14 research outputs found
Spontán bakteriális peritonitis | Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
A spontán bakteriális peritonitis megjelenésére ascitessel járó májzsugorban
szenvedőknél számíthatunk. A kórokozók intestinalis bakteriális transzlokáció
útján a véráramba jutnak, majd az ascitesbe kerülve elszaporodnak. A betegség
diagnózisa az ascites megemelkedett neutrofilszámának igazolásán alapszik
(>0,25 G/L). A tenyésztés gyakran álnegatív, az antibiotikum-érzékenység
meghatározása miatt mégis fontos. Kezelésére stabil betegekben iv., majd
orálisan alkalmazott ciprofloxacint vagy amoxicillin/klavulánsavat ajánlanak,
súlyosabb állapotban III. generációs cefalosporint. Nosocomialis infekció esetén
a gyakoribb Gram-pozitív és antibiotikum-rezisztens patogének okozta fertőzés
miatt imipenemet vagy meropenemet célszerű választani. Profilaxisként
norfloxacint javasolnak, bár a fokozódó rezisztenciával számolni kell.
Gastrointestinalis vérzés esetén öt napon át alkalmazott norfloxacin, súlyos
májelégtelenek vérzése esetén ceftriaxon adása indokolt. Tartós
antibiotikum-profilaxist (napi 400 mg norfloxacin) – primer prevencióként –
alacsony ascitesösszfehérje-szintű, előrehaladott májzsugorosok számára
ajánlanak, míg szekunder prevenció gyanánt minden spontán bakteriális
peritonitisből felépült beteg számára indokolt adni. Nem mindenki ért egyet a
tartós antibiotikum-profilaxissal. A cikk megírásának ösztönzője volt az a
mindennapi tapasztalat, hogy a kórképpel kapcsolatos ismeretek nem eléggé állnak
a cirrhosis kezelésének középpontjában. Orv. Hetil., 2017,
158(2), 50–57.
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis occurs most commonly in cirrhotic patients with
ascites. Pathogens get into the circulation by intestinal translocation and
colonize in peritoneal fluid. Diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is
based on elevated polymorphonuclear leukocyte count in the ascites (>0,25
G/L). Ascites culture is often negative but aids to get information about
antibiotic sensitivity in positive cases. Treatment in stable patient can be
intravenous then orally administrated ciprofloxacin or amoxicillin/clavulanic
acid, while in severe cases intravenous III. generation cephalosporin.
Nosocomial spontaneous bacterial peritonitis often caused by Gram-positive
bacteria and multi-resistant pathogens can also be expected thus carbapenem
should be the choice of the empiric treatment. Antibiotic prophylaxis should be
considered. Norfloxacin is used most commonly, but changes are expected due to
increase in quinolone resistance. As a primary prophylaxis, a short-term
antibiotic treatment is recommended after gastrointestinal bleeding for 5 days,
while long-term prophylaxis is for patients with low ascites protein, and
advanced disease (400 mg/day). Secondary prophylaxis is recommended for all
patients recovered from spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Due to increasing
antibiotic use of antibiotics prophylaxis is debated to some degree. Orv.
Hetil., 2017, 158(2), 50–57
Heveny gastrointestinalis vérzések ellátása = Management of acute gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding has a profound impact on public health due to its high prevalence and severity. With the elderly population taking more anticoagulants/antiaggregants/non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, the digestive bleeding will certainly raise more and more challenges in quantity as well as in severity for the public healthcare system. The emergency medicine specialists and gastroenterologists have a central role in the management of patients presenting with gastrointestinal bleeding. In certain cases, radiologists, invasive radiologists, intensive care specialists and surgeons should also be involved in the decision making process and management of patients. Therefore, Hungarian experts felt the need to elaborate a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, practical local guideline reflecting the frequently arisen aspects based on current international guidelines. This guideline proposal covers topics of basic requirements, initial assessment of patients, risk evaluation, laboratory tests, hemodynamic resuscitation in the case of gastrointestinal bleeding followed by its consecutive steps of diagnosis and therapy sorted by location of the source of the hemorrhage. The authors give practical instructions for unsuccessful hemostasis or rebleeding. Finally, the role of surgery is also summarized in the management of gastrointestinal bleeding. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(30): 1231-1242
LIFEStyle, prevention and risk of Acute PaNcreatitis (LIFESPAN): protocol of a multicentre and multinational observational case-control study
Introduction Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a life-threatening inflammatory disease of the exocrine pancreas which needs acute hospitalisation. Despite its importance, we have significant lack of knowledge whether the lifestyle factors elevate or decrease the risk of AP or influence the disease outcome. So far, no synthetising study has been carried out examining associations between socioeconomic factors, dietary habits, physical activity, chronic stress, sleep quality and AP. Accordingly, LIFESPAN identifies risk factors of acute pancreatitis and helps to prepare preventive recommendations for lifestyle elements.
Methods and analysis LIFESPAN is an observational, multicentre international case–control study. Participating subjects will create case and control groups. The study protocol was designed according to the SPIRIT guideline. Patients in the case group (n=1700) have suffered from AP (alcohol-induced, n=500; biliary, n=500; hypertriglyceridemiainduced, n=200; other, n=500); the control group subjects have no AP in their medical history. Our study will have three major control groups (n=2200): hospital-based (n=500), population-based (n=500) and aetiology-based (alcohol, n=500; biliary, n=500 and hypertriglyceridemia, n=200). All of them will be matched to the case group individually by gender, age and location of residence. Aggregately, 3900 subjects will be enrolled into the study. The study participants will complete a complex questionnaire with the help of a clinical research administrator/study nurse. Analysis methods include analysis of the continuous and categorical values.
Ethics and dissemination The study has obtained the relevant ethical approval (54175-2/2018/EKU) and also internationally registered (ISRCTN25940508). After obtaining the final conclusions, we will publish the data to the medical community and will also disseminate our results via open access
EASY-APP : An artificial intelligence model and application for early and easy prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a potentially severe or even fatal inflammation of the pancreas. Early identification of patients at high risk for developing a severe course of the disease is crucial for preventing organ failure and death. Most of the former predictive scores require many parameters or at least 24 h to predict the severity; therefore, the early therapeutic window is often missed.The early achievable severity index (EASY) is a multicentre, multinational, prospective and observational study (ISRCTN10525246). The predictions were made using machine learning models. We used the scikit-learn, xgboost and catboost Python packages for modelling. We evaluated our models using fourfold cross-validation, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, the area under the ROC curve (AUC), and accuracy metrics were calculated on the union of the test sets of the cross-validation. The most critical factors and their contribution to the prediction were identified using a modern tool of explainable artificial intelligence called SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP).The prediction model was based on an international cohort of 1184 patients and a validation cohort of 3543 patients. The best performing model was an XGBoost classifier with an average AUC score of 0.81 ± 0.033 and an accuracy of 89.1%, and the model improved with experience. The six most influential features were the respiratory rate, body temperature, abdominal muscular reflex, gender, age and glucose level. Using the XGBoost machine learning algorithm for prediction, the SHAP values for the explanation and the bootstrapping method to estimate confidence, we developed a free and easy-to-use web application in the Streamlit Python-based framework (http://easy-app.org/).The EASY prediction score is a practical tool for identifying patients at high risk for severe AP within hours of hospital admission. The web application is available for clinicians and contributes to the improvement of the model
A primer biliaris cholangitis (PBC) diagnosztikája és kezelése : Az Európai Májkutató Társaság Klinikai Gyakorlati Útmutatója nyomán = Diagnosis and treatment of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) : Counsel of current clinical practice guidelines (CPG) of European Association for Study of Liver (EASL)
A primer biliaris cholangitis (PBC) egy krónikus gyulladással járó ismeretlen eredetű autoimmun cholestaticus májbetegség, amely kezeletlen esetben végstádiumú biliaris cirrózis kialakulásához vezet. A diagnózis a cholestaticus májenzimek emelkedett szintjén és ezzel egyidejűleg a szérumban kimutatható anti-mitokondriális (AMA) és/ vagy PBC specifikus antinukleáris antitestek (ANA) jelenlétén alapszik. A májbiopszia elvégzése a diagnózis felállításához ritka esetektől eltekintve nem szükséges. Az AMA-pozitivitás önmagában normál májenzimértékek esetén nem elégséges a PBC diagnózisának felállításához. A PBC a betegekre mind a májbetegség progressziója (májcirrózis kialakulása), mind pedig tünetei révén (cholestaticus viszketés, sicca komplex, fáradtság) hatással van. A betegség klinikai megjelenése és lefolyása különböző lehet, ezért a betegek személyre szabott kezelésének és gondozásának biztosítása fontos élethosszig tartóan. A kezelés és a gondozás célja a végstádiumú májbetegség kialakulásának megelőzése és az ezzel összefüggő tünetek enyhítése. Az elsővonalbeli kezelésre az urzodeoxikólsav (UDCA) javasolt. Az orális obetikólsav- (OCA) kezelést feltételesen jóváhagyták PBC-betegek kezelésére, UDCA-val kombinációban azon esetekre, akik nem megfelelően reagálnak az UDCA-ra, vagy monoterápiaként azon betegekben, akiknél UDCA-intolerancia észlelhető. Magyarországon társadalombiztosítási keretek között nem elérhető. A betegek májtranszplantációs előkészítése szükséges, ha a májcirrózis szövődményei alakulnak ki, vagy ha a betegség progrediál, mint pl. folyamatosan emelkedett bilirubinérték vagy MELD-pontszám >15, vagy súlyos, kezelésre nem reagáló viszketés jelentkezik. Minden PBC-s betegnél figyelembe kell venni, hogy fokozott osteoporosis-kockázat állhat fenn, ezért ennek szűrése és kezelése szükséges. Jelen összefoglaló az EASL klinikai gyakorlati útmutatója nyomán ismerteti a PBC-s betegek ellátásának strukturált, élethosszig tartó és egyéni megközelítését, amely keretet nyújt az ellátó hepatológusnak a diagnózis felállításához, a hatékony kezeléséhez és gondozásához
LIFEStyle, Prevention and Risk of Acute PaNcreatitis (LIFESPAN) : protocol of a multicentre and multinational observational case-control study
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a life-threatening inflammatory disease of the exocrine pancreas which needs acute hospitalisation. Despite its importance, we have significant lack of knowledge whether the lifestyle factors elevate or decrease the risk of AP or influence the disease outcome. So far, no synthetising study has been carried out examining associations between socioeconomic factors, dietary habits, physical activity, chronic stress, sleep quality and AP. Accordingly, LIFESPAN identifies risk factors of acute pancreatitis and helps to prepare preventive recommendations for lifestyle elements.LIFESPAN is an observational, multicentre international case-control study. Participating subjects will create case and control groups. The study protocol was designed according to the SPIRIT guideline. Patients in the case group (n=1700) have suffered from AP (alcohol-induced, n=500; biliary, n=500; hypertriglyceridemiainduced, n=200; other, n=500); the control group subjects have no AP in their medical history. Our study will have three major control groups (n=2200): hospital-based (n=500), population-based (n=500) and aetiology-based (alcohol, n=500; biliary, n=500 and hypertriglyceridemia, n=200). All of them will be matched to the case group individually by gender, age and location of residence. Aggregately, 3900 subjects will be enrolled into the study. The study participants will complete a complex questionnaire with the help of a clinical research administrator/study nurse. Analysis methods include analysis of the continuous and categorical values.The study has obtained the relevant ethical approval (54175-2/2018/EKU) and also internationally registered (ISRCTN25940508). After obtaining the final conclusions, we will publish the data to the medical community and will also disseminate our results via open access.ISRCTN25940508; Pre-results