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    Cilj: Osnovni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su utvrditi oralni status adolescenata Splitsko-dalmatinske ţupanije, te dobivene rezultate usporediti s onima iz drugih dijelova Hrvatske, zemalja u regiji te nekih razvijenijih drţava u svijetu. Materijal i metode: Istraţivanje je provedeno analizom dostupnih RTG nalaza (panoramskih snimaka – ortopantomografa) iz arhive Odjela za ortodonciju Stomatološke poliklinike Split, a obuhvaćeno je 100 snimaka ispitanika u dobi od 12 do 20 godina. Za određivanje statusa zubi korišten je KEP (karijes, ekstrahiran, plomba) indeks. Rezultati: Prosječan KEP indeks po ispitaniku bio je 5,28 ± 3,71. Istraživanje se provelo analizom stotinu ortopantomografa, adolescenata Splitsko-damaltinske županije u dobi između 12 i 20 godina. Najveći KEP indeks bio je kod sedamnaestogodišnjaka, a najmanji kod trinaestogodišnjaka i šesnaestogodišnjaka. Prema spolu distribucija KEP indeksa među ispitivanom grupom gotovo je podjednaka, kao i broj kompozitnih ispuna. Donja desna šestica zub je s najviše karijesa, a ona s najmanje karijesa je gornja lijeva. Najviše kompozitnih ispuna ima zub 16, a najmanje 46. Najrjeđe izvađeni zub je donja lijeva šestica, a najčešće izvađeni zubi su gornji i donji desni prvi molar. Zaključak: Iz dobivenih rezultata moţe se zaključiti kako je prijeko potrebno intenzivno djelovanje u praćenju i promicanju oralnog zdravlja među djecom i adolescentima u Hrvatskoj. Iz našeg istraživanja može se zaključiti kako oralno zdravlje adolescenata u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji nije zadovoljavajuće te je potrebno provoditi suvremene preventivne mjere i programe koje je nužno implementirati u sustav primarne zdravstvene zaštite te intenzivno raditi na promociji oralnog zdravlja.Objective: The main purpose of this study was to determine the status of oral health in young people between 12 and 20 years. The examined people were from the Dalmatian region, especially Split. The main goal was to gather the differences in oral health status in different regions in Croatia, countries in the region and some developed countries in the world. Material and methods: Panoramic radiographies were collected from the department of orthodontics of the “ Dental Poliklinika Split”. 100 radiographs from adolescents between the age of 12 and 20 were used to determine their so-called DMFT-index (decay, missing, filled teeth). Results: The average DMFT-index was 5,28 + 3,71. The study was performed based on 100 radiographs of juveniles from the region around Split, the so-called “Splitsko-Dalmatinska“ county, taken in the department of orthodontics of “Dental clinic Split”. The highest DMFT-Index was found at the age of 17 and the lowest in individuals at the ages of 16 and 13. According to the DMFT, the amount of male and female subjects as well as the amount of stoppings was the same. The tooth showing the most caries was the first molar on the right side in the mandibular region. In contrast to this, the tooth showing the lowest caries prevalence was the first molar on the left side of the maxilla. The tooth with the highest prevalence of stopping was the first molar on the right side of the maxilla and the one with the least was the first molar on the right side of the mandible. The least extracted tooth was the first molar of the left side of the mandible, the most extracted were the first molars on the right side. Conclusion: These results lead to the conclusion that there is a necessity to monitor the oral health in the generation from young children to juveniles in Croatia. From this research which was focusing especially on the region around Split, it can be concluded that the oral health of adolescents is not satisfactory, and that there is a medical necessity to implement modern and preventive programs and measures in primary health systems, but especially to promote oral health in this age group