17 research outputs found

    Radon in thermal baths

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    Radon Sources and Associated Risk in terms of Exposure and Dose

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    Radon concern the international scientific community from early 20th century. Initially as radium emanation, almost the second half of the century as severe harmful to human health. Initial brilliant period of use as medicine, followed by a period of intense concern for its health effects. Primary target groups surveyed were miners early in Europe later in U.S. There is now compelling evidence that radon and its progeny can cause lung cancer. Human activities may create or modify pathways increasing indoor radon concentration compared to outdoor background. These pathways can be controlled by preventive and corrective actions. Indoor Radon and its short-lived progeny attached on aerosol particles or free compose an air mixture that carry a significant energy amount (PAEC). Exposure on PAEC and dose delivered reviewed in detail. Special attention was paid to the case of water workers because lack of adequate data. Radon risk assessment and current legislation regulates dose from radon and its progeny, also were reviewed

    Radon exposure in the thermal spas of Lesvos Island-Greece

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    The aim of this work is to study the exposure due to radon to bathers and personnel in the spas of Lesvos Island under a specific use pattern. 222Rn concentrations in the supplying water were measured during a long time period. Variations in indoor 222Rn, attached and unattached progenies, and influence of the ambient atmosphere were thoroughly analysed during bath treatment for the purpose of investigating a consequent probable short-term health impact. Concentration peaks both for 222Rn and PAEC were found to appear during bathtubs filling. These peaks considered imposing an additional short-term radiation burden for spa users. The additional doses delivered to bathers during bath treatment were found to be very low and for personnel did not exceed the value of 5 mSv per year. © Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved

    Radon variations during treatment in thermal spas of Lesvos Island (Greece)

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    The aim of this paper was to study the variations of radon and daughter nuclei during treatment in the thermal spas of Lesvos Island (Greece). For this purpose, in the thermal spas of Lesvos we have measured the radon concentrations of thermal waters, as well as indoor radon, daughter and coarse particle (>500 nm) concentration. Various instruments and procedures were employed for measurements. Radon concentrations of thermal waters were found to lie in the range 10 and 304 Bq l-1. Concentration peaks both for radon, radon daughter and coarse particle, were found to appear during filling of baths in the treatment process. The doses delivered to the bathers during treatment were in the range of 0.00670 mSv per year to 0.1279 mSv per year, while the doses delivered to personnel were below 20 mSv per year. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Investigation of the exposure to radon and progeny in the thermal spas of Loutraki (Attica-Greece): Results from measurements and modelling

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    Radon and progeny (218Po, 214Pb, 214Bi and 214Po) in thermal spas are well known radioactive pollutants identified for additional radiation burden of patients due to the activity concentration peaks which appear during bath treatment or due to drinking of waters of high radon content. This burden affects additionally the working personnel of the spas. The present paper has focused on the thermal spas of Loutraki (Attica-Greece). The aim was the investigation of the health impact for patients and working personnel due to radon and progeny. Attention has been paid to radon and progeny transient concentration peaks (for bath treatment) and to radon of thermal waters (both for bath treatment and drinking therapy). Designed experiments have been carried out, which included radon and progeny activity concentration measurements in thermal waters and ambient air. Additionally, published models for description of radon and progeny transient concentration peaks were employed. The models were based on physicochemical processes involved and employed non linear first order derivative mass balance differential equations which were solved numerically with the aid of specially developed computer codes. The collected measurements were analysed incorporating these models. Results were checked via non linear statistical tests. Predictions and measurements were found in close agreement. Non linear parameters were estimated. The models were employed for dosimetric estimations of patients and working personnel. The effective doses of patients receiving bath treatment were found low but not negligible. The corresponding doses to patients receiving potable treatment were found high but below the proposed international limits. It was found that the working personnel are exposed to considerable effective doses, however well below the acceptable limits for workers. It was concluded that treatment and working in the Loutraki spas leads to intense variations of radon and progeny and consequently additional health impact both to patients and working personnel. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Preliminary background indoor EMF measurements in Greece

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    The main purpose of this work was to investigate the fluctuation of Greek indoor electromagnetic field (EMF) intensity values and identify peaks that might occur. The scientific interest is mainly focused on the bands of extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields and radiofrequency (RF) electric fields which have been suggested to be possibly carcinogenic to humans by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR).Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) measurements were performed in a variety of indoor dwellings, in Attica and in the islands of Zakynthos and Lesvos.A total number of 4540 measurements were taken in a wide frequency range (50 Hz-2100 MHz) of which 3301 in Attica, 963 in Lesvos and 276 in Zakynthos.Statistical analysis of the data revealed specific statistically significant differences between the mean values of the electric (ELF and RF) but not the magnetic (ELF) field strengths measured at different distances from the EMF source, as well as between some of the mean values of the RF electric field at different bands. Some statistically significant differences between mean electric field values at different geographic locations were also identified.As far as the RF electric field is concerned, the maximum values, in most cases, were below 0.5 V/m, however increased values above 1 V/m and up to 5.6 V/m were occasionally observed. The ELF magnetic field values were lower than 1 μT. It may be concluded that overall, the observed indoor EMF intensity values remained well below domestic and European established limits. © 2015 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica

    Traces of self-organisation and long-range memory in variations of environmental radon in soil: Comparative results from monitoring in Lesvos Island and Ileia (Greece)

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    This paper addresses issues of self-affinity, long-memory and self-organisation in variations of radon in soil recorded in Lesvos Island, Greece. Several techniques were employed, namely (a) power-law wavelet spectral fractal analysis, (b) estimation of Hurst exponents through (b1) rescaled-range, (b2) roughness-length, (b3) variogram and (a), (c) detrended fluctuation analysis, (d) investigation of fractal dimensions and (e) analysis of five block entropies: (e1) Shannon entropy, (e2) Shannon entropy per letter, (e3) conditional entropy, (e4) Tsallis entropy, and (e5) normalised Tsallis entropy. Long-lasting antipersistency was identified during a period of anomalous radon variations following fractional Brownian modelling. Remaining variations did not exhibit analogous behaviour and followed fractional Gaussian modelling. Antipersistent power-law-beta-exponent-values between 1.5 and 2.0 were detected during anomalies. Persistent values were also found. Hurst exponents were mainly within 0 < H < 0.5. Some persistent exponents (0.5 < H < 1) were also observed. Fractal dimensions were within 1.5 < D < 2. Radon anomalies presented lower fractal dimensions. Shannon entropy ranged between 0.77 ≤ H(n) ≤ 2.38, Shannon entropy per letter, between 0.19 ≤ h (n) ≤ 0.59, conditional entropy, between 0.01 ≤ h (n) ≤ 0.58, Tsallis entropy, between 0.55 ≤ S q ≤ 1.01 and normalised Tsallis entropy between, 0.98 ≤ {S} S ≤ 5.42 (block-size n = 4). Entropies were lower during anomalies, indicating strong self-organisation. Persistency-antipersistency switching was observed, consistent with long-memory dynamics. Potential geological sources were discussed. The asperity-model was proposed. Findings were compared to results obtained under analogous methodologies in Ileia, Greece. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary