269 research outputs found

    Effect of posttranslational modifications and subclass on IgG activity: from immunity to immunotherapy

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    Humoral immune responses are characterized by complex mixtures of polyclonal antibody species varying in their isotype, target epitope specificity and affinity. Posttranslational modifications occurring during antibody production in both the antibody variable and constant domain create further complexity and can modulate antigen specificity and antibody Fc-dependent effector functions, respectively. Finally, modifications of the antibody backbone after secretion may further impact antibody activity. An in-depth understanding of how these posttranslational modifications impact antibody function, especially in the context of individual antibody isotypes and subclasses, is only starting to emerge. Indeed, only a minute proportion of this natural variability in the humoral immune response is currently reflected in therapeutic antibody preparations. In this Review, we summarize recent insights into how IgG subclass and posttranslational modifications impact IgG activity and discuss how these insights may be used to optimize therapeutic antibody development

    Afucosylated IgG responses in humans – structural clues to the regulation of humoral immunity

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    Healthy immune responses require efficient protection without excessive inflammation. Recent discoveries on the degree of fucosylation of a human N-linked glycan at a conserved site in the immunoglobulin IgG-Fc domain might add an additional regulatory layer to adaptive humoral immunity. Specifically, afucosylation of IgG-Fc enhances the interaction of IgG with FcγRIII and thereby its activity. Although plasma IgG is generally fucosylated, afucosylated IgG is raised in responses to enveloped viruses and Plasmodium falciparum proteins expressed on infected erythrocytes, as well as during alloimmune responses. Moreover, while afucosylation can exacerbate some infectious diseases (e.g., COVID-19), it also correlates with traits of protective immunity against malaria and HIV-1. Herein we discuss the implications of IgG afucosylation for health and disease, as well as for vaccination

    Factors affecting IgG4-mediated complement activation

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    Of the four human immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses, IgG4 is considered the least inflammatory, in part because it poorly activates the complement system. Regardless, in IgG4 related disease (IgG4-RD) and in autoimmune disorders with high levels of IgG4 autoantibodies, the presence of these antibodies has been linked to consumption and deposition of complement components. This apparent paradox suggests that conditions may exist, potentially reminiscent of in vivo deposits, that allow for complement activation by IgG4. Furthermore, it is currently unclear how variable glycosylation and Fab arm exchange may influence the ability of IgG4 to activate complement. Here, we used well-defined, glyco-engineered monoclonal preparations of IgG4 and determined their ability to activate complement in a controlled system. We show that IgG4 can activate complement only at high antigen and antibody concentrations, via the classical pathway. Moreover, elevated or reduced Fc galactosylation enhanced or diminished complement activation, respectively, with no apparent contribution from the lectin pathway. Fab glycans slightly reduced complement activation. Lastly, we show that bispecific, monovalent IgG4 resulting from Fab arm exchange is a less potent activator of complement than monospecific IgG4. Taken together, these results imply that involvement of IgG4-mediated complement activation in pathology is possible but unlikely

    Affinity capillary electrophoresis - mass spectrometry permits direct binding assessment of IgG and FcγRIIa in a glycoform-resolved manner

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    The impact of antibody glycoforms on FcγRIIa activation and immune responses is poorly understood. Yet, glycoform binding assessment remains one of the major analytical challenges requiring long enrichment or glycoengineering steps. Here, we developed and applied an affinity capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry approach to selectively assess the binding of different antibody glycoforms to the FcγIIa receptor without the need of glycoengineering. The approach required only low microgram amounts of antibody and receptor and enables assessing the binding of high and low-abundance glycoforms. The approach indicated clear differences in binging between doubly-, hemi-glycosylated and non-glycosylated antibodies as well as for mutated (Leu234Ala, Leu235Ala - Pro329-Gly (LALA-PG)) IgG1 antibodies silenced for Fcγ binding. The LALA-PG mutated antibody showed no binding to the FcγIIa receptor (excluding potential non-specific binding effects) while the non-glycosylated IgG1 showed a strongly reduced, but still minor binding. The highest binding affinity was for the antibody carrying two complex-type glycans. Man5 glycans resulted in decreased binding compared to complex-type glycans, with the lowest binding for the IgG containing two Man5. For complex-type glycans, galactosylation showed a subtle increase in binding to the FcγIIa receptor, and sialylation showed an increase in binding for lower sialylated species. Fucosylation did not influence binding to the FcγIIa receptor. Finally, the assay was evaluated for the two variants of the FcγRIIa receptor (allotypes H131 and R131) showing highly comparable glycoform selectivity. Overall, the proposed approach allows the direct comparison of binding affinities of different antibody species in mixtures promising a fast establishment of their structure-function relationships

    Change of charge variant composition of trastuzumab upon stressing at physiological conditions

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    Cation-exchange chromatography is a widely used approach to study charge heterogeneity of monoclonal antibodies. Heterogeneity may arise both in vitro and in vivo because of the susceptibility of monoclonal antibodies to undergo chemical modifications. Modifications may adversely affect the potency of the drug, induce immunogenicity or affect pharmacokinetics. In this study, we evaluated the application of optimized pH gradient systems for the separation of charge variants of trastuzumab after forced degradation study. pH gradient-based elution resulted in high-resolution separation of some 20 charge variants after 3 weeks at 37°C under physiological conditions. The charge variants were further characterized by LC-MS-based peptide mapping. There was no significant difference in the binding properties to HER2 or a range of Fcγ receptors between non-stressed and stressed trastuzumab.</p

    PDE4 Inhibition as Potential Treatment of Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita

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    Pemphigoid diseases such as epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) may be difficult to treat. In pemphigoid diseases, mucocutaneous blistering is caused by autoantibodies to hemidesmosomal antigens; in EBA the autoantigen is type VII collagen. Despite growing insights into pemphigoid disease pathogenesis, corticosteroids are still a mainstay of treatment. In experimental EBA, myeloid cell activation is a key event leading to blistering. Activation of these cells depends on phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4. We therefore evaluated the potential for PDE4 inhibition in EBA: PDE4 was highly expressed in inflammatory cells and in the epidermis of patients compared with healthy skin samples. PDE4 inhibitors rolipram, roflumilast, and roflumilast N-oxide prevented the release of immune complex-induced reactive oxygen species from polymorphonuclear leukocytes and separation of the dermal-epidermal junction of skin incubated with antibodies to collagen type VII and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The PDE4 inhibitors also impaired CD62L shedding and decreased CD11b expression on immune complex-stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes. For in vivo validation, experimental EBA was induced in mice by transfer of anti-collagen type VII IgG or immunization with collagen type VII. Roflumilast dose-dependently reduced blistering in antibody transfer-induced EBA and also hindered disease progression in immunization-induced EBA. PDE4 inhibition emerges as a new treatment modality for EBA and possibly other neutrophil-driven pemphigoid diseases.</p

    Potential Diagnostic Approaches for Prediction of Therapeutic Responses in Immune Thrombocytopenia

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    Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune bleeding disorder in which, via unresolved mechanisms, platelets and megakaryocytes (MKs) are targeted by autoantibodies and/or T cells resulting in increased platelet destruction and impairment of MK function. Over the years, several therapeutic modalities have become available for ITP, however, therapeutic management has proven to be very challenging in several cases. Patients refractory to treatment can develop a clinically worsening disease course, treatment-induced toxicities and are predisposed to development of potentially life-endangering bleedings. It is therefore of critical importance to timely identify potential refractory patients, for which novel diagnostic approaches are urgently needed in order to monitor and predict specific therapeutic responses. In this paper, we propose promising diagnostic investigations into immune functions and characteristics in ITP, which may potentially be exploited to help predict platelet count responses and thereby distinguish therapeutic responders from non-responders. This importantly includes analysis of T cell homeostasis, which generally appears to be disturbed in ITP due to decreased and/or dysfunctional T regulatory cells (Tregs) leading to loss of immune tolerance and initiation/perpetuation of ITP, and this may be normalized by several therapeutic modalities. Additional avenues to explore in possible prediction of therapeutic responses include examination of platelet surface sialic acids, platelet apoptosis, monocyte surface markers, B regulatory cells and platelet microparticles. Initial studies have started evaluating these markers in relation to response to various treatments including glucocorticosteroids (GCs), intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) and/or thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RA), however, further studies are highly warranted. The systematic molecular analysis of a broad panel of immune functions may ultimately help guide and improve personalized therapeutic management in ITP

    Biophysical Evaluation of Rhesus Macaque Fc Gamma Receptors Reveals Similar IgG Fc Glycoform Preferences to Human Receptors

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    Rhesus macaques are a common non-human primate model used in the evaluation of human monoclonal antibodies, molecules whose effector functions depend on a conserved N-linked glycan in the Fc region. This carbohydrate is a target of glycoengineering efforts aimed at altering antibody effector function by modulating the affinity of Fcγ receptors. For example, a reduction in the overall core fucose content is one such strategy that can increase antibody-mediated cellular cytotoxicity by increasing Fc-FcγRIIIa affinity. While the position of the Fc glycan is conserved in macaques, differences in the frequency of glycoforms and the use of an alternate monosaccharide in sialylated glycan species add a degree of uncertainty to the testing of glycoengineered human antibodies in rhesus macaques. Using a panel of 16 human IgG1 glycovariants, we measured the affinities of macaque FcγRs for differing glycoforms via surface plasmon resonance. Our results suggest that macaques are a tractable species in which to test the effects of antibody glycoengineering