19 research outputs found

    Gambaran lakon dalam serial kover komik "si buta dari gua hantu” sebagai gaya khas karakter cerita bergambar di Indonesia

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    Understanding "Lakon" in the Indonesian language has a role as a main character in the picture stories, novels or fiction. Main Character itself has the concept as a determinant of the storyline, how telling groove forward and pullback in the sequel comics or picture stories, besides the description of the comic story of course has a representation of the culture of each place either county or state, so it is not uncommon in the play appears images of the character of a nation. Research Overview Lakon titled In Cover series Comic "The Blind From Ghost Cave", As Illustrated Story Typical Style in Indonesia ", using qualitative analysis methods, with Pierce as analysis. This study chose case studies cover of the comic series "The Blind From Cave Ghost" reprinted edition no 1, to determine the model picture that appears in the creation story comic character who was legendary in Indonesia. Keyword: (Lakon) The Main Character, Social Representations, Semioti


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    Abdi Dalem Punakawan possessed by Karaton Jogjakarta is a part on a Royal Kingdom is very special and interesting, to grasp and understand in depth the principles and philosophy of life. This said to be so exceptional as not wanting to get more salary, and abounds yet more to the quest for peace and tranquility as well as the priceless honor anywhere. It was need of sincerity and steadiness high to be a Abdi Dalem Punakawan, because actually no compulsion to be an Abdi Dalem. Their work serve the Karaton did was purely call from deepest heart, until they are willing to sacrifice the time and ability even though the wages earned are not worth it. The purpose of this design is to spread on audience about philosophy, and wishes of life by those in inside or outside Karaton with a concept “Modernity Visualization of Dedication“. This is interesting to understood there is no one essay photo book theme as these in the market


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    Astabasu is the story of the Mahabharata is puppet art and culture, in particular the local and becomes the nation’s heritage of Indonesia. Progress and the technology advances of making art puppet much forgotten by some of society. An example of a lot of forgotten puppet is Astabasu, many people don’t know that Astabasu is the origin of the existence of a local superhero who exists in Indonesia such as Gatotkaca, Arjuna, Bisma, and others. Although Astabasu also in the India story.but too many changes and modification story of the cultural Indonesia especially of Java. Astabasu tells the story of eight Gods down to earth and from that, appearing figure Gods who descend to earth and from there, the true Gods figure appears named Bisma as the lead parts. A lot of people who have yet to recognize the figure of Bisma, but figures like Arjuna, Gatotkaca is widely known to the public as a superhero. Moreover many young generation who forget story of wayang. Media Indonesia’s culture as the introduction can be through a variety of media, namely graphic novel is which is a very easy to read media reach nd closest to the community, and of the various generations of younger generations. Keyword: Graphic Novel, Astabasu, Bism


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    Designing OtoPlus Special Edition Tabloid Honda Motor Classic CB, as an alternative to reading tabloid media, it describes the content and delivery of the actual source of news about Honda CB. This description covers the history of Honda, Honda CB modification trends, events, and Honda CB motorcycle community in the city of Surabaya. In making this special edition tabloid expected contents include all discussions about Honda CB. Later this tabloid will be addressed to the fans and community of Honda CB, as well as being an information for the next generation who want to know about the Honda CB. Keywords: Tabloids, Special Edition Honda CB


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    The rise of the development attraction in surabaya could have an impact on the old tourist attraction, like an amusement park and zoo. Whereas the community need open spaces to learning fasilities especially with family. Many tourist attractions which experienced a decline of the quality and quantity of visitors due to internal and external factor, and will experience the death of a brand. If in blow up to the media and form negative assumtions, and will be a visitors consideration. Field observasion, questionnaire, consumer journey is the metode research use to search data, steeped in the issue, looking for a solution and formulate a strategy that will be used to solve the problem. Rebranding is one way to revive and and giving more value for a brand to rebuild an emotional relationship with audience, by replacing or recycling concept(and) represent with new logo and visual identity that are relevant with their audienc


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    Disadari atau tidak pengaruh globlalisasi yang semakin pesat ini merambat pula pada bidang agama, tepatnya nilai-nilai agama dan moral yang sedikit demi sedikit mengalami kepudaran. Memang di sisi lain, globalisasi cukup menguntungkan tetapi terkadang perkembangan ini membawa perilaku yang cenderung ke arah yang negatif. Terkait dengan tujuan tersebut, kompetensi dan hasil belajar yang ingin dicapai pada anak usia dini adalah kemampuan melakukan ibadah, mengenal dan percaya akan ciptaan Tuhan dan mencintai sesama. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan beberapa media untuk membantu memberikan pelajaran agama. Salah satu media yang dapat mengajarkan nilai- nilai agama kepada anak-anak usia dini, salah satunya yaitu dengan menggunakan media audio visual atau yang biasa disebut dengan film, khususnya film edukasi animasi dengan teknik stop-motion


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    Potensi budaya yang ada di Kota Jember sangatlah banyak dan menarik, mulai dari wisata alam sampai dengan wisata budayanya. Banyak wisatawan yang datang untuk menikmati keindahan alam sampai dengan budaya yang ada disana. Namun, masih belum ada media yang memberikan informasi yang lengkap mengenai potensi wisata yang ada di Kota Jember. Salah satu media yang efektif untuk menyampaikan informasi tersebut adalah buku. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mengenai buku panduan wisata kota Jember


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    Semakin berkembanganya dunia teknologi, semakin berkembang pula cara berkomunikasi antar sesama manusia. Tidak semua perkembangan tersebut membawa pengaruh positif. Salah satu pengaruh negatid dari perkembangan tersebut adalah cyberbullying. Cyberbullying banyak terjadi di masyarakat, namun kurang mendapatkan perhatian khusus dari masyarakat. Salah satu media yang digunakan untuk menyadarkan masyarakat akan bahaya cyberbullying adalah dengan menggunakan media iklan layanan masyarakat. Dalam tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai iklan layanan masyarakat tentang cyberbullying


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    Chinatown is a residential area by Chinese people or Chinese descent. A part from being a place to live and trade, the region also has elements of Chinese it self. Chinatown area of the city of Surabaya is a historic district that still keep good fortune in terms of architectural, cultural, social and Surabaya Chinese community. But now, Surabaya Chinatown better known by the public as a commercial district. This is unfortunate, considering the number of Chinese elements in the Chinatown area is already attached and can blend in with Surabaya less known by the general public, and even by the natives the next generation of Chinese society it self. Observations, in-depth interviews, and the study of literature is the method used to formulate the problem and find solutions to these problems. Etnofotografi book is one medium that is hoped will be able to provide information to the public regarding the Chinese culture in Chinatown in Surabaya, which form a collection of photography


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    Batik jetisan adalah salah satu batik yang terbaik di Sidoarjo. Namun, batik ini kurang dikenal masyarakat. Hal ini dipengaruhi kurangnya perhatian pemerintah terhadap batik ini, sehingga promosi untuk batik ini pun kurang. Salah satu promosi yang efektif adalah dengan menggunakan media buku. Dalam tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai buku batik jetisa