29 research outputs found
The article presents the experience gained by orthopedic unit of Saratov Regional Clinical Hospital at knee joint replacement with modern implants. We analyzed use of Zimmer NexGen CR and LPC implants for initial total knee joint replacement in 285 patients. The monitoring continued for 5 years. Good and excellent results were observed in 92% of cases. Pyogenic complications were observed in 2.3% of cases. The article describes the methods of surgical intervention and post-surgical rehabilitation. We consider our experience with Zimmer NexGen LPS and CR knee-joint implants as positive and prospective for further use.Представлен опыт ортопедического отделения областной клинической больницы г. Саратова по эндопротезированию коленного сустава с использованием современных имплантатов. Проведен анализ применения эндопротезов Zimmer NexGen CR и LPC при первичном тотальном эндопротезировании коленного сустава у 285 пациентов. Средняя продолжительность наблюдения составила 5 лет. Хорошие и отличные результаты получены у 92% больных, осложнения гнойного характера – у 2,3%. Описана методика операции и послеоперационной реабилитации
Structural carbon-carbon materials for accelerator-driven systems
The paper presents results of investigations of the compatibility of carbon-carbon composite materials with molten sodium fluoride – zirconium fluoride mixture in the presence of molten lead and its fluoride. The investigations have been carried out both without irradiation and with irradiation with an electron beam of 10 MeV energy and 5 kW power (current density 0.5 mA/cm2) on a linear electron accelerator LPE–10 (LINAC–10). It has been shown that this material is impermeable to the above compounds. Does not interact with them. And does not break down on temperature cycling from room temperature to 700 °C. The mechanical properties of carbon-carbon composites have been investigated by the nanoindentation method. It has been found that neither long contact with molten fluoride mixture nor irradiation affects the mechanical properties of this material.Приведені результати досліджень сумісності вуглець-вуглецевих композиційних матеріалів з розплавленою сумішшю фторидів натрію та цирконію в присутності розплавленого свинцю та його фториду. Дослідження виконані як без опромінення, так і при опроміненні пучком електронів енергією 10 МеВ та потужністю 5 кВт (густина струму 0,5 мА/см 2 ) на лінійному прискорювачі електронів ЛПЕ –10 (LINAC-10). Показано, що даний матеріал в інертній атмосфері є непроникним для зазначених вище сполук, не взаємодіє з ними та не руйнується при термоциклюванні від кімнатної температури до 700 °С. Методом наноіндентування досліджені механічні властивості вуглець-вуглецевих композитів. Встановлено, що ні тривалий контакт з розплавленою фторидною сумішшю, ні опромінення не впливають на його механічні властивості.Приведены результаты исследований совместимости углерод-углеродных композиционных материалов с расплавленной смесью фторидов натрия и циркония в присутствии расплавленного свинца и его фторида. Исследование выполнены как без облучением так и при облучении пучком электронов энергией 10 МэВ та мощностью 5 кВт (плотность тока 0.5 мА/см 2 ) на линейном ускорителе электронов ЛУЭ – 10 (LINAC–10). Показано, что данный материал в инертной атмосфере является непроницаемым для указанных выше соединений, не взаимодействует с ними и не разрушается при термоциклировании от комнатной температуры до 700 °С. Методом наноиндентирования изучены механические свойства углерод-углеродных композитов. Определено, что ни долгий контакт с расплавленной фторидной смесью, ни облучение не влияют на его механические свойств
Electron accelerator for energy up to 5.0 MeV and beam power up to 50 kW with Х-ray converter
The paper describes the industrial electron accelerator ILU-10 for electron energy up to 5 MeV and beam power
up to 50 kW specially designed for use in industrial applications. The ILU-10 accelerator generates the vertical electron beam. The beam line turns the beam through an angle of 90° and transports the beam to the vertically posed Xray converter to generate the horizontal beam of X-rays.Приводиться опис прискорювача електронів ІЛУ-10 на енергію 5 МеВ потужністю 50 кВт, спеціально
розробленого для таких комплексів. Для спрощення конструкції конвеєрної системи подачі оброблюваної
продукції в зону опромінення використовується випускний пристрій з поворотом пучка на 90 градусів інаступною конвертацією електронного пучка в гамма-випромінювання на вертикально розташованій
мішені.Приводится описание ускорителя электронов ИЛУ-10 на энергию 5 МэВ мощностью 50 кВт, специально разработанного для таких комплексов. Для упрощения конструкции конвейерной системы подачи обрабатываемой продукции в зону облучения используется выпускное устройство с поворотом пучка на 90 градусов и последующей конвертацией электронного пучка в гамма-излучение на вертикально расположенной мишени
Industrial electron accelerators type ILU
The paper describes ILU type industrial electron accelerators. Their main parameters, design, principle of action,
electron beam extraction devices, wide set of auxiliary equipment for various technological processes and ways of
their usage are discussed as well.Описаны промышленные ускорители электронов серии ИЛУ. Приведены основные параметры,
устройство и принцип действия. Дается краткое описание систем выпуска ускоренного пучка в атмосферу
для различных технологических процессов.Описано промислові прискорювачі електронів серії ЫЛП. Наведено основні параметри, будова і
принцип дії. Дається короткий опис систем випуску прискореного пучку в атмосферу для різних
технологічних процесів
Informational interaction service-simulating test implementation peculiarities of the Internet of things
This article discusses the technology of building sensor networks. On the basis of the article there is an example of the servicesimulating test for the informational interaction of the Internet of things. The probabilistic-and-time characteristic of the informational interaction of the Internet of things is evaluated. This factor enhances the quality of computer network service. The article also considers a number of tasks, allowing us to build optimal modes of sensor networks functioning. A probabilistic model that allows us to evaluate absolute and probabilistic characteristics of informational interaction is built
Digitalization of housing and communal services using the example of apartment buildings
The possibility of digitalization of housing and communal services is mathematically considered using the example of apartment buildings. The approaches discussed in the paper can be used in the construction of new apartment complexes, as well as in the overhaul of the existing housing stock. In addition, the applied approaches can be easily adapted for use in office buildings and business centers
Nowadays varicella infection is important to the public health specialists due to not only its high morbidity rates, but also the existence of severe forms that can lead to serious complications and even death. The overall damage caused by varicella infection and its’ complications in the Russian Federation is a multicomponent and a multiple-factor figure, that reflects considerable annual economic damage caused by this infection. In this article one can find a substantiation of the suitability of varicella infection immunization on a national scale. Key words: varicella, economic damage due to infectious diseases. (Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. — 2011; 10 (5): 18–23.)</em
Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry in the regional and global economy
Problems of energy efficiency, along with increasing environmental safety of production and increasing social responsibility, are becoming a central object of research. Therefore, the main goal of the work is to analyze the prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry. It was established that innovative technologies play an important role in the development of energy. In the structure of public administration, the definition of the place in the close relationship with commodity-money relations, mediating its implementation. But refusal of oil resources will lead to negative consequences. It is established that the maximum production of conventional oil in the world in the amount of 4.5–4.8 billion tons per year will be achieved in 2020–2030. Major areas of conventional oil production in this period will be oil and gas basins of the Persian Gulf, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Caspian Sea, the Atlantic shelves of Africa and South America. The achieved level of oil production can be maintained by large-scale involvement in the development of non-traditional sources (bitumen and shale oil). According to the raw material base, the leaders of unconventional oil production should be Venezuela, Canada, Russia and the United States. © 2018, Econjournals. All rights reserved
Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry in the regional and global economy
Problems of energy efficiency, along with increasing environmental safety of production and increasing social responsibility, are becoming a central object of research. Therefore, the main goal of the work is to analyze the prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry. It was established that innovative technologies play an important role in the development of energy. In the structure of public administration, the definition of the place in the close relationship with commodity-money relations, mediating its implementation. But refusal of oil resources will lead to negative consequences. It is established that the maximum production of conventional oil in the world in the amount of 4.5–4.8 billion tons per year will be achieved in 2020–2030. Major areas of conventional oil production in this period will be oil and gas basins of the Persian Gulf, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Caspian Sea, the Atlantic shelves of Africa and South America. The achieved level of oil production can be maintained by large-scale involvement in the development of non-traditional sources (bitumen and shale oil). According to the raw material base, the leaders of unconventional oil production should be Venezuela, Canada, Russia and the United States. © 2018, Econjournals. All rights reserved