3,660 research outputs found

    Comparison of models and lattice-gas simulations for Liesegang patterns

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    For more than a century Liesegang patterns -- self-organized, quasi-periodic structures occurring in diffusion-limited chemical reactions with two components -- have been attracting scientists. The pattern formation can be described by four basic empirical laws. In addition to many experiments, several models have been devised to understand the formation of the bands and rings. Here we review the most important models and complement them with detailed three-dimensional lattice-gas simulations. We show how the mean-field predictions can be reconciled with experimental data by a redefinition of the distances suggested by our lattice-gas simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in EPJ Special Topic

    Relaxation properties of the quantum kinetics of carrier-LO-phonon interaction in quantum wells and quantum dots

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    The time evolution of optically excited carriers in semiconductor quantum wells and quantum dots is analyzed for their interaction with LO-phonons. Both the full two-time Green's function formalism and the one-time approximation provided by the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz are considered, in order to compare their description of relaxation processes. It is shown that the two-time quantum kinetics leads to thermalization in all the examined cases, which is not the case for the one-time approach in the intermediate-coupling regime, even though it provides convergence to a steady state. The thermalization criterion used is the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Solving the Chemical Master Equation for Monomolecular Reaction Systems Analytically

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    The stochastic dynamics of a well-stirred mixture of molecular species interacting through different biochemical reactions can be accurately modelled by the chemical master equation (CME). Research in the biology and scientific computing community has concentrated mostly on the development of numerical techniques to approximate the solution of the CME via many realizations of the associated Markov jump process. The domain of exact and/or efficient methods for directly solving the CME is still widely open, which is due to its large dimension that grows exponentially with the number of molecular species involved. In this article, we present an exact solution formula of the CME for arbitrary initial conditions in the case where the underlying system is governed by monomolecular reactions. The solution can be expressed in terms of the convolution of multinomial and product Poisson distributions with time-dependent parameters evolving according to the traditional reaction-rate equations. This very structured representation allows to deduce easily many properties of the solution. The model class includes many interesting examples. For more complex reaction systems, our results can be seen as a first step towards the construction of new numerical integrators, because solutions to the monomolecular case provide promising ansatz functions for Galerkin-type methods

    Modeling for Active Control of Combustion and Thermally Driven Oscillations

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    Organized oscillations excited and sustained by high densities of energy release in combustion chambers have long caused serious problems in development of propulsion systems. The amplitudes often become sufficiently large to cause unacceptable structural vibrations. Because the oscillations are self-excited, they reach limiting amplitudes (limit cycles) only because of the action of nonlinear processes. Traditionally, satisfactory behavior has been achieved through a combination of trial-and-error design and testing, with control always involving passive means: geometrical modifications, changes of propellant composition, or devices to enhance dissipation of acoustic energy. Active control has been applied only to small-scale laboratory devices, but the limited success suggests the possibility of serious applications to full-scale propulsion systems. Realization of that potential rests on further experimental work, combined with deeper understanding of the mechanisms causing the oscillations and of the physical behavior of the systems. Effective design of active control systems will require faithful modeling of the relevant processes over broad frequency ranges covering the spectra of natural modes. This paper will cover the general character of the linear and nonlinear behavior of combustion systems, with special attention to acoustics and the mechanisms of excitation. The discussion is intended to supplement the paper by Doyle et al. concerned primarily with controls issues and the observed behavior of simple laboratory devices

    Photon Momentum Transfer in Single-Photon Double Ionization of Helium

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    We theoretically and experimentally investigate the photon momentum transfer in single-photon double ionization of helium at various large photon energies. We find that the forward shifts of the momenta along the light propagation of the two photoelectrons are roughly proportional to their fraction of the excess energy. The mean value of the forward momentum is about 8/5 of the electron energy divided by the speed of light. This holds for fast and slow electrons despite the fact that the energy sharing is highly asymmetric and the slow electron is known to be ejected by secondary processes of shake off and knockout rather than directly taking its energy from the photon. The biggest deviations from this rule are found for the region of equal energy sharing where the quasifree mechanism dominates double ionization

    Atrial natiuretic peptide release at rest and with exercise after cardiac transplantation with bicaval anastomoses

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    AbstractBicaval anastomoses in orthotopic cardiac transplantation offer the advantage of preserving the right atrial geometry. To elucidate the impact of this anastomotic technique on atrial natriuretic peptide plasma levels at rest and with exercise, nine patients were submitted to a symptom-limited supine exercise test. Atrial natriuretic peptide plasma levels in samples obtained from the right atrium were elevated at rest (274.4 ± 60.4 pg/ml), at peak exercise (438.1 ± 71.7 pg/ml), and thereafter (328.1 ± 71.2 pg/ml) with respect to normal reference values of 21 ± 1 pg/ml at rest and 92 ± 14 at peak exercise. Renin, angiotensin, and aldosterone plasma levels were almost normal and did not indicate any pathologic processes in volume homeoostasis. Right-sided hemodynamic parameters were not correlated with atrial natriuretic peptide secretion. An adverse relationship between cold ischemic time of the donor organ and atrial natriuretic peptide release was found ( r = 0.88, p < 0.0008), indicating that endocrine cardiocytes are sensitive to prolonged ischemia. Atrial natriuretic peptide release may thus be independent of the surgical approach, and other unique characteristics of the transplanted heart, such as denervation, are more likely to be responsible for elevated atrial natriuretic peptide plasma concentrations after orthotopic heart transplantation. (J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1995;110:1600-5

    Intraocular pressure fluctuations in professional brass and woodwind musicians during common playing conditions.

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the effects on intraocular pressure (IOP) and blood pressure (BP) of playing brass and woodwind instruments by monitoring IOP and BP in a representative group of professional musicians under a variety of common playing conditions. METHODS: IOP and BP measurements were recorded from 37 brass and 15 woodwind instrument players, before and after playing tones of low, middle and high frequency. We also measured IOP and BP before and during playing common exercises of 10 minutes duration, as well as after playing a sustained high-pitched tone, to test for changes in IOP under conditions of maximum effort. RESULTS: Playing tones on brass and woodwind instruments causes a temporary elevation in IOP and BP, depending on the tone frequency: brass instrument players showed a significant elevation after playing high and middle frequency tones (p < 0.0001) whereas woodwind instrument players showed a significant increase only for high frequencies (e.g., oboe, 17 ± 2.9 mm Hg to 21 ± 4.4 mm Hg; p = 0.017). Playing a typical exercise of 10 minutes temporarily increased IOP in both groups of musicians. Finally, playing a sustained tone of high pitch caused a significant elevation in IOP in brass instrument players only (16.6 ± 3.5 mm Hg to 23.3 ± 8.9 mm Hg; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The temporary and sometimes dramatic elevations and fluctuations in IOP observed in this study, coupled with daily exposure to instrument play, puts professional wind instrument players at increased risk of developing glaucoma. Consequently, these musicians should be monitored for signs of glaucoma, especially those with co-existing risk factors
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