23 research outputs found

    Kvalitet kiselih krastavaca različitih proizvođača deklarisanih kao „Delikates“

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    There are large number of food products of different manufacturers, although identical declared, that have certain differences in their quality on the market of Republic of Srpska. The aim of this study is to determine whether there are significant differences in the products that are declared as pickles "delicacy". Seven products of different manufacturers were tested which are declared as the same product. We have investigated some rheological and physico-chemical properties of those products. They were evaluated for gross and net weight of the product, length and width of fruit pickles, color, hardness, acidity, content of NaCl in the brine, the pH of the fruit, content of in ethanol insoluble solids, dry matter content.Na trĆŸitu Republike Srspke nalazi se veliki broj prehrambenih proizvoda različitih proizvođača koji, iako su identično deklarisani, imaju određene razlike u svom kvalitetu. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi da li postoje značajne razlike u proizvodima koji se deklariĆĄu kao kiseli krastavci „delikates“. Ispitivano je sedam proizvoda od različitih proizvođača koji su su deklarisani kao isti proizvod. Ispitivane su neke reoloĆĄke i fizičko-hemijske osobine proizvoda. Ispitivani su bruti i neto masa proizvoda, duĆŸina i ĆĄirina plodova krastavaca, boja, tvrdoća, kiselost, sadrĆŸaj NaCl u nalivu, pH plodova, sadrĆŸaj u alkoholu nerastvorljivih materija, sadrĆŸaj suve materije

    Uticaj različitih nivoa ishrane na karakteristike rasta i teksturu mesa duĆŸičaste pastrmke (oncorhynchus mykiss wal.)

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    Eksperiment je realizovan u laboratoriji za akvakulturu Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci. Ukupno je naseljeno 100 jedinki u 5 eksperimentalnih grupa, prosječne individualne mase 91.091.37 g, totalne duĆŸine tijela 20.080.10 cm i duĆŸine tijela do račve repnog peraja 19.370.10 cm (MSEM). Cilj rada je bio praćenje efekata različitih nivoa ishrane na karakteristike rasta i teksturu (tvrdoću) mesa duĆŸičaste pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss). DuĆŸičasta pastrmka u svim eksperimentalnim grupama hranjena je istom hranom, sa različitim nivoima ishrane: 20% (G-20) i 10% manje (G-10) u odnosu na standardni nivo ishrane, standardni nivo ishrane (G100) (preporuka proizvođača hrane), 10% (G+10) i 20% viĆĄe (G+20) u odnosu na standardni nivo ishrane. Statistički značajna razlika sredina (p<0.05) mase i duĆŸine tijela između posmatranih eksperimentalnih grupa javlja se u drugom periodu. Najmanja potrebna sila (kg) za presijecanje mesa duĆŸičaste pastrmke konstatovana je na početku eksperimenta kod jedinki prosječne mase oko 90 g. Najtvrđe meso je kod riba iz eksperimentalnih grupa G+10 i G-10. Između posmatranih eksperimentalnih grupa konstatovana je statistički značajna razlika sredina (p<0.05) potrebne sile za presijecanje mesa

    Mineralni sastav različitih sorti viơanja (Oblačinska i Maraska)

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    Determination of the mineral composition of two varieties of cherries (oblačinska i maraska) in their konzumnoj maturity was the aim of this study. The content of individual elements was in mg / 100g: Na (oblačinska cherry 4,7 and maraska 5,1), K (195.6 and 211.3), Mg (15.3 and 17.3), Ca (13.1 and 16.4), P (17.1, 18.6) Fe (0.21 and 0.22), Cu (0.08 and 0.09), Zn (0.1 and 0.1) and Mn ( 0.1 and 0.1). Both of these varieties do not represent a significant source of certain elements in the diet, because when consuming 150 grams of fresh cherries relatively well meet the daily needs of the organism is only for potassium and copper.Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi mineralni sastav dvije sorte viĆĄanja (oblačinska i maraska) u njihovoj konzumnoj zrelosti. SadrĆŸaj pojedinih elemenata iznosio je u mg/100g: Na (oblačinska 4,7 i maraska 5,1), K (195,6 i 211,3), Mg (15,3 i 17,3), Ca (13,1 i 16,4), P (17,1 18,6) Fe (0,21 i 0,22), Cu (0,08 i 0,09), Zn (0,1 i 0,1) i Mn (0,1 i 0,1). Obe ove sorte ne predstavljaju značajan izvor pojedinih elemenata u ishrani, jer pri konzumiranju 150 g svjeĆŸih viĆĄanja relativno dobro zadovoljenje dnevnih potreba organizma je samo za kalijum i bakar

    Fractional flow reserve of intermediate lesions on collateral donor coronary arteries after myocardial infarction

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    Fractional flow reserve (FFR) is the gold standard for the functional assessment of coronary arteries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between angiography, QCA and FFR in borderline lesions on collateral donor coronary arteries. In addition, FFR is compared with the angiographic appearance of collaterals to infarction-related arteries and echocardiographically assessed viability of infarct related the LV wall. In 60 patients with previous IM and occluded IRA, functional assessment of borderline coronary stenosis (30-70% DS) on collaterals donor artery was performed. We have not found statistically significant differences in these parameters between groups with different angiographic appearances of collaterals and different viability of distal myocardium. However, we found higher FFR values in diabetic patients (p=0.018). Higher FFR values in diabetic patients reveal the negative effects of diabetes on collateral growth and myocardial viability

    SadrĆŸaj mineralnih materija u sremuĆĄu (Allium ursinum) sa različitih lokaliteta Republike Srpske

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    Allium ursinum is a plant, more known as sremus, crijemus, wild or bearded onion. In nutrition it is used as a vegetable (salad and spice), and in human medicine, as an auxiliary agent. It is significant due to its nutritional and healing value. Since diet is largely used seasonally and in fresh state, as a salad, it can be a significant source of some nutrients, such as mineral matter, which are of great importance for human health. Considering the polemics about sremus as a "source of health" we decided to analyze content of mineral matter, macro and micro elements in sremus, with four different locations of the northwest part of Repulic of Srpska. Sodium concentrations were determined from 31,065 to 32,905 mg / kg, potassium from 4703.06 to 4803.485mg / kg, calcium from 1532.545 to 1559.095 mg / kg. Microelements included nickel (0.358 to 0.388 mg / kg), cobalt, aluminum. Mineral matter was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry ICP OES spectroscopy after wet digestion.Allium ursinum u narodu je poznatiji kao sremuĆĄ, crijemuĆĄ, divlji ili medvjeđi luk. U ishrani se koristi kao povrće (salata i začin), a u humanoj medicini kao pomoćno sredstvo. Značajan je zbog svoje nutritivne i ljekovite vrijednosti. PoĆĄto se u ishrani najvećim dijelom koristi sezonski u vrijeme prispjeća i u svjeĆŸem stanju, kao salata, moĆŸe da bude značajan izvor pojedinih hranjivih materija, kao npr. mineralnih materija, koje su od velikog značaja za zdravlje ljudi. Obzirom na dosta polemike o sremuĆĄu kao „izvoru zdravlja“ odlučili smo da u ovom radu analiziramo sadrĆŸaj mineralnih materija, makro i mikro elemenata u sremuĆĄu, sa četiri različite lokacije sjeverozapadnog dijela Republike Srpske. Određene su koncentracije natrijuma od 31,065 do 32,905 mgkg-1, kalijuma od 4703,06 do 4803,485mgkg-1, kalcijuma od 1532,545 do 1559,095 mg/kg. Od mikroelemenata određeni su nikl (0,358 do 0,388 mgkg-1), kobalt, aluminijum. Mineralne materije su određivane atomskom apsorpcionom spektrofotometrijom ICP OES spektroskopijom nakon vlaĆŸne digestije

    Korelacija sadrĆŸaja ukupnih fenola sa antioksidativnom aktivnoơću crvenih vina sa područja regije Banja Luka

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    In this paper, the antioxidant activity of 3 red wine samples was determined using 1,1- diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazil (DPPH)- radical scavenging assay, 2,2’- azino- bis- (3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6- sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging assay, so as Briggs- Raushers oscillatory reactions. Correlation of these antioxidant methods with the total phenol content in these red wine samples was also performed. The total phenol content was found to vary from 1790,67- 3209,97 mgGAE/Lwine. Antioxidant activity determined by DPPH method 15,45- 17,08 mmolTrolox/Lwine, ABTS method 23,21- 24,14 mmolTrolox/Lwine, and Briggs- Raushers oscillatory reactions 1,826- 3,848 mmolTrolox/Lwine respectively. The total phenol content shows signifficant correlation with ABTS method (0,55), and very signifficant correlation with Briggs- Raushers oscillatory reactions (0,99)U ovom radu određena je antioksidativna aktivnost 3 uzorka crvenih vina primjenom gaĆĄenja 1,1- difenil- 2- pikrilhidrazil (DPPH)- stabilnog radikala, 2,2’- azino- bis- (3-etilbenzotiazolin- 6- sulfonska kiselina) (ABTS) stabilnog radikala, kao i Briggs- Rausherove oscilatorne reakcije. Urađena je i korelacija ovih antioksidativnih metoda sa sadrĆŸajem ukupnih fenola u navedenim uzorcima crvenih vina. SadrĆŸaj ukupnih fenola se mijenjao u rasponu 1790,67- 3209,97 mgGAE/L. Antioksidativna aktivnost dobijena DPPH testom od 15,45- 17,08 mmolTrolox/L vina, ABTS testom od 23,21- 24,14 mmolTrolox/L vina, te Briggs - Rausherovom oscilatornom metodom 1,826- 3,848 mmolTrolox/Lvina respektivno. SadrĆŸaj ukupnih fenola pokazuje značajnu korelaciju sa ABTS testom (0.55), te vrlo visoku korelaciju sa Briggs- Rausherovim oscilatornim reakcijama (0.99)

    Mineralni sastav hibridne sorte paprike Bibic F1

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    Wealthy chemical composition of peppers with excellent organoleptic properties (taste, color, smell) makes it almost indispensable in the daily diet. The subject matter of this paper is hybrid variety of fresh pepper Bibic F1. Content of each component chemical composition: dry matter (5.78%), total ash (0.36%), total acidity (0.13%) and vitamin C (70.4 mg per 100g), was determined by AOAC methods and was in agreement with literature data. Content of some minerals determined by atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The amount of each element in 100 g of fresh pepper hybrid variety Bibic F1 was: sodium (3.3 mg), potassium (180.2 mg), magnesium (9.8 mg), calcium (12 mg), phosphorus (23.2 mg), iron (0.72 mg), copper (0.04 mg), zinc (0.2 mg) and manganese (0.11 mg). Fresh pepper hybrid variety Bibic F1 is not a significant source of minerals in the diet.Bogat hemijski sastav paprike sa izvanrednim senzornim svojstvima (ukus, boja, miris) čini je gotovo nezamjenjivom u svakodnevnoj ishrani. Predmet ispitivanja u ovom radu je hibridna sorta Bibic F1. SadrĆŸaj pojedinih komponenti hemijskog sastava: suve materije (5,78%), ukupnog pepela (0,36%), ukupne kiselosti (0,13%) i vitamina C (70,4 mg u 100g), određen je standardnim AOAC metodama i bio je u skladu sa literaturnim podacima. SadrĆŸaj pojedinih elemenenata određen je atomskom emisionom spektrometrijom (ICP OES). Količina pojedinih elemenata u 100 g svjeĆŸe paprike hibridne sorte Bibic F1 iznosila je: natrijum (3,3 mg), kalijum (180,2 mg), magnezijum (9,8 mg), kalcijum (12 mg), fosfor (23,2 mg), gvoĆŸÄ‘e (0,72 mg), bakar 0,04 mg) cink (0,2 mg) i mangan (0,11 mg). SvjeĆŸa paprika hibridne sorte Bibic F1 ne predstavlja značajan izvor za mineralne materije u ishrani

    Neenzimski antioksidativni status paradajza sorte „Volovsko srce“ sa područja Lijevče Polja

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    The results of determination of non- enzymatic antioxidant capacity tomato variety “volovsko srce” are presented in this paper. Content of total phenols is between 88.81 to 138.44 ”gGAE/gFW, total flavonoids from 59.25 to 66.95 ”gQc/gFW, and flavonols from 94.49 to 243.47 ”gQc/gFW respectively. The content of lycopene in the samples ranged from 136.32 to 600,3 ”g/100gFW, while we determined and the content of vitamin C , which is 12.6 to 15.87 mg/100gFW for 3 different sample probes. The results of antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of tomato variety “volovsko srce” obtained using DPPH and ABTS methods as compared to Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity are: DPPH ranged from 1.81 to 2.54 ”mol Trolox/gFW, for ABTS from 0.19 to 2.23 ”mol Trolox/gFW. The results are in agreement with literature data , but it is most likely to some differences due to different ways of breeding samples.Rezultati određivanja neenzimskih antioksidativnih kapaciteta paradajza sorte „Volovsko srce“ prikazani su u ovom radu. SadrĆŸaj ukupnih fenola se kreće u rasponu od 88.81 do 138.44 ”gGAE/gFW, ukupni flavonoidi od 59.25 do 66.95 ”gQc/gFW, te flavonoli od 94.49 do 243.47 ”gQc/gFW respektivno. SadrĆŸaj likopena u uzorcima se kretao od 136.32 do 600,3 ”g/100gFW, dok je određen i sadrĆŸaj vitamina C koji iznosi 12.6 do 15.87 mg/100gFW za 3 različita uzorka. Rezultati antioksidativne aktivnosti etanolnih ekstrakata paradajza sorte „volovsko srce“ određeni su primjenom DPPH i ABTS metoda u odnosu na Trolox ekvivalent i iznose: DPPH u rasponu od 1.81 do 2.54 ”mol Trolox/gFW, za ABTS od 0.19 do 2.23 ”mol Trolox/gFW. Rezultati su u saglasnosti sa literaturnim podacima, ali je, najvjerovatnije, do određenih razlika doĆĄlo zbog različitog načina uzgoja ispitivanih uzoraka

    Fractional Flow Reserve Method in Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory without Cardiosurgical Backup: Initial Experiences

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    Background: Coronary artery disease is the most common cause of death in a modern world. This dictates the development a network of Catheterization laboratories without cardiosurgical capabilities.Aim: We postulate that the most valuable tool in the decision process on myocardial revascularization is fractional flow reserve (FFR), especially when we deal with borderline coronary lesions.Material and Methods: A total of 72 patients with 94 intermediate coronary stenosis (30%-70% diameter reduction) were included in this study. We tested FFR and angiography based decision model on myocardial revascularization.Results:  Mean FFR value on left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was lower than in others two arteries (p=0.017). FFR after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was significantly better (p&lt;0.0001). The decision for PCI predominates before FFR diagnostics, but after FFR the decision is quite opposite. There is a weak negative correlation between FFR and diameter of stenosis assessed by angiography (r= - 0.245 p=0.038) and positive correlation between diameter of stenosis assessed by angiography and by quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) (r=0.406 p&lt;0.0005).Conclusion:  Our results strongly suggest that FFR is necessary tool in centers without possibilities of heart team onsite consultation and that prevents numerous unnecessary PCI

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic