29 research outputs found

    Agricultural Potential for Biogas Production in Croatia

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    Biogas is renewable energy source with strong local character as its production depends on availability and type of feedstock at a certain location. Utilisation of slurry, manure and beddings from cattle, pig, horse, poultry and other animal breeding together with energy rich substrates such as crops and other organic materials as biogas substrates creates an interesting option both from technical and economic perspective. Other materials suitable for anaerobic digestion are comprised of various residues from agriculture (crops and vegetables), residues from food processing industry and energy crops (maize silage, grass and similar). Primary reason for biogas production is economic gain from energy production and/or organic waste management that adds value to agriculture and food processing residues that would otherwise be treated as waste. The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview of biogas production potential of Croatia at the level of statistical administrative units NUTS1 and NUTS2, excluding energy crops growing and agro-food imports but including the seasonality of substrate availability

    Entwicklungsprojekte für Dörfer in staatlichen Fördergebieten. Jazavice und Roždanik – eine Fallstudie

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    The paper presents a conceptual framework for a research project involving two villages, Jazavice and Ro`danik, the Sisa~ko-Moslava~ ka County declared as an area of special state concern because they were occupied from 29 September 1991 to 1 May 1995, and all the Croatian population fled. In addition to human casualties, both villages suffered immense material damage to residential, farm and public buildings and to utility services. The reconstruction of these villages should be approached as a greater development process, which should in the long run ensure demographic stabilization and an acceptable level of social and economic development. The first section is a summary presentation of the problem facing both villages. Then, the research approach is described, and objectives and basic methodology to be used in collecting the data for in-depth insight into the situation and problems determined. These will be the basis of model recommendations and guidelines prepared for future development activities.U ~lanku prikazujemo konceptualni okvir istra`iva~koga projekta za dva sela, Jazavice i Ro`danik, u Sisa~ko- -moslava~koj `upaniji, koja su uvr{tena u podru~je od posebne dr`avne skrbi jer su od 29. rujna 1991. do 1. svibnja 1995. bila okupirana, a hrvatski `ivalj izbjegao. Uz ljudske `rtve, oba su sela pretrpjela velika materijalna razaranja u stambenim, gospodarskim i javnim objektima i komunalnoj infrastrukturi. Obnovu sela treba tretirati kao {iri razvojni proces koji dugoro~no treba osigurati demografsku stabilizaciju i prihvatljivu razinu dru{tvenoga i gospodarskoga razvitka. U prvom dijelu ovoga teksta iznesen je sa`et prikaz problema s kojima se su~eljavaju oba naselja. U nastavku opisujemo pristup istra`ivanju, determiniramo ciljeve i osnovne metodolo{ke postupke koji }e se primijeniti u svrhu prikupljanja podataka radi detaljnijeg uvida u stanje i probleme te kao predlo`ak preporuka i smjernica za budu}e razvojne aktivnosti.Der Artikel präsentiert den konzeptuellen Rahmen eines geplanten Forschungsprojektes zur Entwicklung der Dörfer Jazavice und Ro`danik in der Gespanschaft Sisak-Moslavina, die zu staatlichen Fördergebieten erklärt wurden. Im Zeitraum vom 29. September 1991 bis 1. Mai 1995 befanden sich diese Dörfer unter serbischer Besatzung, die kroatische Bevölkerung war geflohen. Neben Menschenopfern waren sowohl in Jazavice als auch in Ro`danik große Sachschäden an Wohnhäusern, Wirtschaftsund öffentlichen Gebäuden wie auch in der kommunalen Infrastruktur zu beklagen. Der Wiederaufbau muss in einen breiteren Entwicklungsrahmen eingebettet werden und soll langfristig eine demografische Stabilisierung sowie ein akzeptables Niveau gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung sichern. Im ersten Teil ihrer Arbeit geben die Autoren eine kurze Darstellung der Schwierigkeiten, mit denen sich die genannten Dörfer auseinanderzusetzen haben. Es folgen eine Beschreibung des Forschungsansatzes, eine Bestimmung der Forschungsziele sowie der wichtigsten methodologischen Verfahren, die zum Einsatz kommen sollen, um einen genaueren Einblick in Lage und Probleme zu gewinnen und um Hinweise und Richtlinien für zukünftige Entwicklungsmaßnahmen bestimmen zu können

    Break-even model application for business decision--making in olive production

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    Model točke pokrića je koristan analitički instrument za utvrđivanje ekonomskih učinaka koji pomaže u planiranju i donošenju poslovnih odluka u procesu upravljanja maslinarskom proizvodnjom. Ovaj model se koristi kao analitički instrument koji daje određene smjernice za kratkoročno poslovno odlučivanje. Cilj rada bio je primijeniti cjelokupnu analizu točke pokrića i pokazati odnose između troškova, prihoda i financijskog rezultata pri različitim razinama proizvodnje maslina te utvrditi razinu proizvodnje kod koje su pokriveni ukupni troškovi uz determiniranu prodajnu cijenu. Na temelju tehnoloških i ekonomskih polazišta izrađena je modelna kalkulacija pokrića varijabilnih troškova maslinarske proizvodnje. Modelnom kalkulacijom utvrđeni troškovi i prihodi predstavljali su podlogu za analizu točke pokrića i izračunavanje relevantnih ekonomskih veličina i pokazatelja. Pri količini proizvodnje od 386 kg maslinovog ulja ostvaruje se ukupni prihod u iznosu od 17.391,59 kn koji pokriva ukupne troškove, što znači da je potrebno ostvariti 28,9% ukupne količine proizvodnje za izlazak iz zone gubitka. Pozitivan financijski rezultat i vrijednosti ekonomskih pokazatelja proizvodnosti rada, ekonomičnosti i rentabilnosti proizvodnje u analitičkom modelu pokazuju da je konvencionalna proizvodnja maslina u punoj rodnosti efikasna pod pretpostavkom postizanja očekivanog priroda ploda, randmana ulja i njegove uspješne prodaje.The break-even model is an useful analytical instrument for determination of economic effects, which facilitates planning and business decision-making in the process of olive production management. This model is used as an analytical instrument that provides specific guidance for short-term business decision-making. The paper aim was to apply the whole break-even analysis, show the relations between costs, revenues, and financial result at various olive production levels, and determine the production level where total costs are covered with the determined selling price. Gross margin calculation model of olive production has been created on the basis of technological and economic starting points. Costs and revenues determined by model calculation were the basis for the break-even analysis and the calculation of relevant economic values and indicators. At the production of 386 kg of olive oil, the total revenue of 17,391.59 HRK covers the total cost, which means that 28.9% total production should be realised so as to come out of loss. The positive financial result and the values of economic indicators of labour productivity, cost-effectiveness and profitability of production in the analytical model show that the conventional production of olives in full fertility is effective under the assumption of realisation of the expected yield, the average yield of olive oil and the successful sales

    Sozioökonomische Prozesse in den landwirtschaftlichen Familienbetrieben Dalmatien

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    U radu se razmatraju socioekonomski procesi u obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima Dalmacije. Utvr|eno je smanjenje broja poljoprivrednih gospodarstava i poljoprivrednoga stanovni{tva, a u zadnjih deset godina i smanjenje ukupnoga broja stanovnika. U drugom dijelu rada upozorava se na procese koji su se dogodili u obiteljskim gospodarstvima, a temelje se na rezultatima preglednog istra`ivanja od 1971. do 1992. godine, pri ~emu je rije~ o: aktivnosti ~lanova doma}instva, zemlji{nim kapacitetima i posjedovnoj strukturi, strukturi upotrebe povr{ina, opremljenosti gospodarstva, sto~nom fondu, tr`i{tu prodaje i zna~enju prihoda ostvarenog na gospodarstvu. Zemlji{ni posjed sve je manji, a neobra|ene povr{ine sve su ve}e. Napu{taju se vode}e kulture, a prevladava proizvodnja koju usmjeruju potrebe doma}instva. Manji broj gospodarstava odlu~io se za ve}u specijaliziranu proizvodnju namijenjenu tr`i{tu. Mehaniziranost gospodarstava sve je ve}a, posebno traktorima manje snage. Prihod od poljoprivrede va`an je ve}ini doma}instava, iako su radni resursi usmjereni na rad izvan gospodarstva. Zavr{ni dio rada otvara temu "razvojna ograni~enja i mogu}nosti"; stru~no znanje i pravilna usmjerenost mogu pridonijeti razvoju poljoprivrede u Dalmaciji.The paper analyzes socio-economic processes in the family farming of Dalmatia. It has been determined that the number of family farms and agricultural population are decreasing, which has also been the case with the number of total population over the last ten years. The second part of the paper points out the processes that occurred in family farming, based on results of a descriptive research carried out during the period from 1971 to 1992, covering the following: activities of farm members, land capacities and ownership structure, land use structure, farm equipment, live-stock, sales market, and the significance of profit made from farming. The landed property is on the decrease, while uncultivated soil is increasing. Principal crops are being abandoned, with diverse production directed to farm needs prevailing. A fraction of farms have turned to a larger-scale specialized production for market purposes. Mechanization of farms is on the increase, particularly with low-powered tractors. The income from farming is significant in the majority of farms, although their working resources are designated to business opportunities outside the farms. The final section of the paper deals with what the future might bring forth, which can only aid the development of agriculture in Dalmatia through its expertise and orientation.Diese Arbeit untersucht sozioökonomische Prozesse in landwirtschaftlichen Familienbetrieben Dalmatiens. Es wird festgestellt, dass die Zahl landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe sowie die der Landwirtschaft betreibenden Bevölkerung in Dalmatien zurückgegangen ist, ebenso im Laufe der letzten 10 Jahre die Gesamtbevölkerungszahl dieser Region. Im zweiten Teil der Studie verweist der Autor auf bestimmte Prozesse innerhalb landwirtschaftlicher Familienbetriebe; die Erkenntnisse gründen sich auf einer umfassenden Untersuchung, die im Zeitraum von 1971 bis 1992 durchgeführt wurde und sich auf folgende Erscheinungen konzentrierte: Tätigkeiten der Mitglieder eines Betriebes, Kapazität der Landbauflächen, Besitzerstruktur, Struktur der Bodennutzung, Ausstattung der Betriebe, Viehbestand, Absatzmarkt und Höhe der in der Landwirtschaft erzielten Gewinne. Der Umfang der Ländereien ist im Rückgang begriffen, die brachliegenden Flächen nehmen zu. Die Landwirte geben bislang vorherrschende Kulturen auf und wenden sich Erzeugnissen zu, die auf dem eigenen Hof benötigt werden. Eine geringere Zahl landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe richtet sich auf eine marktorientierte Erzeugung aus. Verstärkt kommen technische Hilfsmittel zum Einsatz, vor allem kleinere Traktoren. Die erwirtschafteten Gewinne sind bei den meisten Betrieben von beträchtlichem Umfang, auch wenn die Arbeitsressourcen auf Tätigkeiten außerhalb der Landwirtschaft ausgerichtet sind. Der abschließende Teil der Studie schneidet das Thema "Entwicklungseinschränkungen und -möglichkeiten" an. Die aus dieser Diskussion gewonnenen Einsichten können der Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft in Dalmatien sehr zuträglich sein


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    The goal of the paper is to determine the leadership capacity of managers at various organizational levels in agribusiness companies based on the characteristics of the respondents. Due to the (non)presence of certain characteristics, the extent to which managers tend to be potential leaders is estimated. For purpose of the research the survey was conducted in a total of five companies on strategic, tactical and operational level of management. The results are compared with previous research conducted in 2002-2003 within the project Comparative study of the functioning of management. Managers in agribusiness showed a majority in tendency of thinking like leaders and in other related segments their behavior is closely to contemporary knowledge on effective leadership. Due to other companies, agribusiness does not show the significant differences in according to which is concluded that this sector is dominated by well-known and well-established managerial practices. The fact is that a dynamic business environment of the food industry requires first and foremost the high professionalism, innovation and the ability to coordinate from its leading human resources. Regarding to actuality of leadership subject in domestic and foreign scientific public, and its importance for the business success of enterprises, the study provides an overview of the characteristics of management in selected Croatian agribusiness enterprises


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    This paper is aimed to stress the modern methods of project value analysis based on valuation of opportunities emerged during the project’s life. Traditional appraisal methodology can hardly incorporate option value and quantify management flexibility. Therefore, traditional investment appraisal should be completed with option value evaluation (Real Option). The appliance of option quantification is showed on a model of plum and plum brandy production as an extension activity. Results of traditional NPV analysis for 1 ha of plum production imply to be unacceptable. On the other hand, economic analysis of extended plum brandy production indicates high profitability. It implies that plum plantation has an option calculated using Black-Scholes and Binomial model. Plum production strategic NPV that includes option value is in this case 2 950.54 EUR indicating acceptability of investment.Cilj rada je naglasiti suvremene metode analize vrijednosti projekata temeljene na evaluaciji prilika i mogućnosti nastalih tijekom odvijanja projekta. Tradicionalne metode vrednovanja investicija nisu dovoljne za evaluaciju opcija i kvantificiranje fleksibilnosti menadžmenta, zbog čega je tradicionalnu analizu potrebno upotpuniti opcijskim metodama vrednovanja. Primjena opcijskih modela prikazana je na primjeru proizvodnje šljiva i rakije šljivovice, kao jedne od opcija plasmana šljiva. Tradicionalna ekonomska analiza učinkovitosti proizvodnje šljiva s 1 ha površine ukazuje na neprihvatljivost takve investicije. S druge strane, ekonomski rezultati proizvodnje rakije šljivovice ukazuju na visoku rentabilnost. Iz toga se može zaključiti da, iako neisplativa, proizvodnja šljiva ima određenu opcijsku vrijednost koja je određena Black-Scholesovim (BS) i Binomnim modelom. Ukupna ili strateška neto sadašnja vrijednost (NSV) koja, uz tradicionalno određenu NSV, uključuje i opcijsku vrijednost, iznosi 2 950,54 EUR-a (BS model), ukazujući na prihvatljivost projekta


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    Temeljem provedene ankete u kojoj su sudjelovala 34 obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva s različitih područja Hrvatske, u radu se analiziraju osnovne značajke poslovnog odlučivanja poljoprivrednika s naglaskom na informacijsku podlogu, sklonost riziku, sudionike i ciljeve prilikom donošenja poslovnih odluka. Kao podlogu za donošenje poslovnih odluka ispitanici najčešće koriste informacije iz stručnih časopisa i savjete poljoprivredne savjetodavne službe, a samo 29,4% ispitanika koristi Internet kao izvor podataka. Zabrinjavajući je podatak da čak 41% ispitanika ne vodi pismenu evidenciju poslovnih događaja. Većina ispitanika nesklona je riziku i odabire manje profitabilnu, ali sigurniju poslovnu opciju. Proizvodni i tržišni rizici najvažniji su čimbenici odabira proizvodne orijentacije. Ekonomske ciljeve poljoprivrednog gospodarstva ispitanici smatraju važnijim od društvenih. U tom smislu, prenošenja posla na nove generacije i održavanje poljoprivrede zbog tradicije i života na selu ocijenjeni su manje važnim ciljem u odnosu na ostvarenje što većeg dohotka. U donošenju poslovnih odluka sudjeluju svi članovi gospodarstva, a svega 6% ispitanika odluke donosi samostalno, bez savjetovanja s drugim članovima OPG-a. Veća gospodarstva posvećuju više pažnje evidentiranju poslovnih događaja, u značajnijoj mjeri koriste računalo u poslovne svrhe te su sklonija riziku u odnosu na manja gospodarstva. Rezultati rada ukazuju na potrebu racionalizacije procesa menadžerskog poslovnog odlučivanja poljoprivrednih gospodarstava, ali i na nezadovoljavajuće stanje informacijske podloge kao preduvjeta kvalitetnih poslovnih odluka.Based on the survey which included 34 family farms in Croatia, the paper summarizes the main features of business decision making of farmers, with emphasis on information basis, risk aversion, participants and goals. The most often used information sources are the professional journals and the agricultural extension service. Only 29.4% of respondents use the Internet as an information source. Unfortunately, even 41% of respondents do not keep a written record of business data. The majority of respondents are reluctant to risk and select a less profitable but safer business option. Production and market risks are the most important factors in selecting the production orientation. The respondents consider economic objectives of the farm more important than the social. In this sense, transferring the family business to the new generation and maintenance of traditional farming and rural life are rated as less important goals in relation to achieving the highest possible income. In the process of business decisions making all members of the family farms are involved, while only 6% of respondents make decisions without consulting the other members. According to expectation, larger farms devote more attention to recording business data, use the computer for business purposes more frequently and are more prepared to take risks than the smaller farms. The results show the need of the rationalization of the business decision making process on farms, and the unsatisfactory state of the information base as a prerequisite for high quality business decisions

    Die Ausstattung kroatischer landwirtschaftlicher Haushalte mit Nutzfahrzeugen und Geräten

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    Analiza opremljenosti hrvatskih poljoprivrednih kućanstava strojevima i opremom provedena je na osnovi podataka iz Popisa poljoprivrede 2003. U Hrvatskoj se poljoprivredom kao osnovnom ili dopunskom djelatnošću bavi 448.532 kućanstva, koja imaju 1.485.647 članova, a to je 33,5% ukupnoga stanovništva Hrvatske. Poljoprivredna kućanstva Hrvatske raspolažu s 1.162.612 ha zemljišta, što je 83,5% ukupno raspoloživoga poljoprivrednog zemljišta u Hrvatskoj. U prosjeku jedno poljoprivredno kućanstvo raspolaže s 2,59 ha, od čega 1,92 ha rabi u poljoprivredne svrhe, pri čemu je prosječna površina parcele 0,45 ha. Iz podataka se vidi da velik broj poljoprivrednih kućanstava nema odgovarajuće strojeve i opremu, a s druge strane dobro opremljena kućanstva nemaju dovoljno raspoloživa zemljišta za racionalnu upotrebu mehanizacije. Dvoosovinski traktor posjeduje samo 35,5% kućanstava (uz prosječnu snagu od 34,0 kW). Bez obzira na manji broj kućanstava koja posjeduju traktor, i to relativno slabe snage, na jedan hektar korištenoga zemljišta dolazi 7,35 kW snage traktora, što je znatno više i od razvijenih svjetskih zemalja. Najgora je situacija s opremom za natapanje, koju posjeduje samo 2,1% kućanstava, a natapa se tek 0,6% korištenih površina. Da bi se poljoprivredna kućanstva Hrvatske opremila modernim strojevima i opremom te ih racionalno rabila, treba primijeniti modele razvijenih europskih zemalja.An analysis of Croatian agricultural households\u27 level of equipment with machinery and equipment was conducted on the basis of data provided in the Agricultural Census 2003. In Croatia, agriculture is the primary or secondary economic activity for 448.532 households and 1.485.647 people, representing 33.5% of the total population. Croatian agricultural households possess 1.162.612 ha of total available land, which equates to 83.5% of the total agricultural land in the nation. The average agricultural household has 2,59 ha, from which 1,92 ha is used for agricultural purposes, and the average surface of each parcel is 0,45 ha. Our analysis of data indicated that a large proportion of agricultural households does not have adequate machinery and equipment; however, on a practical basis, households that are well equipped don\u27t have enough land for rational use of machinery. Only 35.5% of households have four-wheel tractors with an average power of 34,0 kW. Aside from deficient households which have tractors, and relatively low-powered ones, 7,35 kW of tractor power is used per one hectare of cultivated land, which is much more than fully developed countries in the world have. The most difficult situation is the lack of irrigation equipment – only 2.1% of households possess irrigation equipment and only 0.6% of the land area is irrigated. The research effort and analysis indicate that we should apply developed-European-country models to determine rational use of modern machinery and equipment for Croatian agricultural households.Aufgrund von Angaben, die 2003 in einem offiziellen Bericht zur Landwirtschaft erschienen sind, wurde eine Analyse durchgeführt, um die Ausstattung landwirtschaftlicher Haushalte in Kroatien mit Nutzfahrzeugen und Geräten zu ermitteln. In Kroatien gibt es 448.532 Haushalte mit 1.485.647 Mitgliedern, das sind 33,5% der kroatischen Gesamtbevölkerung, in denen die Landwirtschaft einen Haupt- oder Nebenerwerbszweig darstellt. Die landwirtschaftlichen Haushalte Kroatiens verfügen über 1.162.612 ha Land, was 83,5% der gesamten landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflächen darstellt. Im Durchschnitt stehen einem Haushalt 2,59 ha Land zur Verfügung; davon werden 1,92 ha landwirtschaftlich genutzt, wobei eine Parzelle durchschnittlich 0,45 ha beträgt. Aus dem erwähnten Bericht des Jahres 2003 geht hervor, dass eine große Zahl landwirtschaftlicher Haushalte nicht über eine angemessene Ausstattung mit Nutzfahrzeugen und Geräten verfügt, während andererseits gut ausgestattete Haushalte nicht über ausreichende Nutzflächen verfügen, die einen rationalen Einsatz technischer Hilfsmittel ermöglichen. Nur 35,5% der Haushalten besitzen einen Traktor mit Allradantrieb und einer durchschnittlichen Motorenleistung von 34,0 kW. Ungeachtet der geringen Zahl von Haushalten, die über Traktoren von relativ niedriger Leistungskraft verfügen, kommen auf 1 ha landwirtschaftlicher Nutzfläche 7,35 kW Traktorenleistung, bedeutend mehr, als selbst in entwickelten Ländern der Erde der Fall ist. Am schlechtesten steht es um Bewässerungsvorrichtungen, die nur 2,1% aller Haushalte besitzen; bewässert werden nur 0,6% der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflächen. Um die landwirtschaftlichen Haushalte Kroatiens mit modernen Nutzfahrzeugen und Geräten auszustatten und diese einer rationalen Nutzung zuzuführen, müssen die landwirtschaftlichen Modelle entwickelter europäischer Staaten angewandt werden