254 research outputs found

    A Lorentz-Poincar\'e type interpretation of the Weak Equivalence Principle

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    The validity of the Weak Equivalence Principle relative to a local inertial frame is detailed in a scalar-vector gravitation model with Lorentz-Poincar\'e type interpretation. Given the previously established first Post-Newtonian concordance of dynamics with General Relativity, the principle is to this order compatible with GRT. The gravitationally modified Lorentz transformations, on which the observations in physical coordinates depend, are shown to provide a physical interpretation of \emph{parallel transport}. A development of ``geodesic'' deviation in terms of the present model is given as well.Comment: v1: 9 pages, 2 figures, v2: version to appear in International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Isolation and characterisation of plant defensins from seeds of Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Hippocastanaceae and Saxifragaceae

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    AbstractFrom seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum, Clitoria ternatea, Dahlia merckii and Heuchera sanguinea five antifungal proteins were isolated and shown to be homologous to plant defensins previously characterised from radish seeds and γ-thionins from Poaceae seeds. Based on the spectrum of their antimicriobial activity and the morphological distortions they induce on fungi the peptides can be divided into two classes. The peptides did not inhibit any of three different α-amylases

    On a modified-Lorentz-transformation based gravity model confirming basic GRT experiments

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    Implementing Poincar\'e's `geometric conventionalism' a scalar Lorentz-covariant gravity model is obtained based on gravitationally modified Lorentz transformations (or GMLT). The modification essentially consists of an appropriate space-time and momentum-energy scaling ("normalization") relative to a nondynamical flat background geometry according to an isotropic, nonsingular gravitational `affecting' function Phi(r). Elimination of the gravitationally `unaffected' S_0 perspective by local composition of space-time GMLT recovers the local Minkowskian metric and thus preserves the invariance of the locally observed velocity of light. The associated energy-momentum GMLT provides a covariant Hamiltonian description for test particles and photons which, in a static gravitational field configuration, endorses the four `basic' experiments for testing General Relativity Theory: gravitational i) deflection of light, ii) precession of perihelia, iii) delay of radar echo, iv) shift of spectral lines. The model recovers the Lagrangian of the Lorentz-Poincar\'e gravity model by Torgny Sj\"odin and integrates elements of the precursor gravitational theories, with spatially Variable Speed of Light (VSL) by Einstein and Abraham, and gravitationally variable mass by Nordstr\"om.Comment: v1: 14 pages, extended version of conf. paper PIRT VIII, London, 2002. v2: section added on effective tensorial rank, references added, appendix added, WEP issue deleted, abstract and other parts rewritten, same results (to appear in Found. Phys.

    A spatially-VSL gravity model with 1-PN limit of GRT

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    A scalar gravity model is developed according the 'geometric conventionalist' approach introduced by Poincare (Einstein 1921, Poincare 1905, Reichenbach 1957, Gruenbaum1973). In principle this approach allows an alternative interpretation and formulation of General Relativity Theory (GRT), with distinct i) physical congruence standard, and ii) gravitation dynamics according Hamilton-Lagrange mechanics, while iii) retaining empirical indistinguishability with GRT. In this scalar model the congruence standards have been expressed as gravitationally modified Lorentz Transformations (Broekaert 2002). The first type of these transformations relate quantities observed by gravitationally 'affected' (natural geometry) and 'unaffected' (coordinate geometry) observers and explicitly reveal a spatially variable speed of light (VSL). The second type shunts the unaffected perspective and relates affected observers, recovering i) the invariance of the locally observed velocity of light, and ii) the local Minkowski metric (Broekaert 2003). In the case of a static gravitation field the model retrieves the phenomenology implied by the Schwarzschild metric. The case with proper source kinematics is now described by introduction of a 'sweep velocity' field w: The model then provides a hamiltonian description for particles and photons in full accordance with the first Post-Newtonian approximation of GRT (Weinberg 1972, Will 1993).Comment: v1: 11 pages, GR17 conf. paper, Dublin 2004, v2: WEP issue solved, section on acceleration transformation added, text improved, more references, same results, v3: typos removed, footnotes, added and references updated, v4: appendix added, improved tex

    Effects of a wheat bran extract containing arabinoxylan oligosaccharides on gastrointestinal health parameters in healthy adult human volunteers : a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial

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    Wheat bran extract (WBE) is a food-grade soluble fibre preparation that is highly enriched in arabinoxylan oligosaccharides. In this placebo-controlled cross-over human intervention trial, tolerance and effects on colonic protein and carbohydrate fermentation were studied. After a 1-week run-in period, sixty-three healthy adult volunteers consumed 3, 10 and 0 g WBE/d for 3 weeks in a random order, with 2 weeks' washout between each treatment period. Fasting blood samples were collected at the end of the run-in period and at the end of each treatment period for analysis of haematological and clinical chemistry parameters. Additionally, subjects collected a stool sample for analysis of microbiota, SCFA and pH. A urine sample, collected over 48 h, was used for analysis of p-cresol and phenol content. Finally, the subjects completed questionnaires scoring occurrence frequency and distress severity of eighteen gastrointestinal symptoms. Urinary p-cresol excretion was significantly decreased after WBE consumption at 10 g/d. Faecal bifidobacteria levels were significantly increased after daily intake of 10 g WBE. Additionally, WBE intake at 10 g/d increased faecal SCFA concentrations and lowered faecal pH, indicating increased colonic fermentation of WBE into desired metabolites. At 10 g/d, WBE caused a mild increase in flatulence occurrence frequency and distress severity and a tendency for a mild decrease in constipation occurrence frequency. In conclusion, WBE is well tolerated at doses up to 10 g/d in healthy adults volunteers. Intake of 10 g WBE/d exerts beneficial effects on gut health parameters

    Co‐designing the Cabriotraining : a training for transdisciplinary teams

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    Accessible summary The research was conducted by a team of researchers. Some of the researchers have experience of living with a disability. The researchers created training for other research teams that include experts by experience. The training has six parts. To decide what happened in the training, the researchers read articles and asked the research teams they trained about what problems they had and what they wanted to know about. The article tells why and how the training was made. It also says what training is needed for researchers with and without disabilities to learn and work together in a way that feels safe and useful. In developing and providing the training, it was very crucial to search for a safe and welcome space for all people involved (Figure 8). As we don't know what is "safe" for the other, this means we have to search together, in respect and with enough time to get to know each other. Background Researchers collected questions and needs for training from 10 inclusive research projects in the Netherlands. Based on literature research and the information collected, six training modules were developed. Researchers sought to learn how to develop and provide training and coaching to inclusive teams on organising collaboration in the different stages of their research projects. Method An iterative training development process to support inclusive research projects was initiated by a research duo backed by a transdisciplinary team including researchers, trainers and designers. Some members of the team have experiential knowledge based on living with a disability. Results Literature research resulted in four guiding theories, including Universal Design for Learning, Derrida's concept of Hospitality, post-materialist theory looking at agency as an assemblage, and Romiszowski's model situated within Instructional Design theory. Insights gained during development of the training modules are documented with text, figures and vignettes. A core finding was the need to add "Level Zero" to Romiszowski's model: a collective term created for all the interacting issues trainers had to consider because of research group diversity. Conclusions Hospitality formed the heart of "Level Zero." Creating a failure-free space for learning is an important pre-condition for the development and organisation of training. Training can inspire exploration and reflection on collaboration and can illuminate how to conduct research within transdisciplinary teams. Essential practices included working with nonverbal research methods, as these are (more) fit for purpose when including the knowledge of experts by experience and incorporating practice- and stakeholder-based knowledge