43 research outputs found

    A simple, analytical, axisymmetric microburst model for downdraft estimation

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    A simple analytical microburst model was developed for use in estimating vertical winds from horizontal wind measurements. It is an axisymmetric, steady state model that uses shaping functions to satisfy the mass continuity equation and simulate boundary layer effects. The model is defined through four model variables: the radius and altitude of the maximum horizontal wind, a shaping function variable, and a scale factor. The model closely agrees with a high fidelity analytical model and measured data, particularily in the radial direction and at lower altitudes. At higher altitudes, the model tends to overestimate the wind magnitude relative to the measured data

    Investigation of the influence of wind shear on the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft using a vortex-lattice method

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    The objective was to investigate and characterize the aerodynamic effect of shear flow through a series of sensitivity studies of the wind velocity gradients and wing planform geometry parameters. The wind shear effect was computed using a modified vortex-lattice computer program and characterized through the formulation of wind shear aerodynamic coefficients. The magnitude of the aerodynamic effect was demonstrated by computing the resultant change in the aerodynamics of a conventional wing and tail combination on a fixed flight path through a simulated microburst. The results of the study indicate that a significant amount of the control authority of an airplane may be required to counteract the wind shear induced forces and moments in the microburst environment

    Vertical wind estimation from horizontal wind measurements

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    This presentation begins with a brief description of the downdraft measurement problem for airborne Doppler based systems and the importance of the downdraft in assessing the hazard posed by a microburst wind shear. This is followed by a review of research on the feasibility of using simple microburst models to compute the downdraft from horizontal wind measurements. The current methodologies for computing the vertical wind are then discussed. A summary of the results and the plan for future research are also presented

    Microburst vertical wind estimation from horizontal wind measurements

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    The vertical wind or downdraft component of a microburst-generated wind shear can significantly degrade airplane performance. Doppler radar and lidar are two sensor technologies being tested to provide flight crews with early warning of the presence of hazardous wind shear. An inherent limitation of Doppler-based sensors is the inability to measure velocities perpendicular to the line of sight, which results in an underestimate of the total wind shear hazard. One solution to the line-of-sight limitation is to use a vertical wind model to estimate the vertical component from the horizontal wind measurement. The objective of this study was to assess the ability of simple vertical wind models to improve the hazard prediction capability of an airborne Doppler sensor in a realistic microburst environment. Both simulation and flight test measurements were used to test the vertical wind models. The results indicate that in the altitude region of interest (at or below 300 m), the simple vertical wind models improved the hazard estimate. The radar simulation study showed that the magnitude of the performance improvement was altitude dependent. The altitude of maximum performance improvement occurred at about 300 m

    Blended-Wing-Body Low-Speed Flight Dynamics: Summary of Ground Tests and Sample Results

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    A series of low-speed wind tunnel tests of a Blended-Wing-Body tri-jet configuration to evaluate the low-speed static and dynamic stability and control characteristics over the full envelope of angle of attack and sideslip are summarized. These data were collected for use in simulation studies of the edge-of-the-envelope and potential out-of-control flight characteristics. Some selected results with lessons learned are presented

    Vertical wind estimation from horizontal wind measurements

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    The objective of this study was to assess the ability of simple vertical wind models to improve the hazard prediction capability of an airborne Doppler sensor in a realistic microburst environment. The results indicate that in the altitude region of interest (at or below 300 meters), both the linear and empirical vertical wind models improved the hazard estimate. The radar simulation study showed that the magnitude of the performance improvement was altitude dependent. The altitude of maximum performance improvement occurred at about 300 meters. At the lower altitudes the percent improvement was minimized by the diminished contribution of the vertical wind. The vertical hazard estimate errors from flight tests were less than those of the radar simulation study

    Estimate of heavy rain performance effect

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    The aerodynamic effect of heavy rain on airplane performance is presented in the form of view-graphs. The following subject areas are covered: review of heavy rain airfoil tests; development of heavy rain aerodynamic model for a twin-jet transport; performance analysis with heavy rain effects; numeric simulation of wet microburst encounter; and summary of results and future needs

    Low-Speed Stability and Control Test of a "Double-Bubble" Transport Configuration

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    A test in the Langley 12-Foot Low-Speed Tunnel was conducted as a risk mitigation effort to quickly obtain some low-speed stability and control data on a "double-bubble" or D8 transport configuration. The test also tested some configuration design trades. A 5-percent scale model was tested with stabilizer, elevator, rudder and aileron control deflections. This report summarizes the test results

    A preliminary study of a wake vortex encounter hazard boundary for a B737-100 airplane

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    A preliminary batch simulation study was conducted to define the wake decay required for a Boeing 737-100 airplane to safely encounter a Boeing 727 wake and land. The baseline six-degree-of-freedom B737 simulation was modified to include a wake model and the strip-theory calculation of the vortex-induced forces and moments. The guidance and control inputs for the airplane were provided by an autoland system. The wake strength and encounter altitude were varied to establish a safe encounter boundary. The wake was positioned such that the desired flight path traversed the core of the port Vortex. Various safe landing criteria were evaluated for defining a safe encounter boundary. A sensitivity study was also conducted to assess the effects of encounter model inaccuracies

    SACCON Forced Oscillation Tests at DNW-NWB and NASA Langley 14x22-Foot Tunnel

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    A series of three wind tunnel static and forced oscillation tests were conducted on a generic unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) geometry. These tests are part of an international research effort to assess the state-of-the-art of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods to predict the static and dynamic stability and control characteristics. The experimental dataset includes not only force and moment time histories but surface pressure and off body particle image velocimetry measurements as well. The extent of the data precludes a full examination within the scope of this paper. This paper provides some examples of the dynamic force and moment data available as well as some of the observed trends