4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi, Partisipasi dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Bank Lippo Tbk Cabang Kudus

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    The main objective of this study is 1). Are there influense on organisation commitment, participation, and motivation as partial and multiple to work performance PT Bank Lippo Tbk Unit of Kudus. 2) To find what the most influense variable to work performance PT Bank Lippo Tbk. Unit of Kudus. The respondents of this study are 43 employee of PT Bank Lippo Tbk Unit of Kudus. Analysis technique is used Partial Regression. The results of this research show that as partial variable organization commitment and motivation are influence on work performance, but participation variable not influense on work performance. Results of hipotesis test show that t test value organization commitmet and motivation variable are 2,912 and 1,166 the most that t tabel 2,021. So result of hipotesis test show that t test value participation variable -1,148 the lest from t tabel 2,021. The multiple variable organization commitment, participation and motivation are influense on work performance. Result of hipotesis test show that F test value 4,504 the most that F test tabel of 2,839. The most influense variable to work performance PT Bank Lippo Tbk Unit of Kudus is motivation variabl

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada PT. Kencana Arta Raya Denpasar)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of compensation on job satisfaction and employee performance at PT. Kencana Arta Raya Denpasar. Data collected by interview, observation and literature study. Data analysis using the method of Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate compensation and employee satisfaction provides a positive and significant influence on employee performance. employee satisfaction is able to mediate the association of compensation to employee performance

    Analisis Efektivitas Keberlangsungan Modal Usaha Simpan Pinjam Perempuan PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan di Kecamatan Mengwi Kabupaten Badung

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    Implementation of PNPM Rural often do not work well namely, the existence of constraints on its implementation in accordance with the Technical Guidelines for the Operation, disbursement delays, delays in the completion of activities, and others. This study aims to 1) To determine the level of equalization provision of venture capital Womens Savings and Loans (SPP) of PNPM Rural in District Mengwi Badung regency. 2) To determine the effectiveness of the sustainability of the business capital of SPP. 3) To determine the direct effect of the loan amount, number of working hours, priority in running the business, the experience of training and the amount of such assistance to the commitment and effectiveness of sustainability refund venture capital SPP.4) To determine the effect of indirect loan amount, number of hours worked, priority in running the business, training and experience similar to the amount of aid effectiveness venture capital sustainability. This research was conducted in the District Mengwi Badung Regency Bali.Data province used are primary data and secondary data. The sample in this study was 95 head of the group. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and inferential statistics using path analysis with multivariate analysis, linearity tests, analysis of the sub-structure equation, the path diagram, Sobel test and interpretation analysis. Research concluded 1) The level of equalization provision of venture capital into the high category. 2) The effectiveness of the sustainability of venture capital into the category of medium 3) The direct effect of the loan amount and a significant negative effect on the commitment of a refund. The number of hours worked and trained experience positive and significant effect on the commitment of a refund. Business priorities and the amount of such assistance is not positive and significant effect on the commitment of a refund. The loan amount but not significant negative effect on the effectiveness of the sustainability of capital. The number of working hours, priority in running the business, training experience, the amount of such assistance, and commitment refund positive and significant impact on the effectiveness of venture capital sustainability. 4) For the indirect effect (indirect effect) in this study indicate that it is real (significant) no mediation effect (intervening) commitment to a refund of the research model is formed

    Auditor's Competence and Independence as Determinant Audit Quality with Gender as Moderating Variable

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    This study has several objectives: 1) to find out and analyze the effect of auditor competence on audit quality, 2) to know and analyze the effect of auditor independence on audit quality, 3) to know and analyze the role of gender as a moderating effect on the influence of auditor competence on audit quality, 4) to find out and analyze the role of gender as a moderating effect on auditor independence on audit quality. This research was conducted at the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) in Denpasar City. The populations in this study were all auditors in the city of Denpasar, amounting to 112 people. Determination of the sample was done by purposive method, so that the number of samples selected was 53 people. Data collection techniques used was interviews supported by questionnaire with a closed multiple choices. Data analysis used was Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results showed that the overall strength of the model was stated to be very good. Hypothesis 1, which states that auditor competence has a significant positive effect on audit quality, can be accepted, Hypothesis 2, which states that auditor independence has a significant positive effect on audit quality, can also be accepted. Through a multi-group analysis it is stated that gender is able to be a moderating variable on the effect of auditor competence over the quality of an audit.Whereas gender testing as a moderating variable on the effect of auditor independence over the quality of an audit has not been tested