


Chinatown is a residential area by Chinese people or Chinese descent. A part from being a place to live and trade, the region also has elements of Chinese it self. Chinatown area of the city of Surabaya is a historic district that still keep good fortune in terms of architectural, cultural, social and Surabaya Chinese community. But now, Surabaya Chinatown better known by the public as a commercial district. This is unfortunate, considering the number of Chinese elements in the Chinatown area is already attached and can blend in with Surabaya less known by the general public, and even by the natives the next generation of Chinese society it self. Observations, in-depth interviews, and the study of literature is the method used to formulate the problem and find solutions to these problems. Etnofotografi book is one medium that is hoped will be able to provide information to the public regarding the Chinese culture in Chinatown in Surabaya, which form a collection of photography

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