24 research outputs found

    Exposición mantenida a bajas dosis de plomo : un modelo experimental

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense de MadridEste trabajo de investigación ha querido profundizar en las alteraciones producidas por bajas dosis de plomo, en un modelo Murino. Como célula diana de los mismos se ha escogido al macrófago peritoneal. El número y la composición de las células de la cavidad peritoneal no se afecta por el plomo. Sin embargo, la adherencia, quimiotaxis y la ingestión de c. Albicans disminuye con la exposición al metal.Depto. de Salud Pública y Materno - InfantilFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Exposición mantenida a bajas dosis de plomo : un modelo experimental

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    Este trabajo de investigación ha querido profundizar en las alteraciones producidas por bajas dosis de plomo, en un modelo Murino. Como célula diana de los mismos se ha escogido al macrófago peritoneal. El número y la composición de las células de la cavidad peritoneal no se afecta por el plomo. Sin embargo, la adherencia, quimiotaxis y la ingestión de c. Albicans disminuye con la exposición al metal

    Socioeconomic position and childhood-adolescent weight status in rich countries: a systematic review, 1990–2013

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    Incluye material complementarioBackground: Childhood obesity is a major problem in rich countries due to its high prevalence and its harmful health consequences. An exploratory analysis conducted in the PubMed database highlighted that the number of papers published on the relationship between socioeconomic position (SEP) and childhood-adolescent weight status had risen substantially with respect to an earlier review which had covered the period 1990–2005. Methods: To describe the findings on the relationship between SEP and childhood-adolescent weight status in papers published in rich countries from 1990 through 2013, studies were identified in the following databases: PubMed; Web of Knowledge (WOK); PsycINFO; Global Health; and Embase. We included observational studies from the 27 richest OECD countries, which covered study populations aged 0 to 21 years, and used parental education, income and/or occupation as family SEP indicators. A total of 158 papers met the inclusion criteria and reported 134 bivariable and 90 multivariable analyses. Results: Examination of the results yielded by the bivariable analyses showed that 60.4 % of studies found an inverse relationship, 18.7 % of studies did not found relationship, and 20.9 % of studies found a relationship that varied depending on another variable, such as age, sex or ethnic group; the corresponding percentages in the multivariable analyses were 51.1, 20.0 and 27.8 %, respectively. Furthermore, 1.1 % found a positive relationship. Conclusion: The relationship between SEP and childhood-adolescent weight status in rich countries is predominantly inverse and the positive relationship almost has disappeared. The SEP indicator that yields the highest proportion of inverse relationships is parents’ education. The proportion of inverse relationships is higher when the weight status is reported by parents instead using objective measurements.This study was conducted thanks to support from the Research Project PI11/00784 “Socioeconomic context of residence area and overweight and obesity childhood” financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Reversal of the Upward Trend of Obesity in Boys, but Not in Girls, in Spain

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    Background: To compare the prevalence of overweight and obesity in boys and girls and to estimate socioeconomic differences associated with obesity in Spain in 1997, 2007, and 2017. (2) Methods: Data were drawn from national health interview surveys. For each year of study, the prevalence of overweight and obesity was measured, and these results were compared by gender (boy/girl) and socioeconomic status (low/high education). (3) Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity rose from 1997 to 2007 but then fell in 2017 in all subgroups except in girls aged 10 to 15 years. In this group, there was a steady increase in the prevalence of both overweight (1997, 14.6%; 2007, 17.7%; 2017, 19.6%) and obesity (1.1, 3.2, and 3.7%, respectively). The decrease in prevalence of overweight in both sexes and of obesity in boys, along with the increase in prevalence of obesity in girls, was of a higher magnitude in children whose parents had a lower educational level. (4) Conclusions: The apparent turnaround in the obesity epidemic in Spain should be interpreted with caution. Children’s body weight is influenced by both gender and socioeconomic status—considerations that should be kept in mind when designing health promotion intervention

    Low Levels of Influenza Vaccine Uptake among the Diabetic Population in Spain: A Time Trend Study from 2011 to 2020

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    Background: In this work, we aim to describe influenza vaccine uptake among the diabetic population in Spain to assess the time trend from 2011 to 2020 and identify predictors of vaccine uptake among diabetes patients. (2) Methods: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study using the European Health Interview Survey for Spain (2014 and 2020) and the Spanish National Health Surveys (2011 and 2017). The independent variables analysed included socio-demographic characteristics, health-related variables and lifestyle variables. We matched each participant with diabetes with a non-diabetic participant based on age, sex, place of residence and year of survey. (3) Results: The overall coverage among diabetic adults was 52.1% compared to 40.6% for matched participants without diabetes (p < 0.01). The vaccine uptake among adults with diabetes was 52.6% in 2011, 54.38% in 2014 and 53.4% in 2017. The adjusted OR of having been vaccinated in 2020, with respect to 2011, was not significant at 0.87 (95% CI: 0.72–1.06). Factors such as being male, higher age, being affected by respiratory disease or cancer and being physically active were identified as positive predictors for influenza vaccination uptake, while smoking was a negative predictor. (4) Conclusions: The influenza vaccine uptake is below desirable levels among the adult diabetic population in Spain and has not improved from 2011 to 2020. More efforts should be made to increase influenza vaccine uptake in this high-risk group, especially for women, those aged 18–64 years, without other high-risk conditions and smokers

    Determining factors of sport injuries in amateur sports in Spain

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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: An epidemiological study of descriptive and analytical cases was developed. The aim was to evaluate sports injuries occurring during the practice of recreational sport in the geographical area of all regions of Spain. METHODS: Trauma medical centers and physiotherapy clinics were selected. Surveys were passed through interviewers in a total of 1616 subjects who had suffered an injury in the last 12 months while practicing sport as a leisure activity. The information collection was performed using a digital database hosted on a web server connected to a digital survey through which the subjects' responses were recorded. RESULTS: The sports where most injuries occurred was football (27.6% of all accidents), followed by running (8.6%), futsal (7.9%) and basketball (7.7 %). Attending the underlying determinant factors of injury, some relation between them were found, which may lead us to better know the injuries causation. CONCLUSIONS: The results show a general description of the influence that sports injuries and their consequences mean in Spanish society. More comparative studies of cases of injured and uninjured athletes in amateur sport would be advisable to establish preventive campaigns

    Influencia de la mortalidad en las personas con bajo nivel educativo en la variación de las desigualdades de mortalidad en las comunidades autónomas

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    Background: Given the importance of mortality rates in each socioeconomic group, as explanation for the variation in mortality inequalities across populations, the objective of the present study is to evaluate whether regional variation in mortality inequalities in Spain is related to the mortality rates in different socioeconomic groups. Methods: The study included all persons aged 30-74 years living in Spain in 2001 and followed up for mortality over 7 years. In each of the 17 autonomous communities of Spain mortality rates were estimated for those with low and high education, as well as two measures of mortality inequality according to education: mortality rate difference and mortality rate ratio. Median value of mortality inequalities was calculated for the regions with the highest and lowest mortality rates and for those with intermediate mortality rates. And the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to estimate the relation between mortality rates and the measures of mortality inequality. Results: The correlation coefficients between mortality rate in low education and mortality rate difference and mortality rate ratio were 0.87 and 0.78 in women and 0.81 and 0.73 in men, respectively. The correlation coefficients between mortality rate in high education and mortality rate difference and mortality rate ratio were -0.07 and -0.24 in women and 0.10 and -0.06 in men, respectively. Conclusion: Regions with the lowest and highest mortality rates in low education people generally had the lowest and highest inequalities in mortality. The variation in the magnitude of inequalities in mortality from one place to another can be explained by the variation in mortality in low education people. No relation was observed between mortality rate in high education and mortality inequalityFundamento: Dada la importancia de las tasas de mortalidad en cada grupo socioeconómico, como explicación de la variación en las desigualdades de mortalidad entre las poblaciones, el objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar si la variación regional en las desigualdades de mortalidad en España está relacionado con las tasas de mortalidad en diferentes grupos socioeconómicos. Métodos: El estudio incluyó a todas las personas de 30-74 años que vivían en España en 2001 y a las que se realizó un seguimiento para conocer su estado vital más de 7 años. En cada una de las 17 comunidades autónomas se han estimado las tasas de mortalidad en personas con bajo y con alto nivel educativo, así como dos medidas de desigualdad de la mortalidad de acuerdo a la educación: diferencia de tasas de mortalidad y razón de tasas de mortalidad. Se calculó el valor de la mediana de las desigualdades de mortalidad en las comunidades autónomas con las tasas de mortalidad más altas y bajas y en aquellas con las tasas de mortalidad intermedias. Y se estimó el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para evaluar la relación entre las tasas de mortalidad y las medidas de desigualdad en mortalidad. Resultados: Los coeficientes de correlación de la tasa de mortalidad en personas con bajo nivel educativo con la diferencia de tasa de mortalidad y con la razón de tasas de mortalidad fueron 0,87 y 0,78 en mujeres y 0,81 y 0,73 en los hombres, respectivamente. Los coeficientes de correlación de la tasa de mortalidad en personas con alto nivel educativo con la diferencia de tasa de mortalidad y con la razón de tasas de mortalidad fueron 0,07 y -0,24 en mujeres y 0,10 y -0,06 en los hombres, respectivamente. Conclusión: Las comunidades autónomas con las tasas de mortalidad más bajas y más altas en las personas con bajo nivel educativo generalmente tienen las menores y las mayores desigualdades en mortalidad. La variación en la magnitud de las desigualdades en mortalidad de un lugar a otro puede ser explicada por la variación en la tasa de la mortalidad en las personas con bajo nivel educativo. No se observó relación entre la tasa de mortalidad en personas con alto nivel educativo y las desigualdades de la mortalidad