174 research outputs found

    The model for providing improvement of the manufacturing process andthe launch of new product in small-scale production enterprises on theterritory of the Republic of Serbia

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    У овом раду приказан је модел за обезбеђење унапређења процеса производње у предузећима малосеријског типа производње на територији Републике Србије. Модел је тестиран у малосеријској производњи. Веродостојност модела се огледа кроз: дефинисање основних функција, дефинисање фактора окружења, значај ресурса, анализу улаза и излаза у процесу малосеријске производње. Модел даје решење за унапређење конкурентске способности домаћих предузећа при освајању и лансирању новог производа. Модел је применљив у предузећима на територији Републике Србије чије се пословање заснива на истом или сличном технолошком поступку. На основу података истраживања евидентирани су пробеми у предузећима са малосеријском производњом: знање појединаца, подела и реализација задатака, неусклађеност послова, трошкови операција, слаба комуникација са потрошачима, давање одложеног плаћања.U ovom radu prikazan je model za obezbeđenje unapređenja procesa proizvodnje u preduzećima maloserijskog tipa proizvodnje na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Model je testiran u maloserijskoj proizvodnji. Verodostojnost modela se ogleda kroz: definisanje osnovnih funkcija, definisanje faktora okruženja, značaj resursa, analizu ulaza i izlaza u procesu maloserijske proizvodnje. Model daje rešenje za unapređenje konkurentske sposobnosti domaćih preduzeća pri osvajanju i lansiranju novog proizvoda. Model je primenljiv u preduzećima na teritoriji Republike Srbije čije se poslovanje zasniva na istom ili sličnom tehnološkom postupku. Na osnovu podataka istraživanja evidentirani su probemi u preduzećima sa maloserijskom proizvodnjom: znanje pojedinaca, podela i realizacija zadataka, neusklađenost poslova, troškovi operacija, slaba komunikacija sa potrošačima, davanje odloženog plaćanja.This paper shows a model for improvement of manufacturing process in small-scale enterprises on the territory of Republic of Serbia. The model was tested on smallscale production. The validity of the model can be seen through: defining basic functions, defining environmental factors, importance of resources, analysis of input and output in the process of small-scale production. The model provides the solution for improvement of competitive ability of domestic enterprises in conquering and launching a new product. The model is applicable in enterprises on the territory of Republic of Serbia whose business is based on the same or similar technological procedure. Based on research data, problems in enterprises with smallscale production were evident: knowledge of individuals, distribution and realization of the project, mismatch of jobs, operational expenses, poor communication with consumers, granting differed payment

    Comparative analysis of numerical computational techniques for determination of the wind turbine aerodynamic performances

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore and define an adequate numerical setting for the computation of aerodynamic performances of wind turbines of various shapes and sizes, which offers the possibility of choosing a suitable approach of minimal complexity for the future research. Here, mechanical power, thrust, power coefficient, thrust coefficient, pressure coefficient, pressure distribution along the blade, relative velocity contoure, at different wind speeds and streamlines were considered by two different methods: the blade element momentum and CFD, within which three different turbulence models were analyzed. The estimation of the mentioned aerodynamic performances was carried out on two different wind turbine blades. The obtained solutions were compared with the experimental and nominal (up-scaled) values, available in the literature. Although the flow was considered as steady, a satisfactory correlation between numerical and experimental results was achieved. The comparison between results also showed, the significance of selection, regarding the complexity and geometry of the analyzed wind turbine blade, the most appropriate numerical approach for computation of aerodynamic performances

    NPD in small manufacturing enterprises in Serbia

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    New product development in small manufacturing enterprises on the territory of Serbia was investigated on a representative sample of micro and small enterprises covering a broad range of businesses. It was found that market pull was the prevalent strategy for new product development, which was characterized by close collaboration with customers from the idea to the final product including the R&D activities. Besides customers, the main sources of ideas were competitors and trade fairs or exhibitions. The marketing activities associated with new product introduction were quite limited. These findings were compared with new product development practices in neighboring countries. Based on our findings we propose two measures to improve new product development in small manufacturing enterprises in Serbia: establish a closer cooperation with external knowledge centers (universities, research institutes, innovation centers) and set up innovation networks with complementary partners by actively using the open innovation concept.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Vorkapić, Miloš, Filip Radovanović, Dragan Ćoćkalo, and Dejan Đorđević. 2017. “NPD u malim proizvodnim poduzećima u Srbiji.” Tehnički vjesnik 24 (1): 327-332. [http://dx.doi.org/10.17559/TV-20150807185156

    Primena zavarivanja plazmom i kontrola zavarenog spoja pri izradi transmitera pritiska u IHTM-u

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    IHTM produces pressure transmitters, temperature transmitters, level transmitters and transmitters of differences pressure. All transmitters consist of measuring chamber, transitional part and electronic boxes. The paper analyzed the development of measuring chamber, the procedures of welding elements and the way of control chambers welded joints. Creating and control welding circuit defines the successful implementation of measuring chamber.IHTM proizvodi transmitere pritiska, temperature, nivoa i diferencije pritiska. Svi ovi transmiteri se sastoje od merene komore, prelaznog dela i kutije elektronike. U radu je najpre ukratko analizirana konstrukcija transmitera pritiska. Zatim je prikazana tehnologija zavarivanja njegovih sastavnih elemenata pomoću plazme i načini kontrole zavarenog spoja, da bi se potvrdila uspešnost formiranja merne komore

    Primena zavarivanja plazmom i kontrola zavarenog spoja pri izradi transmitera pritiska u IHTM-u

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    IHTM produces pressure transmitters, temperature transmitters, level transmitters and transmitters of differences pressure. All transmitters consist of measuring chamber, transitional part and electronic boxes. The paper analyzed the development of measuring chamber, the procedures of welding elements and the way of control chambers welded joints. Creating and control welding circuit defines the successful implementation of measuring chamber.IHTM proizvodi transmitere pritiska, temperature, nivoa i diferencije pritiska. Svi ovi transmiteri se sastoje od merene komore, prelaznog dela i kutije elektronike. U radu je najpre ukratko analizirana konstrukcija transmitera pritiska. Zatim je prikazana tehnologija zavarivanja njegovih sastavnih elemenata pomoću plazme i načini kontrole zavarenog spoja, da bi se potvrdila uspešnost formiranja merne komore

    Controling the robotic arm using human machine interface and plc modicon m340

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    Remote cotrol management has enabled engineers to easily and quickly operate the facility management directly from their work place, making it possible to connect production facilities in large systems (which are localized at a distance of several hundred kilometers). Placing the observed object into the network with the computer that manages that object (PLC) data acquisition is achieved and thus the management is realized. For monitoring these systems there are multiple ways, depending on the management (parameters that govern). Monitoring can be realized by using video surveillance or collecting data / telemetry parameters (liquid level, temperature of the manufacturing process, the position of measuring by the encoder, etc.) which offers one of the most important systems for managing and monitoring, today's SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquistion) system. Our work is based precisely on these three areas: management, communication with the user and the monitoring of one production process12th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, PES 2015, August 31-September 02, 2015, Niš, Serbi

    Upotreba QFD alata u realizaciji inteligentnih transmitera

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    U radu je analizirana tehnologija proizvodnje industrijskih transmitera, u saglasnosti sa potrebama krajnjeg korisnika. Takođe, izvršeno je i poređenje domaćeg u odnosu na vodeće svetske proizvođače transmitera. Primenom QFD metode na posmatranom primeru kroz analizu grešaka u procesu proizvodnje modula i realizaciju kuće kvaliteta na primeru novog proizvoda - inteligentnog transmitera. Novo rešenje pokazuje da su definisani svi parametri dizajna i da je modularna arhitektura prihvatljiva u dobijanju palete novih proizvoda. Ti novi proizvodi mogu se koristiti za ponovnu upotrebu i reciklažu materijala.In this paper we analyze the production technology of industrial transmitters from the aspect of customers' needs. Also, a comparison is made between such products of one domestic and some of the world-leading transmitter manufacturers. In the observed case the QFD method was used through the analysis of manufacturing errors. A realization of the house of quality is presented using the example of a new product - an intelligent pressure transmitter. The main design parameters are defined, and the modular architecture is accepted as optimal for the new product range. The new products are made suitable for reuse and recycling.21. simpozijum Menadžment kvalitetom, 05-07 Jun 2018., Beograd, Srbij

    An overview of rapid prototyping technologies using subtractive, additive and formative processes

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    Ovaj rad opisuje metodologiju za primenu brze izrade prototipova primenom subtraktivnih, aditivnih i formativnih tehnologija na osnovu STL fajlova. Tehnologije brze izrade prototipova uključuju digitalni lanac informacija CAD/CAM /CNC, do nivoa koji omogućava uspešnu realizaciju fizičkih modela koristeći novu tehnologiju, dodavanjem, oduzimanjem i oblikovanjem materijala. U radu su razmatrane uobičajene tehnologije brze izrade prototipova, za koje je predložena generalizovana metodologija za njihovu primenu. Pokazane su i mogućnosti za verifikaciju programa pre same izrade modela. Metodologija je verifikovana na konkretnim primerima izrade izabranih delova koristeći tehnologije oduzimanja, dodavanja materijala sloj po sloj, i izrade kalupa (dodavanjem materijala) za livenje modela od silikona.This paper describes methodology for application of a rapid prototyping using subtractive, additive and formative technology based on STL files. Rapid prototyping technology includes using of a digital information chain CAD/CAM/CNC to a level which allows the successful realization of the physical models based on new technologies by adding, subtracting and molding material. The paper discusses about the usual technologies for rapid prototyping, for which a generalized methodology for their application has been proposed. The possibilities for program verification prior to the realization of the model were also shown. The methodology is verified on real examples of making selected parts. Used technologies are subtracting and adding material layers, layer by layer, and mold making (by adding material) for molding the silicone model

    Simulating flow in silicon Y-bifurcated microchannels

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    Microfluidic devices are excessively used for various biomedical, chemical, and engineering applications. The most common microfluidic platforms are obtained from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Platforms based on etched silicon wafers anodically bonded to Pyrex glass are more mechanically rigid, have better sealing and there is no gas permeability compared to those obtained from PDMS [1,2]. The aim of our work is to numerically analyze fluid flow in anisotropically etched silicon microchannels sealed with Pyrex glass. We present simulations of fluid flow in Y-bifurcated microchannels fabricated from the etched {100} silicon in 25 wt% tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) water solution at the temperature of 80°C [3]. We have explored two symmetrical Y-bifurcations that are defined with acute angles of 36.8° and 19° with the sides that are along the and crystallographic directions in the masking layer [3], respectively. The angles between obtained sidewalls and {100} silicon of two ingoing microchannels for the first and second Y-bifurcation are 72.5° and 80.7°, respectively. The sidewalls of outgoing microchannel in both cases are defined with crystallographic directions and they are orthogonal to the surface of {100} silicon wafer. The appropriate widths of ingoing and outgoing microchannels are 300 and 400 μm, respectively. The depth of microchannels is 55 μm. All simulated flows are three-dimensional (3D), steady and laminar [4], while the investigated fluid is water. Velocities and pressure values are defined at the inlet and outlet boundaries, respectively. The resulting flows are illustrated by velocity contours. The obtained conclusions from fluid flow simulations of presented simple Y-bifurcations provide guidance for future fabrication of complex microfluidic platforms by a cost-effective process with good control over microchannel dimensions

    Using self-adhesive conductive textile and copper tape on textile

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    The application of conductive layers on textiles is considered. Tapes or foils of conductive textile and thin copper tape were used. The good and bad characteristics of textiles as a substrate and conductive tapes on textiles are considered, especially during use. The method of cutting conductive tapes and transferring them to textiles by means of a special self - adhesive tape is shown. An example made in the microwave technique, which is important due to high frequencies, is also presented