158 research outputs found

    Geometric phase and o-mode blue shift in a chiral anisotropic medium inside a Fabry-P\'erot cavity

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    Anomalous spectral shift of transmission peaks is observed in a Fabry--P\'erot cavity filled with a chiral anisotropic medium. The effective refractive index value resides out of the interval between the ordinary and the extraordinary refractive indices. The spectral shift is explained by contribution of a geometric phase. The problem is solved analytically using the approximate Jones matrix method, numerically using the accurate Berreman method and geometrically using the generalized Mauguin--Poincar\'e rolling cone method. The oo-mode blue shift is measured for a 4-methoxybenzylidene-4'-nn-butylaniline twisted--nematic layer inside the Fabry--P\'erot cavity. The twist is electrically induced due to the homeoplanar--twisted configuration transition in an ionic-surfactant-doped liquid crystal layer. Experimental evidence confirms the validity of the theoretical model.Comment: the text is available both in English (Timofeev2015en.tex) and in Russian (download: other formats - source - Timofeev2015ru.tex, Timofeev2015rus.pdf

    Spontaneous Magnetisation in a Quantum Wire

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    An existence of predominant symmetrical spin configuration (spin polarised phase) and "diluted" density of states (pseudo-gap) in a layer under the Fermi level in a quantum wire is predicted. The condition of cross-over from non-polarised phase to polarised one was derived. The transition occurs for sufficiently low electron density in a wire and is accompanied by an acute decrease of electron density of states near the Fermi level.It may result in a corresponding decrease of conductance. A similar effect may exist in a two-dimensional electron gas.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Manifestation of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the background of COVID-19: review and clinical case

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    The article presents a literature review of clinical data on the manifestation of type 2 diabetes mellitus against the background of coronavirus infection COVID-19, COVID-19 is considered as a possible cause of type 2 diabetes. A clinical case of a patient with coronavirus infection and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus was presentedВ статье приведен литературный обзор клинических данных о манифестации сахарного диабета 2 типа на фоне коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19, COVID-19 рассмотрен как возможная причина возникновения сахарного диабета 2 типа. Приведен клинический случай пациентки с коронавирусной инфекцией и впервые диагностированным сахарным диабетом 2 типа

    The autohaemodonation before delivery by pregnants with placenta praevia

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    The article to the using of autohaemodonation before delivery by 62 pregnant women (basic group) with placenta praevia is devoted. This patients small-volumen plasmapheresis with storage autoplasma and storage of blood (196 ml in average; 14 women) are observed. In control group were including 36 pregnants women with analogous pathology. They autohaemodonation does not given. The positive effect of autohaemodonation on the figures of homeostasis systems were proved. At the operative delivery in basic group of women rare then in control group pathologic post partum hemorragie, infections, anaemic syndrom and the using donors hemocomponents were constanted. At the same time the results for infants also were the best in basic group.Наблюдали 98 беременных с предлежанием плаценты. У 62 беременных (основная группа) перед родами проводили 1-4 сеанса малообъемного аутодонорского или лечебного плазмафереза (ПА) с заготовкой аутоплазмы (АП). 14 пациенткам запасали на роды и аутокровь в среднем количестве 196 мл. Аутогемопрепараты возвращали при оперативных родах после остановки кровотечения. Остальные 36 беременных (контроль) с аналогичными данными анамнеза и клиники ПА не получали. Установлено, что процедуры аутогемодонорства безопасны и способствует улучшению показателей гомеостаза в системе мать - плод. В основной группе, по сравнению с контролем, отмечено снижение числа патологических кровопотерь, потребления донорских гемопрепаратов при лучших исходах для матерей и плодов

    Structure of herd immunity to SARS-COV-2 in the Krasnoyarsk region population in the COVID-19 epidemic

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    Purpose. Determination of the SARS-CoV-2 population humoral immunity among the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory during the COVID-19 epidemic.Materials and methods. The study was carried out as a part of project for assessing population immunity to SARS-CoV-2 among the population of Russian Federation using unified methodology developed by Rospotrebnadzor, with the participation of the Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology named by Pasteur, and taking into account the recommendations of the WHO. The work involved 2907 volunteers, selected by the online survey and randomization by age and territory. All volunteers were divided into 7 age groups: 1–17, 18–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70 and older (70+), including a total 246–449 people. Population immunity testing was carried out during the formation of groups (1st stage), and then twice more, with the interval of 6–8 weeks. Serum was obtained from venous blood samples obtained from volunteers, in which antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid were determined by the enzyme immunoassay. The results were analyzed by methods of nonparametric statistics: median, interquartile range, rank correlation coefficient were calculated in the Excel statistical package. The confidence interval to seroprevalence indicators (95% CI) was calculated using the WinPepi statistical package (version 11.65). The statistical significance of the differences was assessed with a probability level of p ≤ 0.05.Results. The seroprevalence of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory during the 5-month period of seromonitoring had increased 3.3 times from 12.8% (95% CI 11.3–14.4) to 41.7% (95% CI 39.4–4.0) , while the grouping by age had not revealed any peculiarities throughout the study. The trend towards a decrease in the incidence was formed on the 6th week of 2021. The seroprevalence of convalescents after COVID-19 during the initial testing was 61.5% (95% CI 40,6–79.8), among those who were in contact with patients with COVID-19 or convalescents –23.8% (95% CI 13.9–36.2) . Among the volunteers, 347 seropositive persons were identified, 324 of which were observed asymptomatic course.Conclusion. The structure of the population humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 of he population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has been investigated. It was found that an increase in seroprevalence to 41.7% (95% CI 39.4–4.0) was accompanied by a decrease in morbidity

    Diagnosis of heart failure with preserved and midrange ejection fraction in medical practice

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    The article summarizes the data in the modern literature about know diagnosis and treatment of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Diagnosis of heart failure with nomaland midrange ejection fraction is frequently challenging and relies upon careful clinical evaluation, tissue Doppler imaging, echo-Doppler cardiography, the level of natriuretic peptides and invasive haemodynamic assessment.В обзоре обобщены данные современной литературы по диагностике сердечной недостаточности с нормальной и промежуточной фракцией выброса. Более половины пациентов с симптомами сердечной недостаточности имеют фракцию выброса более 40%, что не является значительным снижением сократимости миокарда. Подтверждение диагноза ХСН в данном случае сложно и основывается на тщательной оценке клинических проявлений, результатов тканевого допплера, допплер-эхокардиографии, уровня биомаркеров, а также инвазивных методов оценки гемодинамики

    Social and professional psychological potrait of the residents as basis of their training proffesional activity

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    the article presents the results of the study of residents in order to compile a social and professional -psychological portrait as the basis of training for professional activities of medical specialistsв статье представлены результаты исследования ординаторов с целью составления социально и профессионально- психологического портрета как подготовки к профессиональной деятельности медицинских специалисто