24 research outputs found

    Razvoj modela integracije inovativnog liderstva i efektivnog menadžmenta kvalitetom primenom fuzzy ahp metode i metode genetskog algoritma

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    Da bi današnja mala i srednja preduzeća mogla da se prilagode svakodnevnim promenama, neophodno je da se stalno usavršavaju sa ciljem da ponude kvalitetne proizvode/usluge i na taj način zadovolje potrebe i zahteve svojih korisnika. To zahteva novi tip lidera koji će imati nove ideje i snagu koja je neophodna da preduzeća postanu uspešna i da opstanu na tržištu. Dosadašnja iskustva u radu sa preduzećima ukazuju na činjenicu da ne postoji dovoljna veza između liderstva i menadžmenta kvalitetom, jer se liderske karakteristike iskazuju mnogo više u drugom obliku kada je u pitanju poslovanje organizacija, a mnogo manje u domenu menadžmenta kvalitetom. Sprovedeno je istraživanje u 148 preduzeća na teritoriji Republike Srbije sa ciljem da se istraži i analizira sadašnje stanje uticaja inovativnih lidera i efektivnih menadžera, kroz upravljanje kvalitetom na održivi uspeh i poslovnu izvrsnost preduzeća u Srbiji, kao i da se identifikuju faktori koji utiču na održivi uspeh i poslovnu izvrsnost. Predmet istraživanja disertacije jeste upravo analiza procesa liderstva i menadžmenta kvalitetom i njihov uticaj na poslovnu izvrsnost i održivi uspeh. Osnovni ciljevi disertacije jesu da se ustanovi da li su: inovativno liderstvo, efektivni menadžment kvalitetom, poslovna izvrsnost i održivi uspeh, ključni faktori liderske pozicije malih i srednjih preduzeća, tj. da se istraži i kritički oceni nivo liderstva u našim preduzećima. Modeliranje i ocenjivanje performansi izvršeno je primenom Fuzzy AHP metode, dok se metodom genetskog algoritma došlo do optimalnog rešenja. Rezultatima koji su dobijeni nakon istraživanja potvrđene su postavljene hipoteze i utvrđen je prostor za dalja istraživanja, koja su predstavljena u zaključnim razmatranjima doktorske disertacije.In order for small and medium enterprises to adapt to everyday changes, it is necessary for them to continuously develop with the aim of offering higher quality products/services, and thus satisfying the needs and demands of their clients. This requires a new type of leaders, who would have new ideas and the strength necessary to make the enterprises successful and to continue their existence on the market. Previous experience in working with enterprises point to the fact that there is insufficient connection between leadership and quality management, since leadership characteristics are largely expressed in other form, concerning business organisation, and much less in the quality management domain. Research has been conducted in 148 enterprises in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, aimed at studying and analysing the current influence of innovative leaders and effective managers, through quality management on sustainable success and business excellence of Serbian enterprises, and at identifying the factors influencing the sustainable success and business excellence. The subject of the dissertation is analysing the processes of leadership and quality management, and their influence on business excellence and sustainable success. The primary goals of the dissertation are to establish whether: innovative leadership, effective quality management, business excellence and sustainable success are the key factors for the leading position of small and medium enterprises, i.e. to study and critically evaluate the level of leadership in our enterprises. Modelling and evaluating performances has been done by using the Fuzzy AHP method, while the genetic algorithm was used to reach the optimal solution. The final research results confirm the initial hypothesis and establish room for further research, presented in the concluding deliberations of the doctoral dissertation

    Competitiveness and Development of National Economy

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    This paper examines the relation between the two, may be the most pressing, phenomena of the world economy: competitiveness and development. Of course both can be interpreted in several ways, but the most operative way is to consider competitivenes by the methodology of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index, and the development by the gross of domestic product per population. The intent is to determine what is the conection between these two indicators in general, and to pass the question in such a way, and to establish a methodology for further analysis of individual groups of countries considered in the report of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness in the world. Therefore, we use correlation analysis between the observed indicators for the economy after 2005, since the above-mentioned study and implement competitiveness, with an accent on the last mid-term because of current events. The answer to the question: what is the relationship between these indicators in the timeline for all countries concerned is excpected. It is also important for the countries of the former Yugoslavia as a guide in the efforts to retrieve the position in the world economy

    Innovative global companies : some case studies

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    The world economy is becoming increasingly global and the magnitude of the globalization trend is so large that it is creating complexities for the managers and leaders of the organizations. Globalization brings both benefits and challenges for the organizations and striking a right balance between the two is critical for the organizations to succeed in the global marketplace. This paper aims to study and discuss the significance of globalization for organizations. The study is aimed at the complexities of the global environment and the competitiveness of the organizations. The paper elaborates the types of global organizations, followed by the role of managers and leaders in managing global organizations. The study also includes the role of the international business environment in the context of the global strategy of companies. Finally, an attempt has been made to study the importance of managing a culturally diverse workforce in a global organization. The method of study is primarily a literature survey and the websites of some of the organizations. The study proves the point that globalization is inevitable in the present economic scenario. Hence, companies that can adapt faster to this trend of globalization by adopting suitable management techniques will have a competitive advantage. The organizations need to strike a right balance between the challenges and the benefits of globalization and the four basic areas for striking the right balance are cost, strategy, people and risk

    A leaders’s influence on the definition and implementation of strategy in organizations

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    In modern business conditions, the success of an organization is connected to the leader skills and abilities. Leadership becomes more important every day due to the requests of a turbulent and variable environment which can be satisfied only by organizations led by leaders able to harmonize the leading of the organization with the real situation within it. Thus leaders, through their behavior and skills influence, define and implement organization strategy to a large extent

    Prediction in social sciences

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    Considerable interest has been shown over recent decades in the application of quantitative methods in social sciences. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ability to make predictions in social sciences with a focus on economics. Quantification of social and economic phenomena from the start of application had a lot of supporters but even more opponents, mathematics and methodological knowledge have passed the test of time and have lost none of their importance to the present day. The paper concludes that, forecasts may more desirable for many reasons. Namely, a better and more complete understanding of future trends and their effects will improve theories and models in economics and other social sciences. These improvements will greatly benefit those who explicitly seek to create a "ready society.

    The Importance of Information and Communication Technologies in the Development of Women Entrepreneurship

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    Global trends in the labor market have led to an increase in women's participation in entrepreneurship so that women entrepreneurship is increasingly expanding. As information and communication technologies in recent years experienced a big rise, they spread opportunities to access markets in large numbers and thus reduce barriers to access to information and the costs of the classical business. The rapid spread of information and communication technology offers tremendous opportunities and poses a special challenge for the empowerment of women because women are the ones who have time constraints and reduced mobility. The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of information and communication technologies in the development of women entrepreneurship and to point out the opportunities for its development of their application. This study concluded that the use of computers by women and men have only confirmed the need to constantly point to the benefits of using information and communication technologies in the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of female entrepreneurship

    Innovations in the function of developing competitiveness and efficiency in the Republic of Serbia

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    According to the Report on competitiveness made by World Economic Forum for the year 2012, Serbia takes the 95th place on the list that comprises 144 countries. The leading places at the list are taken by countries which are led by innovations and which invest in innovations, because they are extremely significant factor of competitiveness, both at the national and global markets. For every entrepreneurial activity, innovations are a challenge and it is also crucial to connect technical possibilities to the needs of a market. Since SMEs are potential generator of new ideas and innovations it is very important to create possibilities for development of innovative activities in this sector. This paper shows the significance of innovations and the development of innovative activities in Serbia with the aim of improving the competitiveness and efficiency of the economic system of the Republic of Serbia

    Making the choice of a business strategy which will be stimulating for employees

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    Motivation is a learned skill. It requires the understanding of not only the desires of subordinates, but the biases of those charged with steering the organization which the subordinates serve. This design permits an unbiased approach toward developing goals that not only continue to motivate but serve to meet any organization’s long standing goals. Motivation is one of the most effective strategies to increase productivity and satisfaction in the workplace. Motivation can be challenging when employees belong to different generations, since different generations have different incentives and opportunities. In this paper we present some of the current strategies to motivate employees from younger generations in the current present environment, where the majority of the workforce is occupied by Baby boomers. Our paper is especially focused on the importance of creating a future strategy, designed to motivate employees once the Baby boomers leave the workforce

    Female Entrepreneurship in Serbia and Opportunities for its Development

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    Today, entrepreneurship is a key element in the development of the economic potential of each country. Recently, one of the possible directions of development of entrepreneurship that stands out is female entrepreneurship, and the number of companies and businesses whose owners are women is increasing. Problems that exist and need to be solved in order for this sector to develop properly are, in the first place, to provide adequate financial assistance to women who want to step into the world of entrepreneurship. Improving of the environment for the development of female entrepreneurship through the introduction of tax incentives, easier access to finance, women support through monitoring, advisory services, are just some of the possibilities to develop female entrepreneurship in the right way. This paper presents the current state of female entrepreneurship in Serbia

    The Development of Female Entrepreneurship in the Function of Overcoming Unemployment of Women in Serbia

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    Entrepreneurship is the engine of economic development of each country. The above facts indicate that entrepreneurship should be given special attention and it should constantly be developed. As one of the possible directions of development of entrepreneurship in recent decades, the development of women entrepreneurship stands out. Although in most countries of the world it is believed that women are less capable for entrepreneurship than men, and despite the fact that the majority of large enterprises are managed by men, a rise of women entrepreneurs in the world has been noticed, especially in developing countries. And in recent years in Serbia the number of companies headed by women has increased, so it is now about 25%, which means that women control or manage every fourth company in Serbia. As reasons for this increase we could cite the change of consciousness among women and that they can be just as successful in leading the company as men, but also the fact that starting their own business can supplement their income and improve themselves through selfemployment, increase their independence and be more respected in society. Although women are forced to fight in today's world to be recognized not only as womenmothers but also as successful women-entrepreneurs, their determination, perseverance, willingness to take risks and all the problems which entrepreneurship brings, show that the time of women's entrepreneurship is yet to come