
Leindotterpresskuchen in ökologischen Futterrationen: Stand der Forschung


Organic farming needs home-grown energy and protein sources in livestock feeding. Due to the concept of mixed cropping systems with oilseeds like false flax (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz) the possible use of its oilcake as a component of feeding rations is attracting attention of farmers. False flax is an undesired substance in the European rules on feeding stuffs and the use of its oilcake in animal feeding is subject of diverse research projects. A review of the recentThe experiences shows that the use of oilcake of false flax in monogastric animals can negatively affect sensory meat quality and metabolism obvious in enlarged organs. In ruminant feeding those effects are not observed. Further research is needed to find out adopted feeding rations for different livestock. In dairy feeding additional experiments on the effect on milk fat contents should confirm existing results

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