21 research outputs found
Serološka raznolikost salmonela izdvojenih iz različitih izvora u Litvi i njihova otpornost prema antimikrobnim tvarima
Over 57000 samples were tested in order to isolate Salmonella from animals and feedstuffs during the period 1998-2003. Four hundred and nine strains were isolated from poultry, 143 from pigs, 16 from cattle and 99 from feedstuffs. Ninety-two percent of isolated Salmonella from pigs depended to serovar S. choleraesuis. All Salmonella isolates from cattle depended to serovars S. dublin and S. enteritidis. A wider variety of Salmonella serovars was obtained from poultry and feedstuffs. The main source of Salmonella presence in feedstuffs was fish products. Sixty isolates of S. choleraesuis and 100 isolates of different serovars from poultry were tested for antimicrobial resistance. Only 1.3% of isolated Salmonella were resistant to ceftiofur, 5.6% to enrofloxacin. Thirty-four percent were resistant to nalidixic acid, 33% to tetracyclines and 8.1% were resistant to aminoglycosides (neomycin and gentamicin). Streptomycin was less effective: 30% of isolated Salmonella were resistant to this antibiotic. S. choleraesuis has more resistance than Salmonella serovars isolated from poultry. There is evidence that the prevalence of Salmonella has decreased in recent years. However, more attention must be paid to surveillance and monitoring of antimicrobial resistance.Više od 57000 uzoraka pretraženo je u svrhu izdvajanja bakterija roda Salmonella iz životinja i krmiva u razdoblju od 1998. do 2003. god. Iz peradi je izdvojeno 409 izolata, 143 iz svinja, 16 iz goveda i 99 iz krmiva. Devedeset i dva posto (92%) izdvojenih salmonela iz svinja pripadalo je serovaru Salmonella choleraesuis. Svi izolati iz goveda pripadali su serovarovima S. dublin i S. enteritidis. Širi raspon serovarova uočen je u peradi i krmivima. Glavni izvor salmonela prisutnih u krmivima bili su riblji proizvodi. Šezdeset izolata S. Choleraesuis i 100 izolata različitih serovarova iz peradi bilo je pretraženo na otpornost prema antimikrobnim tvarima. Samo je 1,3% izolata bilo otporno na ceftiofur, a 5,6% na enrofloksacin. Trideset i četiri posto bilo je otporno na nalidiksičnu kiselinu, 33% na tetracikline i 8,1% na aminoglikozide (neomicin i gentamicin). Streptomicin je bio manje djelotvoran te je 30% izdvojenih salmonela bilo otporno na ovaj antibiotik. S. choleraesuis je bila otpornija od serovarova izdvojenih iz peradi. Činjenica je da se proširenost salmonela smanjuje posljednjih godina te da više pozornosti treba posvetiti nadzoru nad mikrobnom rezistencijom
Presječno istraživanje prevalencije koagulaza negativnih izolata safilokoka, otpornih na meticilin, izdvojenih iz pasa u Litvi.
The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and frequency of methicillin-resistant coagulase negative staphylococci in dogs in Lithuania and to characterize them regarding antimicrobial resistance. In 2012-2013 clinical material was collected from 400 dogs. Three hundred samples from diseased dogs with different clinical conditions (dermatitis, otitis, wound infections, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections) as well as 100 samples from pure-breed bitches with reproductive disorders (pyometritis, metritis, partus praematurus), used as breeding animals in kennels, were selected. Twenty MRCNS isolates were obtained from 18 dogs out of 400 tested. All isolates harboured the mecA gene while the mecC (mecLGA251) gene was not found. Ten isolates were detected in vaginal samples of the bitches within 3 large kennels. The prevalence of MRCNS in dogs kept in households was 3.3 % i.e. significantly lower (P<0.01) than in dogs kept in large kennels (10 %). Ten different MRCNS species were detected with the highest prevalence for Staphylococcus haemolyticus. MRCNS isolates were resistant to macrolides (75 %) due to erm(C) and msrA genes, and to tetracycline (65 %) due to tet(K) and/or tet(M) genes. The rate of resistance to gentamicin was 50 % (attributed to aac(6′)-Ieaph(2”)-Ia, aph(3′)-IIIa), and to co-trimoxazole - 40 % (dfrG gene). One isolate of S. lentus harboured the dfrK gene. All isolates were susceptible to linezolid, daptomycin and vancomycin. This study revealed that breeding kennels might be a reservoir of MRCNS strains and may pose a risk for the spread of such strains during mating. The focus on the possible spread of multi-resistant S. haemolyticus between companion-animals and humans should be foreseen, as this species plays an important role in human infections as well.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustanoviti prisutnost i učestalost koagulaza negativnih stafilokoka otpornih na meticilin (MRKNS) izdvojenih iz pasa u Litvi te odrediti njihovu otpornost na antimikrobne tvari. Klinički materijal bio je prikupljen iz 400 pasa 2012. i 2013. godine. Tri stotine uzoraka bilo je uzeto iz bolesnih pasa s različitim kliničkim znakovima (dermatitis, otitis, infekcije rana, infekcije probavnog i dišnog sustava) te 100 uzoraka iz kuja čistih pasmina s reprodukcijskim poremećajima (pyometritis, metritis, partus praematurus) upotrebljavanih za rasplod u štenarama. Od 400 pretraženih, 20 koagulaza negativnih izolata stafilokoka otpornih na meticilin bilo je izdvojeno iz 18 pasa. Svi izolati imali su gen mecA, dok gen mecC (mecLGA251) nije bio dokazan. Deset izolata bilo je izdvojeno iz uzoraka rodnice kuja iz triju velikih uzgoja. Prevalencija MRKNS u pasa držanih u domaćinstvima iznosila je 3,3 %, tj. bila je značajno manja (P<0,01) nego u pasa držanih u velikim uzgajivačnicama (10 %). Dokazano je 10 različitih vrsta koagulaza negativnih stafilokoka otpornih na meticilin s najvećom prevalencijom za vrstu Staphylococcus haemolyticus. MRKNS izolati bili su otporni na makrolide (75 %) zbog erm(C) i msrA gena i tetraciklin (65 %) zbog posjedovanja tet(K) i/ili tet(M) gena. Stopa otpornosti na gentamicin bila je 50 % (što se pripisuje genima aac(6′)-Ie-aph(2”)-Ia, aph(3′)-IIIa) i na ko-trimoksal – 40 % (gen dfrG). Jedan izolat vrste S. lentus imao je gen dfrK. Svi izolati bili su osjetljivi na linezolid, daptomicin i vankomicin. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da uzgojne štenare mogu biti rezervoar sojeva MRKNS i mogu predstavljati rizik za širenje takvih sojeva za vrijeme parenja. Treba se usredotočiti na mogući prijenos višestruko otpornih sojeva vrste S. haemolyticus s kućnih ljubimaca na čovjeka s obzirom na to da ta vrsta ima važnu ulogu kao uzročnik infekcija u ljudi
E. coli paplitimas mažmeninės prekybos realizuojamose kepenėlėse, jų atsparumas antimikrobinėms medžiagoms
Tyrimų tikslas – ištirti E. coli paplitimą mažmeninės prekybos realizuojamose vištų kepenėlėse, kaip viename iš populiariausių vištienos subproduktų, ir nustatyti šių bakterijų atsparumą antimikrobinėms medžiagoms. Iš skirtingų mažmeninės prekybos vietų surinkti įvairių Lietuvos gamintojų šviežių žalių vištų kepenėlių mėginiai (240 mėginių) ir atlikti E. coli bakteriologiniai tyrimai. Iš mėginių išskirtas vienas šimtas E. coli padermių (41,7 proc.) ir nustatytas jų atsparumas antimikrobinėms medžiagioms. Tyrimams taikytas mikroskiedimų metodas plokštelėse, naudojant 14 skirtingų antimikrobinių medžiagų. Rezultatai vertinti pagal ribines jautrumo reikšmes, nurodytas Europos antimikrobinio jautrumo tyrimų komiteto (EUCAST) duomenų bazėje. Nustatyta, jog dažniausiai tirtosios E. coli padermės pasižymėjo atsparumu streptomicinui (100 proc.), ampicilinui (60 proc.), nalidikso rūgščiai (50 proc.), ciprofloksacinui (47 proc.) ir tetraciklinui (45 proc.). Atsparių amikacinui padermių nenustatyta. Nustatytas retas atsparumas cefoksitinui (2 proc.), ceftiofurui (7 proc.), chloramfenikoliui (10 proc.), amoksicilino ir klavulano rūgšties kombinacijai (15 proc.). Mažiausios slopinamosios koncentracijos, didesnės nei plokštelėse esančios antimikrobinių medžiagų koncentracijos, nustatytos visoms tirtoms medžiagoms, išskyrus amikaciną. Rasta daug E. coli padermių, kurioms inaktyvuoti reikėjo didelio MSK ampicilino, nalidikso rūgšties, sulfonamidų ir tepraciklino kiekio. Tyrimų duomenys rodo potencialią riziką vartotojams (užsikrėsti atspariomis bakterijomis ar jų perduodamais atsparumo veiksniais per maisto gamybos grandinę), nes šios antimikrobinės medžiagos naudojamos tiek žmonių, tiek ir veterinarinėje medicinojeThe objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and the antimicrobial resistance of E. coli that contaminates raw chicken liver as one of the most popular poultry sub-product sold in retail markets. Two hundred and forty samples of fresh raw chicken liver were obtained from national poultry producers in different retail marketing sites and tested for the presence of E. coli. One hundred E. coli strains (41.7%) were isolated and tested for antimicrobial susceptibility. The MICs of 14 antimicrobial agents were determined for each of the isolates using the broth microdilution method with custom-made microtitre plates. EUCAST cut-off values were used for the interpretation of susceptibility of isolated bacteria to antimicrobial agents. The most frequent resistances were demonstrated to streptomycin (100 %), ampicillin (60%), nalidixic acid (50%), ciprofloxacin (47%) and tetracycline (45%). No resistant strains were found to amikacin. Law percentage of resistant strains was recorded to cefoxitin (2%), ceftiofur (7%), chloramphenicol (10%) and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (15%). MIC’s values above dilution ranges were found to all antimicrobials except amikacin. The highest numbers of resistant strains that demonstrated resistance to the highest concentrations of antimicrobial agents were found to ampicillin, nalidixic acid, sulphonamides and tetracycline. The data demonstrate potential risk during food preparation for consumers in the context of resistant E. coli as abovementioned antimicrobial agents are used in veterinary and human medicine as wellLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetasMatematikos ir statistikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Lietuvoje išskirtų Escherichia coli ir Salmonella enterica padermių atsparumas chinolonams
Lithuanian isolates of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica from animals and humans were examined for resistance to quinolones, fluoroquinolones and for resistance-associated mutations. 9% of S. enterica from animals and 4% of isolates from clinical samples of humans were resistant to nalidixic acid and susceptible to fluoroquinolones. DNA analysis of nalidixic acid-resistant S. enterica strains from animals revealed a single mutation at codon 83 (Ser→Phe) in gyrA gene, whereas resistant clinical strains contained a single gyrA mutation at codon 87 (Asp→Tyr). 10% of human isolates of E. coli were resistant to nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin. 22% of E. coli isolates from calves were resistant to nalidixic acid. 40% and 20% of E. coli isolates from pigs were resistant to nalidixic acid and to fluoroquinolones, respectively. E. coli isolates of animal and human origin analyzed for nalidixic acid resistance-associated mutations carried single mutations at codon 83 (Ser→Leu) or at codon 87 (Asp→Tyr) in gyrA gene. Fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli isolates from calves and humans carried multiple mutations within gyrA (83Ser→Leu, 87Asp→Gly or Asn) and parC (80Ser→Ile or Arg, 84Glu→Val or Lys) genes
Occurrence and characterization of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide range of severe and economically-important diseases in humans and animals. Different types of MRSA are associated with different hosts but the transmission occurs between them. The aim of this study was to investigate possible spread of MRSA among livestock in Lithuania and to determine their types and antimicrobial resistance. Cattle (n=120), horses (n=120) pigs (n=160) and poultry (pooled samples, n=120) were tested for MRSA prevalence. From a total of 520 samples tested, 4 isolates of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (0.8 %) were identified. All isolates were obtained from the finisher pigs delivered from the same farm complex. Multiplex PCR demonstrated presence of mecA, nuc and 16S genes in all tested cultures. All MRSA isolates were identified as ST398. Sequencing of spa genes and SCCmec typing revealed that all strains belonged to the spa type t011 and SCCmec V. PFGE revealed two different clones among the isolates. Susceptibility testing revealed resistance to tetracycline in all MRSA isolates attributed to tetK and tetM genes. All tested isolates were resistant to erythromycin owing to the presence of ermB gene as well as resistances to azithromycin, clindamycin and quinupristin/dalfopristin. One isolate was resistant to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and carried the resistance gene dfrK while the other isolate was resistant to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. All of the isolates were susceptible to fluoroquinolones, cefotaxime, chloramphenicol, fosfomycin, fusidic acid, gentamicin, linezolid, vancomycin, mupirocin and teicoplanin
Occurrence and characterization of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide range of severe and economically-important diseases in humans and animals. Different types of MRSA are associated with different hosts but the transmission occurs between them. The aim of this study was to investigate possible spread of MRSA among livestock in Lithuania and to determine their types and antimicrobial resistance. Cattle (n=120), horses (n=120) pigs (n=160) and poultry (pooled samples, n=120) were tested for MRSA prevalence. From a total of 520 samples tested, 4 isolates of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (0.8 %) were identified. All isolates were obtained from the finisher pigs delivered from the same farm complex. Multiplex PCR demonstrated presence of mecA, nuc and 16S genes in all tested cultures. All MRSA isolates were identified as ST398. Sequencing of spa genes and SCCmec typing revealed that all strains belonged to the spa type t011 and SCCmec V. PFGE revealed two different clones among the isolates. Susceptibility testing revealed resistance to tetracycline in all MRSA isolates attributed to tetK and tetM genes. All tested isolates were resistant to erythromycin owing to the presence of ermB gene as well as resistances to azithromycin, clindamycin and quinupristin/dalfopristin. One isolate was resistant to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and carried the resistance gene dfrK while the other isolate was resistant to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. All of the isolates were susceptible to fluoroquinolones, cefotaxime, chloramphenicol, fosfomycin, fusidic acid, gentamicin, linezolid, vancomycin, mupirocin and teicoplanin
Otpornost na antibiotike bakterija Enterococcus spp. izdvojenih iz stoke u Litvi.
105 isolates of Enterococcus spp. were selected as representative samples from different herds of pigs (n=25), cattle (n=46) and poultry (n=34). Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined according to epidemiological cut-off values. The highest number of strains demonstrated epidemiological resistance to lincomycin (78%), tetracycline, (65%), flavomycin (59%) and erythromycin (55%). The smallest number of strains was resistant to linezolid (1%) and tigecycline (2%). Six percent of all tested strains were epidemiologically resistant to
ciprofloxacin, vancomycin and daptomycin. Cattle isolates showed the most frequent resistance to fl avomycin (71%), lincomycin (54%), tetracycline (45%), streptomycin (40%) and erythromycin (40%). Enterococci isolated from pigs showed the highest resistance to tetracycline and lincomycin (92%), erythromycin (76%), kanamycin (56%) and streptomycin (52%). All strains isolated from poultry were epidemiologically resistant to lincomycin. The most frequent resistance of poultry strains was also demonstrated to tetracycline (72%), erythromycin (63%), streptomycin (50%), flavomycin (48%) and tylosin (47%). However all strains isolated from poultry were susceptible to chloramphenicol, quinupristin/dalfopristin, linezolid and bacitracin.Ukupno je 105 izolata bakterija Enterococcus spp. bilo odabrano kao predstavnici iz različitih uzgoja svinja (n = 25), goveda (n = 46) i peradi (n = 34). Osjetljivost prema antimikrobnim tvarima određivana je na osnovi epidemioloških graničnih vrijednosti. Većina izolata bila je otporna prema linkomicinu (78%), tetraciklinu (65%), flavomicinu (59%) i eritromicinu (55%). Najmanje izolata bilo je otporno prema linezolidu (1%) i tigeciklinu (2%). Šest posto svih pretraženih sojeva bilo je otporno na ciprofloksacin, vankomicin i daptomicin. Izolati iz goveda bili su najčešće otporni na flavomicin (71%), linkomicin (54%), tetraciklin (45%),
streptomicin (40%) i eritromicin (40%). Enterokoki izdvojeni iz svinja bili su najotporniji prema tetraciklinu i linkomicinu (92%), eritromicinu (76%), kanamicinu (56%) i streptomicinu (52%). Svi izolati iz peradi bili su otporni prema linkomicinu. Sojevi iz peradi također su bili najčešće otporni prema tetraciklinu (72%), eritromicinu (63%), streptomicinu (50%), flavomicinu (48%) i tilozinu (47%). Međutim svi sojevi izdvojeni iz peradi bili su osjetljivi prema kloramfenikolu, kvinupristinu/dalfopristinu, linezolidu i bacitracinu