan produk yang valid dan sesuai yang diinginkan dan diuji cobakan dengan uji coba terbatas 8 siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan teknik analisis data kuantitatif. Pada tahap disseminate penelitian tidak sampai pada tahap penyebaran, hal ini dikarenakan adanya banyak faktor yang ditemui. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian validasi kelayakan media puzzle Matematika berbasis kearifan lokal pada materi bangun datar oleh ahli materi mendapat nilai 3,6 dengan kategori sangat layak, ahli media mendapat nilai 3,6 dengan kategori sangat layak, dan penilaian dari praktisi mendapat 3,84 dengan kategori sangat layak, sehingga media puzzle Matematika berbasis kearifan lokal pada materi bangun datar sangat layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Media diuji cobakan kepada siswa untuk mendapatkan respon siswa dengan aspek penerapan dan tampilan media puzzle yang dikembangkan. Kedua aspek tersebut mendapat skor keseluruhan 183 dari 192 skor maksimal dengan persentase 95,31%, dengan demikian respon siswa terhadap media puzzle matematika berbasis kearifan lokal pada materi bangun datar mendapat nilai keseluruhan dengan kategori sangat baik