412 research outputs found

    Membrane fluidity matters: Hyperthermia from the aspects of lipids and membranes

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    Hyperthermia is a promising treatment modality for cancer in combination both with radio- and chemotherapy. In spite of its great therapeutic potential, the underlying molecular mechanisms still remain to be clarified. Due to lipid imbalances and 'membrane defects' most of the tumour cells possess elevated membrane fluidity. However, further increasing membrane fluidity to sensitise to chemo-or radiotherapy could have some other effects. In fact, hyperfluidisation of cell membrane induced by membrane fluidiser initiates a stress response as the heat shock protein response, which may modulate positively or negatively apoptotic cell death. Overviewing some recent findings based on a technology allowing direct imaging of lipid rafts in live cells and lipidomics, novel aspects of the intimate relationship between the 'membrane stress' of tumour cells and the cellular heat shock response will be highlighted. Our findings lend support to both the importance of membrane remodelling and the release of lipid signals initiating stress protein response, which can operate in tandem to control the extent of the ultimate cellular thermosensitivity. Overall, we suggest that the fluidity variable of membranes should be used as an independent factor for predicting the efficacy of combinational cancer therapies

    Electrospinning scale-up and formulation development of PVA nanofibers aiming oral delivery of biopharmaceuticals

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    Electrospinning is a promising drying technology providing a rapid and gentle drying at ambient temperature, thus electrospinning of polyvinyl alcohol aqueous solutions was investigated for the solid formulation of biopharmaceuticals. The commonly used single-needle electrospinning does not have adequate productivity to satisfy the industrial requirements, therefore our aim was to study the scale-up of the technology by using high-speed electrospinning. High molecular weight polyethylene oxide as a secondary polymer was applied to enhance the fiber formation of polyvinyl alcohol. While polyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene oxide formulations resulted in adequate fiber formation it was not possible to process them further as the friability of the fibers was too low. In order to increase the friability, the effect of adding various sugars (mannitol, glucose, lactose, saccharose, and trehalose) was investigated. The results showed that mannitol was the best friability enhancing excipient because of its crystallinity and low moisture content in the fibrous sample. In contrast, glucose, lactose, saccharose, and trehalose were amorphous with higher moisture content and fibers containing these were grindable only after post-drying

    Ammonite stratigraphy of a Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) section on Nagy-Pisznice Hill (Gerecse Mts, Hungary)

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    Abstract In the Jurassic rocks exposed in a small abandoned quarry on the northwestern edge of Nagy-Pisznice Hill in the Gerecse Mts, fairly well preserved parts of a crocodile skeleton was found in 1996. The bed which yielded the skeletal remains is the uppermost layer of the Kisgerecse Marl Formation exposed here and was determined as belonging to the Upper Toarcian Grammoceras thouarsense Zone. The beds of the sequence above and below were carefully sampled in the late 1990s, and the encountered ammonites were evaluated biostratigraphically. As a result, the Lower Toarcian Harpoceras serpentinum Zone, the Middle Toarcian Hildoceras bifrons and Merlaites gradatus Zones, and the Upper Toarcian Grammoceras thouarsense and Geczyceras speciosum Zones were identified. Within most of these zones the subzones and even the faunal horizons were successfully recognized. The lowermost beds above the underlying Pliensbachian red limestone did not yield any fossils; thus the lowermost Toarcian Dactylioceras tenuicostatum Zone could not be documented. The highest Toarcian ammonite zones also remained unidentified, because the beds of the Tölgyhát Limestone above were not sampled all the way up. This paper presents the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic details of the sequence, and the paleontological descriptions of the most important ammonites

    Membrane protein dynamics: limited lipid control

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    Correlation of lipid disorder with membrane protein dynamics has been studied with infrared spectroscopy, by combining data characterizing lipid phase, protein structure and, via hydrogen-deuterium (H/D) exchange, protein dynamics. The key element was a new measuring scheme, by which the combined effects of time and temperature on the H/D exchange could be separated. Cyanobacterial and plant thylakoid membranes, mammalian mitochondria membranes, and for comparison, lysozyme were investigated. In dissolved lysozyme, as a function of temperature, H/D exchange involved only reversible movements (the secondary structure did not change considerably); heat-denaturing was a separate event at much higher temperature. Around the low-temperature functioning limit of the biomembranes, lipids affected protein dynamics since changes in fatty acyl chain disorders and H/D exchange exhibited certain correlation. H/D exchange remained low in all membranes over physiological temperatures. Around the high-temperature functioning limit of the membranes, the exchange rates became higher. When temperature was further increased, H/D exchange rates went over a maximum and afterwards decreased (due to full H/D exchange and/or protein denaturing). Maximal H/D exchange rate temperatures correlated neither with the disorder nor with the unsaturation of lipids. In membrane proteins, in contrast to lysozyme, the onsets of sizable H/D exchange rates were the onsets of irreversible denaturing as well. Seemingly, at temperatures where protein self-dynamics allows large-scale H/D exchange, lipid-protein coupling is so weak that proteins prefer aggregating to limit the exposure of their hydrophobic surface regions to water. In all membranes studied, dynamics seemed to be governed by lipids around the low-temperature limit, and by proteins around the high-temperature limit of membrane functionality

    Electrosprayed core-shell nanoparticles of PVP and shellac for furnishing biphasic controlled release of ferulic acid

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    Coaxial electrospraying was explored to organize polymer excipients in a core-shell manner for providing biphasic controlled release of active ingredient. With ferulic acid (FA) as a model drug, and shellac and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as the core and shell polymeric matrices, core-shell nanoparticles were successfully fabricated. A series of tests were carried out to characterize the prepared core-shell nanoparticles and also the nanoparticles prepared using a single fluid electrospraying of the shell or core fluids alone. The core-shell nanoparticles had an average diameter of 530 ± 80 nm with clear core-shell structure. The contained FA was converted to an amorphous state both in the core and the shell parts due to the favorable hydrogen bonding between the components. In vitro dissolution tests demonstrated that the core-shell nanoparticles were able to provide the desired biphasic drug-controlled release profiles. Coaxial electrospraying is a useful tool for the development of novel nanodrug delivery systems from polymers

    Origin and Evolution of European Community-Acquired Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    ABSTRACT Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) was recognized in Europe and worldwide in the late 1990s. Within a decade, several genetically and geographically distinct CA-MRSA lineages carrying the small SCCmec type IV and V genetic elements and the Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) emerged around the world. In Europe, the predominant CA-MRSA strain belongs to clonal complex 80 (CC80) and is resistant to kanamycin/amikacin and fusidic acid. CC80 was first reported in 1993 but was relatively rare until the late 1990s. It has since been identified throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, with recent sporadic reports in sub-Saharan Africa. While strongly associated with skin and soft tissue infections, it is rarely found among asymptomatic carriers. Methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) CC80 strains are extremely rare except in sub-Saharan Africa. In the current study, we applied whole-genome sequencing to a global collection of both MSSA and MRSA CC80 isolates. Phylogenetic analyses strongly suggest that the European epidemic CA-MRSA lineage is derived from a PVL-positive MSSA ancestor from sub-Saharan Africa. Moreover, the tree topology suggests a single acquisition of both the SCCmec element and a plasmid encoding the fusidic acid resistance determinant. Four canonical SNPs distinguish the derived CA-MRSA lineage and include a nonsynonymous mutation in accessory gene regulator C (agrC). These changes were associated with a star-like expansion into Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa in the early 1990s, including multiple cases of cross-continent imports likely driven by human migrations. IMPORTANCE With increasing levels of CA-MRSA reported from most parts of the Western world, there is a great interest in understanding the origin and factors associated with the emergence of these epidemic lineages. To trace the origin, evolution, and dissemination pattern of the European CA-MRSA clone (CC80), we sequenced a global collection of strains of the S. aureus CC80 lineage. Our study determined that a single descendant of a PVL-positive methicillin-sensitive ancestor circulating in sub-Saharan Africa rose to become the dominant CA-MRSA clone in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. In the transition from a methicillin-susceptible lineage to a successful CA-MRSA clone, it simultaneously became resistant to fusidic acid, a widely used antibiotic for skin and soft tissue infections, thus demonstrating the importance of antibiotic selection in the success of this clone. This finding furthermore highlights the significance of horizontal gene acquisitions and underscores the combined importance of these factors for the success of CA-MRSA

    Hungary and the European Union: the political implications of societal security promotion

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    Hungary's constitutional commitment to support kin-nationals beyond its borders (nation policy) has been a central feature of its post-1989 foreign policy and highlights a particularly important national security concern—the societal security of national identity, culture, language and tradition. This article examines Hungary's societal security concerns and the policy methods it utilises, including its EU membership and the promotion of minority rights at the European level, to help combat these concerns. It is suggested that Hungary has found it somewhat difficult to balance its societal security policy objective with internal economic demands on its welfare system and its external foreign policy objective to maintain good neighbourly relations. This article also notes that Hungary's attempts to Europeanise, or rather 'EU-ise', minority and ethnic rights issues as a means to enhance societal security for the Hungarian nation has certain political consequences for the EU. This suggests that societal security provision is an issue that cannot be overlooked when trying to understand the longer-term implications of EU eastern enlargement

    Theorising age and generation in development: A relational approach

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    This introduction outlines the analytical approach informing the articles presented in this special issue. The project of ‘generationing’ development involves re-thinking development as distinctly generational in its dynamics. For this, we adopt a relational approach to the study of young people in development, which overcomes the limitations inherent to common categorising approaches. Concepts of age and generation are employed to conceptualise young people as social actors and life phases such as childhood and youth in relational terms. Acknowledging the centrality of young people in social reproduction puts them at the heart of development studies and leads the articles comprising this special issue to explore how young people’s agency shapes and is shaped by the changing terms of social reproduction brought about by development

    Protective Intestinal Effects of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide

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    Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is an endogenous neuropeptide widely distributed throughout the body, including the gastrointestinal tract. Several effects have been described in human and animal intestines. Among others, PACAP infl uences secretion of intestinal glands, blood fl ow, and smooth muscle contraction. PACAP is a well-known cytoprotective peptide with strong anti-apoptotic, anti-infl ammatory, and antioxidant effects. The present review gives an overview of the intestinal protective actions of this neuropeptide. Exogenous PACAP treatment was protective in a rat model of small bowel autotransplantation. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) analysis of the intestinal tissue showed that endogenous PACAP levels gradually decreased with longer-lasting ischemic periods, prevented by PACAP addition. PACAP counteracted deleterious effects of ischemia on oxidative stress markers and cytokines. Another series of experiments investigated the role of endogenous PACAP in intestines in PACAP knockout (KO) mice. Warm ischemia–reperfusion injury and cold preservation models showed that the lack of PACAP caused a higher vulnerability against ischemic periods. Changes were more severe in PACAP KO mice at all examined time points. This fi nding was supported by increased levels of oxidative stress markers and decreased expression of antioxidant molecules. PACAP was proven to be protective not only in ischemic but also in infl ammatory bowel diseases. A recent study showed that PACAP treatment prolonged survival of Toxoplasma gondii infected mice suffering from acute ileitis and was able to reduce the ileal expression of proinfl ammatory cytokines. We completed the present review with recent clinical results obtained in patients suffering from infl ammatory bowel diseases. It was found that PACAP levels were altered depending on the activity, type of the disease, and antibiotic therapy, suggesting its probable role in infl ammatory events of the intestine
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