5 research outputs found

    Prospects for using a new phosphorus-containing extractant in uranium technology

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    Phosphorus-containing compounds are widely used in industrial hydrometallurgical processes as extragents and complexes of color, noble, rare-earth metals and transuranium elements [1]..

    Effect of platinum nanoparticles on morphological parameters of spring wheat seedlings in a substrate-plant system

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    When wheat is cultivated in the media contaminated with platinum nanoparticles, the change in the morphological and physiological indexes of wheat seedlings depends on the physico-chemical parameters of the germination substrate. The changes become less pronounced with the decreasing bioaccessability of the nanomaterial in the following order: water suspension – luvisols – phaeozems. Contamination with nanoparticles affects the height parameters and activates the mechanisms protecting the plant from stress. When using wheat seedlings as test organisms for biotesting the environmental safety of NPs, it is advisable to use the following parameters: weight of roots, weight of aerial part, leaf area, and flavonoid content

    On the problem of relevance to develop emotionally competent behavior in children with intellectual disabilities

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    Nowadays, improvement of the education quality remains a burning issue in the world and, in particular, in Russia. Modern social, economic and cultural transformations have bred new values in education to appear; educational objectives, goals, content and results have been reviewed. Contemporary changes have generated a reasonable request of the society for training a comprehensively developed, cultured and competent person who is given the necessary set of social important competences for various culture-congruent activities; actively interact with society and efficiently adopt social roles. Current trends dictate to look for new approaches and methods in education that actively form personal and social skills and competencies to facilitate a better social adaptation and socialization of every person with understanding of their potential. In this regard, investigation of emotional competence of school students with intellectual disabilities is of special relevance; state and condition of the disorder in many ways define the capacity of sound socialization for this group of children. Goal of our research is to analyze theoretical background, studies and methodological concepts in world and Russian psychology on the problem of regulation of emotional response of school students with intellectual disabilities through shaping emotional competence in their behavior; to pinpoint problems and potential to scrutinize this topic. The scope of the research is the process of emotion regulation of school students with intellectual disabilities through shaping emotional competence, which encompasses abilities to monitor, control and manage their emotional response in social environment. The research found that most scientists although declare the need for special programs to study and correct the emotional responses of intellectually disabled students with a view to their best socialization in modern society, there are still deficits in both the science and the practice of special psychology related to the development and implementation of technologies for monitoring, predicting and managing emotional responses among this group of schoolchildren

    Polymorphism of some genes of bone tissue metabolism (VDR Bsm1 c.IVS7G>A, LCT 13910 T>C, COL1A 12046 G->T) among the representatives of Russian and Buryat nationalities

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    Aim: to study the frequency of genotypes of the polymorphous markers of bone remodeling (vita-min D receptor gene Bsm1 c.IVS7G A, the lactase gene LCT 13910 T C and collagen gene COL1A 12046 G- T) in healthy people and patients with osteopo-rosis (OP) among the indigenous population of Trans-baikalia of Russian and Buryat nationalities. Methods: 97 women with OP were examined: 49 Russian and 48 Buryat women aged from 50 to 80 years. 123 healthy women of the same age group were included in the control group. DNA sam-ples for molecular genetic analysis were taken from peripheral venous blood. Results: The recessive allele A of the VDR Bsm1c.IVS7G A polymorphism was accumulated in women of Buryat nationality, but the statistical significance was not observed (OR = 1.04, CI [0 68, 1.6]). C al-lele of LCT -13910 T C polymorphism was associated with the development of OP among the representa-tives of Buryat nationality. Conclusion: The gene allele VDR Bsm1 c.IVS7G Aand the LCT -13910 TC leads to a higher risk of OP in women of Buryat nationality. The genotypes G/Tand T/T of COL1A12046 G- T are associated with the development of OP in people of both nationalities

    Effect of platinum nanoparticles on morphological parameters of spring wheat seedlings in a substrate-plant system

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    When wheat is cultivated in the media contaminated with platinum nanoparticles, the change in the morphological and physiological indexes of wheat seedlings depends on the physico-chemical parameters of the germination substrate. The changes become less pronounced with the decreasing bioaccessability of the nanomaterial in the following order: water suspension – luvisols – phaeozems. Contamination with nanoparticles affects the height parameters and activates the mechanisms protecting the plant from stress. When using wheat seedlings as test organisms for biotesting the environmental safety of NPs, it is advisable to use the following parameters: weight of roots, weight of aerial part, leaf area, and flavonoid content