21 research outputs found

    On quasistability radius of a vector trajectorial problem with a principle of optimality generalizing Pareto and lexicographic principles

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    A multicriterion linear combinatorial problem with a parametric principle of optimality is considered. This principle is defined by a partitioning of partial criteria onto Pareto preference relation groups within each group and the lexicographic preference relation between them. Quasistability of the problem is investigated. This type of stability is a discrete analog of Hausdorff lower semi-continuity of the multiple-valued mapping that defines the choice function. A formula of quasistability radius is derived for the case of the metric l∞. Some known results are stated as corollaries. Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 90C05, 90C10, 90C29, 90C31

    On stability of Nash equilibrium situations and Pareto optimal situations in finite games

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    A non-cooperative finite game of several persons is considered in the case, where payoff functions are linear. Extreme levels of independent perturbations of payoff functions parameters, which remain Nash and Pareto optimality of a situation, are specified. Necessary and sufficient conditions of such stability are stated. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification : 90C27, 90C29

    On stability of an optimal situation in a finite cooperative game with a parametric concept of equilibrium (from lexicographic optimality to Nash equilibrium)

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    A parametric concept of equilibrium (principle of optimality) in a finite cooperative game in normal form of several players is introduced. This concept is defined by means of the partition of players into coalitions. Lexicographically optimal situation and Nash equilibrium situation correspond to two special cases of this partition. The quantitative analysis of stability of an optimal situation for the independent perturbations of players' payoff functions is performed. The maximum level of such perturbations which save the optimality of a situation is found. Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 90C05, 90C10, 90C29, 90C3

    Design of Computational Models for Hydroturbine Units Based on a Nonparametric Regression Approach with Adaptation by Evolutionary Algorithms

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    This article deals with the problem of designing regression models for evaluating the parameters of the operation of complex technological equipment—hydroturbine units. A promising approach to the construction of regression models based on nonparametric Nadaraya–Watson kernel estimates is considered. A known problem in applying this approach is to determine the effective values of kernel-smoothing coefficients. Kernel-smoothing factors significantly impact the accuracy of the regression model, especially under conditions of variability of noise and parameters of samples in the input space of models. This fully corresponds to the characteristics of the problem of estimating the parameters of hydraulic turbines. We propose to use the evolutionary genetic algorithm with an addition in the form of a local-search stage to adjust the smoothing coefficients. This ensures the local convergence of the tuning procedure, which is important given the high sensitivity of the quality criterion of the nonparametric model. On a set of test problems, the results were obtained showing a reduction in the modeling error by 20% and 28% for the methods of adjusting the coefficients by the standard and hybrid genetic algorithms, respectively, in comparison with the case of an arbitrary choice of the values of such coefficients. For the task of estimating the parameters of the operation of a hydroturbine unit, a number of promising approaches to constructing regression models based on artificial neural networks, multidimensional adaptive splines, and an evolutionary method of genetic programming were included in the research. The proposed nonparametric approach with a hybrid smoothing coefficient tuning scheme was found to be most effective with a reduction in modeling error of about 5% compared with the best of the alternative approaches considered in the study, which, according to the results of numerical experiments, was the method of multivariate adaptive regression splines

    A Study on a Probabilistic Method for Designing Artificial Neural Networks for the Formation of Intelligent Technology Assemblies with High Variability

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    Currently, ensemble approaches based, among other things, on the use of non-network models are powerful tools for solving data analysis problems in various practical applications. An important problem in the formation of ensembles of models is ensuring the synergy of solutions by using the properties of a variety of basic individual solutions; therefore, the problem of developing an approach that ensures the maintenance of diversity in a preliminary pool of models for an ensemble is relevant for development and research. This article is devoted to the study of the possibility of using a method for the probabilistic formation of neural network structures developed by the authors. In order to form ensembles of neural networks, the influence of parameters of neural network structure generation on the quality of solving regression problems is considered. To improve the quality of the overall ensemble solution, using a flexible adjustment of the probabilistic procedure for choosing the type of activation function when filling in the layers of a neural network is proposed. In order to determine the effectiveness of this approach, a number of numerical studies on the effectiveness of using neural network ensembles on a set of generated test tasks and real datasets were conducted. The procedure of forming a common solution in ensembles of neural networks based on the application of an evolutionary method of genetic programming is also considered. This article presents the results of a numerical study that demonstrate a higher efficiency of the approach with a modified structure formation procedure compared to a basic approach of selecting the best individual neural networks from a preformed pool. These numerical studies were carried out on a set of test problems and several problems with real datasets that, in particular, describe the process of ore-thermal melting

    Paired Patterns in Logical Analysis of Data for Decision Support in Recognition

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    Logical analysis of data (LAD), an approach to data analysis based on Boolean functions, combinatorics, and optimization, can be considered one of the methods of interpretable machine learning. A feature of LAD is that, among many patterns, different types of patterns can be identified, for example, prime, strong, spanned, and maximum. This paper proposes a decision-support approach to recognition by sharing different types of patterns to improve the quality of recognition in terms of accuracy, interpretability, and validity. An algorithm was developed to search for pairs of strong patterns (prime and spanned) with the same coverage as the training sample, having the smallest (for the prime pattern) and the largest (for the spanned pattern) number of conditions. The proposed approach leads to a decrease in the number of unrecognized observations (compared with the use of spanned patterns only) by 1.5–2 times (experimental results), to some reduction in recognition errors (compared with the use of prime patterns only) of approximately 1% (depending on the dataset) and makes it possible to assess in more detail the level of confidence of the recognition result due to a refined decision-making scheme that uses the information about the number and type of patterns covering the observation

    Paired Patterns in Logical Analysis of Data for Decision Support in Recognition

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    Logical analysis of data (LAD), an approach to data analysis based on Boolean functions, combinatorics, and optimization, can be considered one of the methods of interpretable machine learning. A feature of LAD is that, among many patterns, different types of patterns can be identified, for example, prime, strong, spanned, and maximum. This paper proposes a decision-support approach to recognition by sharing different types of patterns to improve the quality of recognition in terms of accuracy, interpretability, and validity. An algorithm was developed to search for pairs of strong patterns (prime and spanned) with the same coverage as the training sample, having the smallest (for the prime pattern) and the largest (for the spanned pattern) number of conditions. The proposed approach leads to a decrease in the number of unrecognized observations (compared with the use of spanned patterns only) by 1.5–2 times (experimental results), to some reduction in recognition errors (compared with the use of prime patterns only) of approximately 1% (depending on the dataset) and makes it possible to assess in more detail the level of confidence of the recognition result due to a refined decision-making scheme that uses the information about the number and type of patterns covering the observation

    Mathematical Modeling of Induction Heating of Waveguide Path Assemblies during Induction Soldering

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    The waveguides used in spacecraft antenna feeders are often assembled using external couplers or flanges subject to further welding or soldering. Making permanent joints by means of induction heating has proven to be the best solution in this context. However, several physical phenomena observed in the heating zone complicate any effort to control the process of making a permanent joint by induction heating; these phenomena include flux evaporation and changes in the emissivity of the material. These processes make it difficult to measure the temperature of the heating zone by means of contactless temperature sensors. Meanwhile, contact sensors are not an option due to the high requirements regarding surface quality. Besides, such sensors take a large amount of time and human involvement to install. Thus, it is a relevant undertaking to develop mathematical models for each waveguide assembly component as well as for the entire waveguide assembly. The proposed mathematical models have been tested by experiments in kind, which have shown a great degree of consistency between model-derived estimates and experimental data. The paper also shows how to use the proposed models to test and calibrate the process of making an aluminum-alloy rectangular tube flange waveguide by induction soldering. The Russian software, SimInTech, was used in this research as the modeling environment. The approach proposed herein can significantly lower the labor and material costs of calibrating and testing the process of the induction soldering of waveguides, whether the goal is to adjust the existing process or to implement a new configuration that uses different dimensions or materials