261 research outputs found

    Design Patterns for Fusion-Based Object Retrieval

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    We address the task of ranking objects (such as people, blogs, or verticals) that, unlike documents, do not have direct term-based representations. To be able to match them against keyword queries, evidence needs to be amassed from documents that are associated with the given object. We present two design patterns, i.e., general reusable retrieval strategies, which are able to encompass most existing approaches from the past. One strategy combines evidence on the term level (early fusion), while the other does it on the document level (late fusion). We demonstrate the generality of these patterns by applying them to three different object retrieval tasks: expert finding, blog distillation, and vertical ranking.Comment: Proceedings of the 39th European conference on Advances in Information Retrieval (ECIR '17), 201

    Looking at things differently: Exploring perspective recall for informal text retrieval

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    When retrieving informal text such as blogs, comments, contributions to discussion forums, users often want to uncover different perspectives on a given issue. To help uncover perspectives, we examine the use of query expansion against multiple external corpora. We consider two informal text retrieval tasks: blog post finding and blog finding. We operationalize the idea of uncovering multiple perspectives by query expansion against multiple corpora from different genres. We use two approaches to incorporate these perspectives: as a rank-based combination of runs and a mixture of query models. The use of external sources does indeed generate different views on a topic as becomes clear from the unique relevant results identified by the expanded runs compared to the baseline run. Even after combining the expanded run with the original run, unique relevant documents are found by both of the perspectives. As to the combination methods, the mixture of query models outperforms the rank combination, and leads to significant improvements in MAP score over the baseline

    From blogs to news: identifying hot topics in the blogosphere

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    Abstract: We describe the participation of the University of Amsterdam’s ILPS group in the blog track at TREC 2009. We focus on the top sto-ries identification task, and take an approach that does not require the headlines of top stories to be known beforehand. We explore the feasibility of a so-called blogs to news approach: given a date and a set of blog posts, identify the main topics for that date. This approach is more general than just find-ing top stories, but it can still be applied to the task of headline ranking. Results show that this general approach, applied to the task at hand, is among the top performing approaches in this year’s TREC.

    Topical diversity and relevance feedback

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