89 research outputs found

    Rogue Base Station Detection Techniques

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    User equipment (UE) and cellular networks implement one or more techniques to detect and mitigate rogue base stations/cells. In one approach, a UE implements base station authentication techniques for detecting and mitigating rogue base stations. In this approach, the UE detects a failed authentication procedure and determines the associated base station is a rogue base station. The UE stores identifying information associated with the rogue base station and location information associated with the UE. Upon attachment with a legitimate base station/cell, the UE sends the identifying information and location information to the network. In another example, the network implements reverse mobility detection techniques for detecting and mitigating rogue base stations. In this approach, static mobile UEs are located throughout the network and monitor signal strength variations associated with cells for detecting rogue base stations. In yet another approach, a UE is configured to detect when a base station is attempting to downgrade the UE to a lower order radio access technology (RAT) and identifies the base station as a rogue base station. In a further approach, a UE is configured to determine when a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is abnormally high, indicating that a rogue base station is using a signal-jamming mechanism

    Application-Based Beam Selection for Uplink-Downlink Imbalance

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    Form factor limitations and power constraints in user equipment such as a millimeter wave user equipment lead to link imbalances between uplink beams generated by the user equipment and downlink beams generated by network base stations. For example, the number of antenna elements in a user equipment is typically lower than the number of antenna elements in a base station, which results in an uplink beam range that is smaller than a downlink beam range. The user equipment can therefore detect the base station and nevertheless be unable to establish an uplink connection to the base station, e.g., via a random-access channel (RACH). The effects of the link imbalance are reduced or eliminated by selectively activating different antenna elements at the user equipment and selectively orienting the user equipment based on its antenna configuration relative to the network base station

    Long term management challenges in diabetic patients with rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis

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    There has been a recent upsurge in prevalence of diabetes mellitus in developing world. This has resulted in exponential increase in the incidence of both communicable and non-communicable diseases. Some of the infections increase morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes. Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) is one of the fatal opportunistic infections in diabetes. There is little data published regarding the short and long term management of patients suffering from this invasive fungal infection. Hereby, we report few cases of ROCM with varied presentations and their short and long term follow up. These patients were initially treated with injectable amphotericin B and later followed up with oral posaconazole

    Optimizing Power Consumption for Mobile User Equipment

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    A mobile user equipment selectively enables access to cells based on its mobility state and velocity, as well as the size of the cells. Power consumption and other resources consumed during handoff of mobile user equipment are optimized by determining whether to enable connection to cells based on how long the mobile user equipment is expected to spend in the cells. Geo-fences are used to mark the boundaries of the cells and the mobile user equipment accesses geo-fence information to determine boundaries of the cells. The time the mobile user equipment is likely to spend in the cell is estimated using the velocity of the mobile user equipment and an estimated distance along a path of the mobile user equipment to a boundary of the cell. Access to the cell is disabled if the time is lower than a threshold that is determined based on resource consumption for connecting to the cell

    Selective Disabling of Antenna Modules Affected by Handgrip or Other Blockage

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    User equipment (UE) employing millimeter-wave (mmWave) radio frequency (RF) signaling uses one or more techniques to detect signaling blockages caused by handgrip, body blockage, or lack of line-of-sight with the wireless base station, identifies one or more antenna modules of an array of antenna modules of the UE affected by the blockage, and temporarily disables the one or more affected antenna modules until the blockage is no longer present. As the UE otherwise would consume considerable power attempting to overcome the blockage at the affected antenna module, either by transmitting at a higher power to overcome the attenuation caused by the blockage or to continue to ineffectively scan via the affected antenna module, this selective antenna module disablement process can reduce power consumption at the UE while facilitating a high-quality user experience

    Enable and Disable 5G Based on Application Identifier

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    A communication device, otherwise known as a user equipment (UE) (e.g., a smartphone) may be configured to support various radio access technologies, which may include fourth generation (4G) such as Long-Term Evolution (LTE) or LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), as well as fifth generation (5G) New Radio (NR) (e.g., millimeter wave (mmW)). The UE may be configured to support various types of applications (e.g., social media applications, video streaming applications, and the like) using one or more radio access technologies (e.g., 4G or 5G). As demand for efficiency increases, it may be desirable to reduce power consumption for the UE (e.g., increase battery life), while providing higher reliability and lower latency for applications running on the UE using one or more radio access technologies

    5G Component Carrier Disabling Based on Downlink and Uplink Grant Characteristics

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    5G networks allow a user equipment (UE) such as a smartphone to connect to the network via different component carriers, but this can undesirably increase UE power consumption. To reduce power consumption, the UE selectively turns off 5G for individual component frequencies based on the available resources and slots associated with each component frequency. The UE detects the downlink and uplink resource blocks and slots for each component frequency, and if the resource blocks or slots are below corresponding thresholds, turns off 5G for the carrier

    Virus Attack Identification And Representation In Sensor Network

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    Clusters consist of circulated sensors and motor that interact with each other via wireless network. The use of open wireless intermediate and unattended deployment  leaves these systems vulnerable  to intelligent adversary whose goal is to disrupt the system performance. Here we study the virus attack on a networked control system, in which an opponent establishes a link between two physically different areas of the network by using either high-gain antennas, as in the out of band, or colluding network nodes as in the in-band virus. Virus allow the adversary to violate the timing constraints of real-time control systems by first creating low latency links, which attack network traffic, and then delaying or dropping packets. The requester and responder in between the data sending through a transport channel then data can be destroyed or modified, so to avoid those problems we are proposing a new system by using NS2 features. Our approach is based on the analysis of the two-hop neighbours forwarding Route Reply packet. To check the validity of the sender, a unique key between the individual sensor node and the base station is required to be generated by suitable scheme. In our proposed work detection of virus attack is done through observing the performance of the route under various metrics those are packet delivery fraction, end-to-end delay and throughput. If the route having high end-to-end delay and low packet delivery fraction and low throughput that route must contains a virus nodes. So we can avoid those routes in the routing

    Evaluation of the effects of tramadol and diclofenac alone and in combination on post-cesarean pain

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    Background: Post-cesarean pain is a common cause of acute pain in the obstetrics. Pain in the postoperative period is an important impediment to recovery from surgery and anesthesia. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of postoperative analgesia and incidence of side-effects of centrally acting drug tramadol with peripherally acting drug diclofenac alone and in combination in patients undergoing elective cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia.Methods: The study population of 90 patients was randomly divided into three groups of 30 each to receive the following treatments: tramadol (Group T), diclofenac (Group D), tramadol and diclofenac at reduced doses (Group TD).Results: Combination of tramadol and diclofenac produced significantly early analgesia in comparison to tramadol or diclofenac alone and decrease in the incidence of side-effects.Conclusion: We conclude that a multimodal approach to post-cesarean management with a combination of tramadol and diclofenac produced better analgesia than individual drugs and a reduction in the side-effects. Such a combination approach to relieve pain is more effective and advantageous

    Optimal Method to Control Measurements of User Equipment Based on Indications of Device Inactivity

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    A multimodal user equipment (UE) monitors various operational conditions indicative of reduced reliance on multimodal capabilities, such as a deactivated display, an immobile UE, low data consumption by background software applications, or a low battery level, and selectively enters a reduced multimodal mode in which the frequency at which measurement operations are performed for various supported radio access technologies (RATs) or radio frequencies is reduced. This results in a reduction in the amount of power and processing bandwidth that otherwise would be consumed if performing these measurement operations at their normal rates