4 research outputs found
Agapé: Moral Attitudes through the Prism of the Movie Subtitles
We deal with the terms subtitling, guilt and innocence. Moreover, we describe the influence that the translator of the subtitles can have on our/spectator’s opinion about moral attitudes in film. In this article we do not describe the visual part of the film or the sound, we focus our attention only on the text (oral or written). We demonstrate it by comparing two sets of Czech subtitles of the Croatian movie Agape (2017, Schmidt). The first set was made with an intermediator (via English subtitles), while the second one was made without it. We point out that the language based misunderstanding can cause a misleading perception of the original message of the movie, and in the described case it can influence our perception of guilt or innocence of the main character
Diplomska naloga obravnava tehnološko podjetje Uber, ki v vlogi platforme za sodelovanje s pomočjo aplikacije povezuje uporabnike s ponudniki prevoznih storitev in tako predstavlja novodobno alternativo že uveljavljenim avtotaksi storitvam.
V tem trenutku start-up podjetje z najvišjim vloženim kapitalom na svetu resda ustvarja nove poslovne priložnosti in tako prispeva k ustvarjanju novih zaposlitvenih možnosti in intenzivnejši gospodarski rasti, tudi interes potrošnikov je velik in število uporabnikov strmo naraščahkrati pa predstavlja izziv že uveljavljenim ponudnikom avtotaksi storitev, ki ga v strahu za svoja delovna mesta sprejemajo z množičnim odporom, ter sproža vprašanja glede pravilne in smiselne uporabe obstoječih pravnih okvirov.
Rezultat omejujočega pristopa evropskih nacionalnih sodišč so številne sodne prepovedi ali omejitve izvajanja Uberjevih storitev zaradi dejanj nelojalne konkurencenjegova prisotnost na evropskem trgu pa odpira tudi mnoga vprašanja s področja konkurenčnega in delovnega prava EU.
Na Sodišče EU so bila jeseni 2015 v predhodno odločanje predložena vprašanje glede klasifikacije Uberjeve dejavnostiče ga bo Sodišče EU razglasilo za prevozno podjetje, bo zapadel pod nacionalno zakonodajo držav članic EU o prevoznih storitvahv primeru razglasitve za podjetje za storitve informacijske družbe pa bodo zanj veljale določbe zakonodaje EU o enotnem digitalnem trgu.
Evropska komisija je junija 2016 izdala smernice za ustrezno uporabo prava EU za tovrstne poslovne modele glede zahtev dostopa do trga, ureditve odgovornosti, varstva uporabnikov, klasifikacije delavcev in obdavčenja, s hkratnimi navodili državam članicam EU glede ustrezne zakonske ureditve na nacionalni ravni. Po uspešnem lanskoletnem vstopu na sosednji hrvaški trg je ponudbo Uberjevih storitev kmalu moč pričakovati tudi v Sloveniji.
V diplomski nalogi izpostavljam trenutno najbolj pereče dileme na področju konkurenčnega in delovnega prava, s katerimi imajo opravka tako zakonodajalci kot tudi uporabniki aplikacije, in predstavljam rešitve za zakonodajno ureditev Uberja na ravni prava EU.The diploma thesis deals with the technology company Uber, which represents a contemporary alternative to the established taxi car services in its capacity as a collaborative platform, connecting the users to the providers of transport services by means of an application.
Being the most valuable start-up company (company with the largest capital input) in the world at the moment, it creates new business opportunities, thus contributing to new employment possibilities and more intensive economic growththe consumers\u27 interest is intense, causing an abrupt rise in the number of users. On the other hand, it represents a challenge to the established providers of taxi car services. As they fear about their workplaces, Uber faces a massive dislike on their part. Additionally, it leads to issues regarding the correct and reasonable implementation of the existing legal framework.
The approach of European national courts is restrictive, resulting in numerous prohibitory orders or limitations in the implementation of Uber services due to unfair competitionUber\u27s presence in the European market also raises several issues concerning the EU competition and labour law.
In autumn 2015 the question of Uber\u27s business activity classification was presented to the Council of Europe for the purpose of obtaining a preliminary decisionif the Council proclaims Uber a transport company, it shall underlie the EU member states national legislation on transport services, in case it is proclaimed an information technology services company, the provisions of European legislation on uniform digital market shall apply.
In June 2016, the European Commission issued guidelines for appropriate implementation of EU legislation in cases of business models of this kind, concerning the requirements as to the market access, liability regulation, consumer protection, employee qualification and taxation, adding instructions to the EU member states regarding the appropriate legislative regulation on the national level. Having successfully entered the neighbouring Croatian market last year, Uber services are expected to be offered soon in Slovenia as well.
In this diploma thesis, the most burning present dilemmas in the field of competition and labour law are highlighted, concerning both the legislators and the users of the application, and additionally, solutions for the legal regulation of Uber at the EU law level are presented
Parental influence on athlete success
Dandanes se vse več otrok vključuje v šport, s katerim se začnejo pogosto tudi
tekmovalno ukvarjati. Na razvoj in uspešnost otroka-športnika vpliva veliko dejavnikov.
Mednje sodi tudi odnos družine do otroka v okviru športnega razvoja. V diplomskem
delu se je ugotavljalo, na kakšen način starši vplivajo na razvoj »športne poti« otrok. Pri
tem je bila osredotočenost na vplivu emocionalne in materialne podpore staršev.
Natančneje se je preverjalo vpliv prenizkih oz. previsokih pričakovanj staršev in tudi
vpliv vedenja staršev na športnih tekmovanjih na rezultat otroka. V raziskavi je
sodelovalo 50 mladostnikov, starih 10–16 let, ki se s športom ukvarjajo v okviru
različnih športnih klubov. Na podlagi zbranih in analiziranih anket je bilo ugotovljeno,
da ima večina mladostnikov pri športnem udejstvovanju tako čustveno kot finančno
podporo staršev. Starši podporo v večini izkazujejo ne glede na to, ali na športnem
tekmovanju otrok izgubi ali slavi zmago. Podpora staršev tako posledično pozitivno
vpliva na otroka, ki je tako bolj motiviran za šport, s katerim se ukvarja. Podpora
staršev in njihova prisotnost na tekmovanjih sta za otroke pomembni, vendar pa
pričakovanja staršev glede športa, s katerim se otrok ukvarja, nimajo bistvenega vpliva
na njihov rezultat. Diplomsko delo je lahko koristno za starše, ki želijo na ustrezen način
podpirati svoje otroke pri športnem udejstvovanju. Nudi razumevanje o tem, kako lahko
starši negativno in kako pozitivno vplivajo na razvoj otroka-športnika ter kdaj njihov
vpliv preseže mejo pozitivnega vpliva in otroku ustvarja odpor do športa.Nowadays, more and more children are getting involved in sports and they also often
start to compete in their sports activity. Many factors influence the development and
performance of a child athlete. These also include the family\u27s attitude towards the
child in the context of his or her sports development.
The diploma thesis has tried to establish in what way the parents influence the
development of children\u27s sports path. The focus has been oriented on the impact of
emotional and financial support from the parents. The influence of too low or excessive
expectations of parents have been analysed together with the fact how the parents\u27
behaviour in sports competitions influences the child\u27s result.
50 young people aged 10 to 16 who play sports in various sports clubs have been
involved in the study.
Based on the collected and analysed questionnaires, it has been established that most
adolescents have both emotional and financial support from their parents. Parents
mostly show support regardless of whether the child loses or celebrates victory in a
sports competition. The support of the parents thus has a positive effect on the child,
who is consequently more motivated for the sport in which he or she is involved.
Parental support is important for children, but parents’ expectations about the sport
the child is involved in do not have a significant impact on the outcome of the child’s
The thesis can be useful for parents who want to adequately support their children in
sports. It provides an understanding of how parents can negatively and positively
influence on the development of a child athlete and when their influence exceeds theV
limit of positive influence and turns into the atmosphere which leads to the fact that
their child starts resisting his or her sports activity
Didaktična igra je dejavnost, ki sledi točno določenim vzgojno-izobraževalnim ciljem, hkrati pa mora biti smiselno zastavljena, estetsko oblikovana, trpežna, uporabna in praktična. Pri njej je najpomembneje, da se učenci igrajo in ob tem pozabijo na učenje oziroma se ob igri učijo z veseljem in brez prisile. Ker je igra otroku prirojena dejavnost, ki je nujno potrebna za njegov kognitivni, afektivni in psiho-motorični razvoj, jo je priporočljivo vključiti v šolo, zlasti pri pouku v prvih razredih.
V praktičnem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljenih 21 didaktičnih iger za različne tematske sklope, ki so nastale kot pripomoček k učenju ali utrjevanju v drugem razredu osnovne šole pri pouku spoznavanja okolja. Skozi diplomsko nalogo sem ugotovila, da imajo otroci pozitiven odnos in močan interes do takšnih iger.Abstract
A didactic game is an activity that pursuesexact and particular educational goals and should be at the same time meaningfully set, ecstatically designed, durable, useful and practical. The most important thing is that pupils can play and learn at the same time without even being aware of the process of learning which comes naturally and without any constraint. Playing is child’s inborn activity, essential for their cognitive, affective and psycho-motor development, and therefore recommended for being used in primary school educational process, especially in the first grade.
There are twenty-one didactic games for various topics introduced in the practical part of my diploma work. They have been designed as a tool for learning or consolidation of knowledge in the second grade of primary school in the Teaching Process of Environmental Education (EE).
While doing my diploma work I have established that children have a high interest and a positive attitude towards such games