230 research outputs found
Post mortem human subject and dummy response in frontal deceleration
28ème congrès de la société de biomécanique, POITIERS, FRANCE, 11-/09/2003 - 12/09/2003In the European Union, the assessment of die protection offered by a vehicle to a restrained occupant in case of frontal collision, is based on biomechanical data measured on the Hybrid III crash test dummy as described by the European Frontal Directive (Directive 96/79/EC). Ibis dummy was developed in the 70's and is based on biomechanical knowledge from that time. The Thor dummy (Test device for Human Occupant Restraint) developed by NHTSA (USA Administration) is based on more recent biomechanical knowledge. Many parts of the dummy have been designed and modified to produce a more humanlike response to frontal impact loading. The general objective of the FID European research program (improved Frontal Impact protection through a world frontal impact Dummy) is a European contribution to the evaluation of a worldwide dummy in the frontal impact. The paper presents new biomechanical data, based PMHS (Post Mortem Human Subject) tests, under different frontal impact conditions. The same tests with exactly the same instrumentation mounted at the same location were performed with Hybrid III and with the Thor-alpha to assess die biofidelity of these dummies with respect to these biomechanical data
Jean Vezin : discurs llegit a la cerimònia d'investidura celebrada a la sala d'actes de l'edifici del Rectorat el dia 27 d'octubre de l'any 2010
Nascut a Vannes (Morbihan, França) l'any 1933, Jean Vezin va obtenir el tÃtol d'Archiviste Paléographe per l'École des Chartes l'any 1958. Des d'aquest mateix any i fins al 1960 va ser membre de l'École des Hautes Études Hispaniques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid) i, posteriorment, conservador de la secció de manuscrits de la Biblioteca Nacional de França, del 1962 al 1974. Ha estat professor de Paleografia a l'Institut d'Études Latines de la Sorbona i a la Universitat de ParÃs IV i professor de Paleografia i de Codicologia a l'École Nationale Supérieure des Sciencies de l'Information et des Bibliothèques. Des del 1974 ha estat directeur d'études de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, secció de Ciències Històriques i Filològiques (Universitat de ParÃs-Sorbona) i, actualment, n'és emèrit. Ha estat també director de l'École des Bibliothécaires-Documentalistes de l'Institut Catholique de ParÃs des del 1985 fins al 1998. Cofundador i coresponsable de l'equip CNRS-EPHE (Étude des Pigments, Histoire et Archéologie), ha estat codirector de la col·lecció de les Chartae Latinae Antiquiores, Facsimile Edition of the Latin Charters prior to the Ninth Century, i cofundador i codirector de la col·lecció dels Monumenta palaeographica Medii Aevi. Autor de més de dues-centes publicacions, Jean Vezin és membre de prestigioses institucions acadèmiques i de comitès cientÃfics de carà cter nacional i internacional. Jean Vezin ha obtingut diferents guardons, entre els quals el premi Schlumberger de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de França (1972), el premi de la Marquise de Maillé (1982), la primera medalla del Concours des Antiquités Nationales, de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (el 1977 i el 1990), i el premi La Fons Mélicocq de la mateixa Académie (1986). És commandeur de l'ordre des Palmes académiques i officier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres.Nomenament 01/02/2007, a proposta de Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres. Investidura 27/10/2010, padrà Jesús Alturo i Peruch
Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Loaded with Surfactant: Low Temperature Magic Angle Spinning 13C and 29Si NMR Enhanced by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
We show that dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) can be used to enhance NMR signals of13C and 29Si nuclei located in mesoporous organic/inorganic hybrid materials, at several hundreds of nanometers from stable radicals (TOTAPOL) trapped in the surrounding frozen disordered water. The approach is demonstrated using mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN), functionalized with 3-(N-phenylureido)propyl (PUP) groups, filled with the surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The DNP-enhanced proton magnetization is transported into the mesopores via 1H–1H spin diffusion and transferred to rare spins by cross-polarization, yielding signal enhancements εon/off of around 8. When the CTAB molecules are extracted, so that the radicals can enter the mesopores, the enhancements increase to εon/off ≈ 30 for both nuclei. A quantitative analysis of the signal enhancements in MSN with and without surfactant is based on a one-dimensional proton spin diffusion model. The effect of solvent deuteration is also investigated
Note de synthèse
Vezin Jean-François, Vezin Liliane. Note de synthèse. In: Revue française de pédagogie, volume 75, 1986. pp. 81-103
lllustration, schématisation et activité interprétative
Vezin Jean-François, Vezin Liliane. lllustration, schématisation et activité interprétative. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 41 n°386, 1988. La communication par images. pp. 655-666
Compréhension de textes et intégration cognitive
Vezin Jean-François, Vezin Liliane. Compréhension de textes et intégration cognitive. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 35 n°356, 1982. Langage et compréhension. pp. 649-657
Nikolaus M. Haring. Life and works of Clarembald of Arras, a twelfth- century master of the School of Chartres. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of mediaeval Studies, 1965. (Pontifical Institute of mediaeval Studies. Studies and Texts, 10.)
Vezin Jean. Nikolaus M. Haring. Life and works of Clarembald of Arras, a twelfth- century master of the School of Chartres. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of mediaeval Studies, 1965. (Pontifical Institute of mediaeval Studies. Studies and Texts, 10.). In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. 1968, tome 126, livraison 1. pp. 246-248
À propos des manuscrits latins du Sinaï. Problèmes de localisation et de datation
Vezin Jean. À propos des manuscrits latins du Sinaï. Problèmes de localisation et de datation. In: Antiquités africaines, 38-39,2002. pp. 313-320
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