4 research outputs found

    Ethiopathogenic mechanism involved in bruxism

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    Rezumat. Sub denumirea de bruxism este cunoscută parafuncţia ce are drept consecinţă uzura pronunţată a arcadelor dentare, tulburări ale muşchilor masticatori şi ale articulaţiei temporo–mandibulare. La inceputul secolului trecut, Karolyi, apoi Marie şi Pietkiewicz scriau că “scrâşnitul dinţilor reuneşte de asemenea leziuni ale sistemului nervos central” şi propuneau termenul de bruxomanie. Termenul de bruxomanie a fost utilizat, în 1907, în Franţa de către Marie şi Pietkecwicz, iar termenul de bruxism, acceptat şi astăzi, a fost utilizat în literatura de specialitate pentru prima dată de Frohman în 1931, pentru a denumi scrâşnirea şi frecarea nefuncţională a dintilor. Etiologia bruxismului constituie subiectul unor inepuizabile dezbateri. Pe plan international, din datele recent publicate in literatura de specialitate se observa un consens in ceea ce priveste o implicare multifactoriala (Lobbezoo, 2001) in mecanismele patogenice ale bruxismului. Primele opinii privind etiologia bruxismul au avut in vedere contactele dento-dentare si patologia contractiilor muusculare. Ideile au evoluat pana la implicarea factorilor comportamentali si in special a aspetelor legate de somn(Brocard, 2007). Attanasio R.(1991) si Lobbezo si colab(2006) citati de Leonardo Lopez do Nascimento si colab. in 2008 arata ca etiologia bruxismului nocturn implica factori locali, sistemici, psihologici si ereditari. Prezenta lucrare realizează o trecere în revistă a principalelor mecanisme etiologice implicate în producerea şi întreâinerea beuxismului.Summary. Bruxism stands for the parafuncion resulted from the pronounced wear of dental arches, disorders of jaw muscles and of temporo–mandibular joint. At the beginning of XXth century, Karolyi, and then Marie and Pietkiewicz wrote that “teeth gnash also hold lesions of central nervous system” and proposed the term of „bruxomanie”. The term of „bruxomanie” was used, in 1907, in France by Marie and Pietkecwicz, whilst the term of „bruxism”, accepted today, was used in literature for the first time by Frohman in 1931, to name teeth gnashing and non-functional rubbing. Etiology of „bruxism” is an inexhaustible subject of debates. Internationally, the recent data published in literature offer a consensus regarding the multifactorial involvement (Lobbezoo, 2001) in the pathogenic mechanisms of bruxism. The first views on the etiology of “bruxism” were expressed on dento-dental contacts and on the pathology of muscle contractions. Ideas evolved up to the involvement of behavioral factors and especially of aspects related to sleep (Brocard, 2007). Attanasio R. (1991), Lobbezo and Colab (2006) quoted by Leonardo Lopez do Nascimento and Colab, in 2008, show that nocturnal bruxism etiology involve local, systemic, psychological and hereditary factors. This paper provides a review of the main etiological mechanisms involved in producing and maintaining bruxism

    Etiopathogenic grounds responsible for the occurrence of stomatopathy paraprosthetic

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    Rezumat. Disciplina de Protetică Dentară, Facultatea de Medicină Dentară, U.M.F. Craiova Mucoasa gingivală umană paraprotetică reprezintă o structură cu o morfo-funcţionalitate complexă, integrată sistemului stomatognat. Reabilitarea morfologică şi funcţională a sistemului stomatognat, cu ajutorul protezelor dentare, perturbă echilibrul existent între elementele biotopului oral. Introducerea în cavitatea orală a unui aparat gnatoprotetic are efecte multiple asupra mucosei orale, deoarece piesa protetică reprezintă atât un corp fizico-mecanic, cât şi un amestec chimic. Cercetarile ultimilor ani arată că acţiunile protezelor dentare asupra mucoasei orale sunt influenţate de mediul oral şi sunt atribuite patologiei mediului. Sunt autori care susţin că, în mod practic, nu există mucoasă care să nu reacţioneaze la contactul cu o proteză dentară. Protezele dentare exercită asupra mucoasei orale multiple acţiuni agresive, determinând din partea acesteia o reacţie sau chiar un răspuns pato‑ logic. Mecanismele prin care o proteză dentară traumatizează mucoasa cu care vine în contact sunt diverse. Principalele tipuri de agresiuni ale pieselor protetice dentare asupra mucoasei câmpului protetic sunt: mecanică, termică. toxico-chimică, electrochimică, imunologică şi microbiană.Summary. Paraprosthetic gingival mucosa is a o complex morph-functional structure, integrated in the stomatognathic system. Morphological and functional rehabilitation of stomatognathic system, using dentures, disrupts the existing balance between the elements of oral biotope. Introducing a gnatoprosthetic device in oral cavity has multiple effects on oral mucosa, be cause the prosthetic piece represents both a physical-mecanic body and a chemical mixture. Researches made during last years showed that dentures’ actions on oral mucosa are influenced by oral environment and are attributed to environment’s pathology. Some authors argue that, in practice, each mucosa reacts to contact with a dental prosthesis. Dentures exert multiple aggressive actions on oral mucosa, leading to a reaction or sometimes even to a pathological response. A dental prosthesis traumatizes the mucosa, which comes in contact with, by different mechanisms. The main types of aggressions that prosthetic pieces exert on mucosa of prosthetic field are: mechanic, thermal, toxic-chemical, electrochemical, immunological and microbial

    Etiology Study of Acquired Developmental Defects of Enamel and Their Association with Dental Caries in Children between 3 and 19 Years Old from Dolj County, Romania

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    Background: Developmental defects of enamel (DDE) are frequently encountered in primary and permanent teeth, yet their etiology is not completely known. Enamel hypoplasia is considered a predisposing factor for early caries. The objective of this study was the evaluation of several risk factors potentially causing DDE and the possible association between DDE and dental caries. Methods: This study was performed on a group of 213 rural children from Romania. It combined a thorough dental examination for all children, and a questionnaire filled in by their mothers, regarding the evolution of their pregnancy and the child’s health status in the first years of life. Results: There was no statistically significant association between DDE presence and data regarding the evolution of pregnancy, mothers’ health status or children’s conditions during early childhood. There was a significant association between the use of amoxicillin, ibuprofen, and cephalosporin during the period of formation of permanent teeth, and one environmental factor (water source), and the presence of DDE (Chi Square, p p = 0.001). Conclusions: Children who consumed water from private wells and children who received medication during early childhood developed more enamel defects, presenting a higher risk of caries development


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    Aim of the study This study investigated the magnitude and distribution of stress in a maxillary first premolar subjected to normal and heavy occlusal loads, that were directed vertically and horizontally, using Finite Element Analysis. Material and methods A virtual 3D model of a maxillary first premolar was created using the CT images of a 14 year-old patient and the physical and mechanical properties of the dental tissues used in other studies. We obtained 8 scenarios for the vertical loading and 8 scenarios for the horizontal loading. Results The magnitude and distribution of stress were the least favorable in the case of the heavy horizontal loading applied on the intact tooth. Conclusions Our study showed that the intact tooth was the most affected by stress regardless of the loading applied