15 research outputs found

    Interaktionen zwischen Genotyp und Ort sind ein Vorteil von lokaler Züchtung von Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba L.)

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    Organic farming is based on low productivity environments regarding the restricted supply of inputs. Thus, to maximize the response of selection, the local breeding approach was put forward for organic agriculture. To analyse this approach, efforts of organic farmers and scientists were combined in a pertinent, participatory breeding approach using spring faba bean as crop. A set of genotypes with different levels of heterozygosity and heterogeneity were tested in four organic farms and one conventional location. Results for grain yield showed that the genotype-location interaction was highly significant and contributed to a large extent to the yield variation. The findings indicated that indeed local breeding programs could give greater genetic gains for organic cropping systems than traditional, formal plant breeding programs

    Zum Einfluss der Fütterung von Leindotterpresskuchen auf die Mast- und Schlachtleistung von Broilern aus ökologischer Mast

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    False flax (Camelina sativa) is a very beneficial oil seed in organic plant production. Its added value could be enhanced by using the oil cake in animal nutrition, which is very interesting for organic feeding due to the demand of farm grown crude protein and energy delivering plants. But European feed law does not allow such an use. An application for an amendment of the ordinance only seems promising, if it is possible to make a scientifically based proposal concerning the unproblematic amount of Camelina oil cake in the diet. Therefore in an organic feeding trial with a total of 192 broilers the effects of different amounts of Camelina oil cake (0%, 2.5%, 5% and 5% heat and pressure treated) in the diet concerning performance, carcass and meat quality were tested. The substitution of Camelina oil cake against soy cake till 5% caused inconsistent results concerning performance. Treated oil cake significantly caused poor performance and enlarged thyroid glands and livers. Carcass, meat, and fat quality remained unaffected. But anyway, a recommendation concerning the rea-sonable amount of Camelina oil cake in a broiler diet based on this single trial seems not feasible. Therefore further research has to be done

    Leitfaden Saatgutgesundheit im Ökologischen Landbau - Ackerkulturen

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    Im "Leitfaden Saatgutgesundheit im Ökologischen Landbau – Ackerkulturen" werden ausgewählte saatgutbürtige Krankheiten von ackerbaulichen Kulturen samt vorbeugenden und direkten Regulierungsmöglichkeiten vorgestellt

    Physikalische Verfahren zur Behandlung von Saatgut im ökologischen Landbau

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    A variety of physical treatment methods are able to kill pathogens on and in seeds non-selectively. In all cases, the application of these methods requires optimisation of the relevant treatment parameters such as temperature, treatment time or energy dose. The optimum treatment effect is achieved when the selected parameters induce a maximum reduction of infestation without relevant impairment of germination capac-ity and plant growth. It has been confirmed that different physical measures can be used for the control of seed-borne pathogens. The “classical” hot water treatment method is suitable for a wide range of seeds. Further procedures like the hot air seed treatment method “Thermoseed®”, the vacuum-steam treatment method Steamlab, and others are also suitable

    Leindotterpresskuchen in ökologischen Futterrationen: Stand der Forschung

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    Organic farming needs home-grown energy and protein sources in livestock feeding. Due to the concept of mixed cropping systems with oilseeds like false flax (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz) the possible use of its oilcake as a component of feeding rations is attracting attention of farmers. False flax is an undesired substance in the European rules on feeding stuffs and the use of its oilcake in animal feeding is subject of diverse research projects. A review of the recentThe experiences shows that the use of oilcake of false flax in monogastric animals can negatively affect sensory meat quality and metabolism obvious in enlarged organs. In ruminant feeding those effects are not observed. Further research is needed to find out adopted feeding rations for different livestock. In dairy feeding additional experiments on the effect on milk fat contents should confirm existing results

    Vermeidung von saatgutbürtigen Krankheiten: Strategien für den Öko-Landbau

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    Due to legal provisions on the use of organic seed and the generally occurring expansion of organic agriculture the significance of healthy seed in organic farming is increasing. In a project the currently available as well as promising methods and substances shall be tested and evaluated for their use in practice. Results of exemplary investigations concerning the control of Ustilago nuda in spring wheat and spring barley by thermal treatment as well as the control of Tilletia caries in spring wheat by different plant strengtheners are presented

    Strategien zur Bekämpfung von Streifen- und Netzfleckenkrankheit der Gerste im Ökologischen Landbau

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    Barley leaf stripe (Drechslera graminea) and net blotch (Drechslera teres) are important seed transmitted diseases in organic barley cultivation in Europe. In the poster different measures and agents to control both diseases are investigated and discussed. Our research reveals that barley leaf stripe as well as net blotch can be sufficiently controlled in organic farming by physical methods (warm water and hot air treatment) or by the alcoholic plant strengtheners Lebermooser and - less effectively - by Milsana®. The plant protection product Cedomon® was not always sufficiently effective to control barley leaf stripe and net blotch. Depending on the imposed measure and on the barley type (hulless, hulled), variety and seed origin more or less adverse side effects on germination were observed and should thus be considered

    Strategien zur Bekämpfung von Brandkrankheiten bei Getreide im Ökologischen Landbau

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    Getreidebrände als saatgutübertragbare Erkrankungen der Ähre haben im Ökologischen Landbau stärkere Bedeutung erlangt, weil eine Beizung mit hochwirksamen Fungiziden unterbleibt. Eine Bekämpfung ist jedoch zwingend notwendig, weil in der Regel Ertragseinbußen eintreten und die Sporen toxikologisch bedenklich sind. Zudem droht der Saatgutvermehrung Schaden, denn bereits mehr als drei bzw. fünf befallene Pflanzen pro 150 m² führen zur Aberkennung des Basis- bzw. Z-Saatgutes. Resistente Sorten stehen kaum zur Verfügung, denn wegen der Saatbeizung bestand für die Züchtung seit Jahrzehnten keine Notwendigkeit, sich einer Resistenzzüchtung zu widmen. Das spiegelt sich auch in den Zulassungskriterien des Bundessortenamtes wider, wo die Anfälligkeit der Sorten auf Brandkrankheiten nicht berücksichtigt wird. Bei den relevanten Brandkrankheiten handelt es sich bei allen Triticum-Arten um Steinbrand (Tilletia tritici), Zwergsteinbrand (Tilletia controversa) und Flugbrand (Ustilago tritici), bei Gerste um Flugbrand (U. nuda) und Hartbrand (U. hordei) sowie bei Hafer um Flugbrand (U. avenae). Die Bekämpfung der Getreidebrände im Öko-Landbau ist spätestens seit der EU-Verordnung Nr. 1452/2003, welche die Verwendung von Saatgut aus ökologischem Anbau vorschreibt, eine vordringliche Aufgabe der Forschung. In Deutschland werden derzeit verschiedene Forschungsvorhaben zu dieser Problematik durchgeführt (Wilbois et al. 2005; Spieß 2006)

    Effect of riboflavin dosage and source on growth, slaughter traits and welfare of broilers

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    Effect of riboflavin dosage and source on growth, slaughter traits and welfare of broilers

    Effects of a riboflavin source suitable for use in organic broiler diets on performance traits and health indicators

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    Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is essential for monogastric animals. It is mainly produced by recombinant microorganisms (Candida famata, Bacillus subtilis and Ashbya gossypii). The availability of genetically modified organism (GMO)-free riboflavin, obligatory in European organic agriculture, is a major issue. Besides, requirements for organic livestock might differ from conventional production because other genotypes and feed formulations are used. The effects of a fermentation suspension with a high native content of riboflavin produced with unmodified A. gossypii by fermentation were investigated at graded dosages as an alternative to conventional (GMO-based) riboflavin in slow-growing broilers on performance traits and health and welfare indicators. In 2 runs with 800 animals each, Ranger Gold™ broilers were fed with 4 dietary treatments. For starter diets (day 1 to 18), treatments included a basal diet (1) without any riboflavin supplementation (negative control, N-C), (2) with conventional riboflavin supplementation (Cuxavit B2 80% riboflavin) at 9.6 mg/kg (positive control, P-C), (3) with riboflavin supplementation from the alternative source at 3.5 mg/kg (A-low) and (4) with riboflavin supplementation from the alternative source at 9.6 mg/kg (A-high). For the finisher diet (day 29 until slaughtering), P-C and A-high were supplemented with 8.0 mg/kg and A-low with 3.5 mg/kg. Diets were formulated according to organic regulations. Animals were kept in floor pens with 20 chickens per pen. Weekly, BW, feed and water consumption were recorded. Every second week, animal-based health and welfare indicators (feather score and footpad dermatitis) were scored. Slaughter traits were assessed for five males and females per pen at 62/63 days of age. Final body weight of A-high differed from N-C and A-low, but not from P-C. From week 2 until six years of age, A-high had a higher daily weight gain when compared to all other groups. With 74.4%, dressing percentage was higher in A-high compared with all other groups (73.3%). Breast percentage of A-low was lower than that of both control groups but did not differ from A-high. The highest frequency of liver scores indicating fatty liver syndrome was found in P-C, followed by N-C and A-low. Feather scores did not respond to treatment; the highest frequency of mild footpad dermatitis was observed in A-high, however at a low prevalence. In conclusion, the tested fermentation suspension with a high native content of riboflavin derived from fermentation of A. gossypii can be used at levels of commercial recommendations as alternative to riboflavin produced from GMO in broiler feeding. Further studies must verify whether riboflavin can be reduced without inducing riboflavin deficiency in slow-growing broilers