181 research outputs found

    An innovative approach for manual preparation of slides of compact bone tissue

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    Background: Bone is a rigid form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is impregnated with inorganic salts, mainly calcium phosphate and carbonate, that provide hardness. Because of its hardness, bone is difficult to cut in the microtome; therefore, special techniques must be used for its study.Methods: Grinding of transverse sections of compact bone was done by using flint paper (size 0) which is simple, extremely cheap, rapid and easily available.Results: Under low power magnification, we observed a complete haversian system with volkmann’s canal and interstitial lamellae.Conclusions: This method of preparation of ground bone slides is not only helpful to undergraduate and post graduate students but also to osteoarchaeologists, palaeopathologists and forensic anthropologists

    A case report on decidual cast

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    The mucous membrane lining of uterus is known as decidua once it is implanted with a fertilized egg. A decidual cast forms under the influence of hormones while preparing uterus for implantation and it can shed by taking the shape of uterus. It has well known association with ectopic pregnancy. Also it can occur with incomplete abortion as mentioned in this case report. Other conditions are use of progesterone, standard dose of oral contraceptive pills. Our patient 25 year unbooked gravida 3 parity 2 with 12 week period of gestation presented to emergency department with incomplete abortion with excessive bleeding and anaemia. She was shifted for surgical evacuation in which she passed decidual cast, a very rare finding. The histopathology report suggest retained product of conception with chorionic villi

    The unusual presentation of sertoli-leydig cell tumor: a case report

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    Sertoli cell tumor is very rare variety of ovarian Sertoli‐Leydig cell tumors. Due to nonspecific clinical and imaging features, diagnosis is often made after histopathological examination. Sertoli cell tumors usually presents with the features of virilization. The prognosis is excellent as most are detected in the early stages and surgical resection is often curative in most cases. Here we present a case of Sertoli Cell tumor, where no feature of virilization was present.

    Robot navigation and target capturing using nature-inspired approaches in a dynamic environment

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    Path Planning and target searching in a three-dimensional environment is a challenging task in the field of robotics. It is an optimization problem as the path from source to destination has to be optimal. This paper aims to generate a collision-free trajectory in a dynamic environment. The path planning problem has sought to be of extreme importance in the military, search and rescue missions and in life-saving tasks. During its operation, the unmanned air vehicle operates in a hostile environment, and faster replanning is needed to reach the target as optimally as possible. This paper presents a novel approach of hierarchical planning using multiresolution abstract levels for faster replanning. Economic constraints like path length, total path planning time and the number of turns are taken into consideration that mandate the use of cost functions. Experimental results show that the hierarchical version of GSO gives better performance compared to the BBO, IWO and their hierarchical versions.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy — Revisiting the biochemical and molecular milieu of brain tumors

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    AbstractBackgroundMagnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is an established tool for in-vivo evaluation of the biochemical basis of human diseases. On one hand, such lucid depiction of ‘live biochemistry’ helps one to decipher the true nature of the pathology while on the other hand one can track the response to therapy at sub-cellular level. Brain tumors have been an area of continuous interrogation and instigation for mankind. Evaluation of these lesions by MRS plays a crucial role in the two aspects of disease management described above.Scope of reviewPresented is an overview of the window provided by MRS into the biochemical aspects of brain tumors. We systematically visit each metabolite deciphered by MRS and discuss the role of deconvoluting the biochemical aspects of pathologies (here in context of brain tumors) in the disease management cycle. We further try to unify a radiologist's perspective of disease with that of a biochemist to prove the point that preclinical work is the mother of the treatment we provide at bedside as clinicians. Furthermore, an integrated approach by various scientific experts help resolve a query encountered in everyday practice.Major conclusionsMR spectroscopy is an integral tool for evaluation and systematic follow-up of brain tumors. A deeper understanding of this technology by a biochemist would help in a swift and more logical development of the technique while a close collaboration with radiologist would enable definitive application of the same.General significanceThe review aims at inciting closer ties between the two specialists enabling a deeper understanding of this valuable technology

    Role of antihypertensives drugs on proteinuria in patients with chronic kidney disease and hypertension

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    Background: Hypertension is the most prevalent cardiovascular disease and the relevant data suggest that the burden, risk factors and co-morbidities associated with the essential hypertension is increasing with every passing day. It is one of the major chronic diseases resulting in high mortality and morbidity in today’s world. Aim: The aim of the study was to compare effects of cilnidipine and amlodipine on the blood pressure (BP), heart rate and proteinuria among patients of hypertension with chronic kidney disease.Methods: 100 patients were included in this study. Patients were randomly assigned into two groups Group A and Group B (50 each). Group A: Patients received Cilnidipine (5-10mg/day). Group B: Patients received amlodipine (5-10mg/day).Results: No significant difference in SBP, DBP, MBP and proteinuria while comparing both the groups of patients taking cilnidipine and amlodipine at baseline i.e. 0 to 12 week, 12 to 24 weeks and 0 to 24 weeks. Cilnidipine caused decrease in HR 0 to 12 week (p value 0.001), 12 to 24 weeks (p value 0.001) and 0 to 24 weeks (p value 0.0001). Amlodipine had increased heart rate from baseline to 12 weeks (p value 0.0001), 12 to 24 weeks (p value 0.051) and 0 to 24 weeks (p value 0.001). No significant difference was seen in any biochemical readings.Conclusions: There was a significant change in all the parameters including BP, heart rate, proteinuria and other biochemical tests when they compared within the group but no significant difference while comparing both the groups


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    Ajamoda is an important drug of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine, which consists of umbelliferous fruits.  The drug to be used in the formulations are fruits of Apium leptophyllum. Apium is a genus of about 20 species of flowering plants in the family Apiaceae. Some species are edible, notably Apium graveolance, Apium leptophylum, which includes the commercially important vegetables celery, celeriac and chinese celery. It is grown extensively in the South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia. Its aromatic dried fruits, like its close relative ajwain, are often used in Bengali cuisine but are rarely used in the rest of India. The fresh leaves are used as an herb in Thailand and it is used medicinally in Myanmar. The small dried fruits, commonly referred to as seeds, are similar in appearance to those of ajwain, celery, and caraway. Because of their similarity in both appearance and flavor, it is often confused or substituted with celery seed. Ajamoda consists of dried, aromatic fruits of Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F. V. M. ex Benth. (Fam. Umbelliferae); an annual herb cultivated in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka; collected by thrashing plants on a mat and dried in shade or in drying sheds. The oil of seeds of Ajamoda is also used in compounding Ayurvedic formulations. While, fatty oil of seeds is antispasmodic and nerve stimulant, seeds of celery are rich in vitamin-B

    Newer insights of H1N1: Swine Flu Virus

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    Swine flu, caused by the H1N1 influenza virus, is a subtype of influenza A that affects both the upper and lower respiratory tracts. It is primarily found in pigs and can be transmitted to humans through genetic variations in the virus. The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million individuals. In 2009, the pandemic affected 178 countries, resulting in an estimated 43 to 89 million cases and 1799 deaths. The pathophysiology of H1N1 involves inflammation of the respiratory tract, with an incubation period of 1 to 4 days and a contagious period lasting 5 to 7 days. The signs and symptoms of swine flu include cough, sore throat, fever, myalgia, congestion, headache, rhinorrhoea, dizziness, sneezing, loss of appetite, fatigue, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, and in rare cases, vomiting and diarrhoea. The most common cause of death is respiratory failure, and neurological symptoms can occur due to high fever. To diagnose swine flu, various tests such as haematological, biochemical, and microbiological tests are conducted, including the collection of nasal or oral swabs for reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Prevention and control measures include managing swine flu in pigs through herd management, hygiene practices, and vaccination. Treatment options vary based on the severity of the case. Mild to moderate cases can be managed with rest, antipyretics, NSAIDs, antihistamines, and oral rehydration therapy. Severe cases may require intravenous hydration, antibiotics for bacterial infections, antiviral therapy, and respiratory support

    Morphometric study of acromion process in scapula of north Indian population

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    Background: In scapula, the acromion process projects forwards almost at right angle from the lateral end of spine. Morphometry of the acromion process is an important factor in contributing to impingement syndrome of the shoulder joint.Methods: The study was performed at Department of Anatomy, PGIMS Rohtak on 50 pairs of human scapula, out of which 30 were males and 20 were females. The various parameters like length, width, thickness, coraco-acromial distance, acromio-glenoid distance and types of acromion process were recorded using vernier calipers. These parameters were compared in both sexes on both the sides.Results: Type-II Acromion i.e. Curved type was found to be most predominant. Statistically significant difference was noted in all the five parameters between males and females except Acromio-glenoid distance on right side.Conclusions: Knowledge of the morphometric parameters of acromion process is important for Orthopaedicians, Anthropologists and Anatomists