101 research outputs found

    Natural revenge over cytomegalovirus

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    Brain fitness, “Tête bien faite”, enazione. Dalla pedagogia del contenuto alla pedagogia del contenitore

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    The aim of this paper is to propose a pedagogy of the container to integrate to a pedagogy of the content and information. A new framework is provided concerning with the fitness of the child brain in his relationship with the caregiver within a more aware and strategic interaction which triggersimportant developments and structural-anatomical modifications of the brain in order to achieve a more explicit learning in the future ages of life. This pedagogy uses the species-specific processing of the human organism following the Middle Age statement: Omnis recipitur per modum recipientis, everything receives to the extent of its capacity of receiving. We support this claim adding the idea of a dynamic perceptual and cognitive receiving in which the container tends tomodify its capacity according to the amount and quality of motor and cognitive learnings and stimulations to which it is exposed during childhood.This kind of pedagogy have to be integrated with a most representational and cognitive perspective, but maintining a strong senory-motor and enactive bodily-grounded perspective. The contemporary development of neurosciences allow us to rethink the mind not only like a container for contents, but as container able to structural modifications and with a complex management of the neurophysiological processing that will support the parallel functional information processing. Thus mind is not only a container in which one can pass down knowledge, but a dynamical organ with an its own particular fitness and plasticity. The hebbian plasticity and the new framework of homeostaticsynaptic plasticity (Turrigiano 2012) help us to provide a consistent account of a new kind of education of the erlier childhood and of all periods of the life. A paradigm that can be integrate with the Edgar Morin (1999) theory of the Tête bien faite, in which the neuro-biological perspective opens to the a bio-anthropological and socio-cultural complexity framework.Lo scopo del presente contributo è di proporre una pedagogia del contenitore da integrare alla classica pedagogia del contenuto in relazione alla fitness cui il caregiver può sottoporre il neonato con una interazione strategica e consapevole innescando sviluppi e modificazioni strutturalianatomiche del suo cervello che saranno importanti per l’apprendimento più consapevole degli annifuturi. Essa sfrutta il processing specie-specifico dell’organismo umano rielaborando in ottica pedagogica la sentenza medievale per cui: Omnis recipitur per modum recipientis. Cui si aggiunge l’idea che il ricevente non è statico, ma modifica e amplifica se stesso e le proprie capacità a seconda degli stimoli che riceve nella propria formazione e dell’apprendimento motorio e non solo cognitivo che egli compie.Questa pedagogia si andrà poi intrecciando a quella più rappresentazionale- cognitiva mantenendo stabile una forte base senso-motoria ed enattiva di tipo bodily grounded. Lo sviluppo odierno delle neuroscienze e delle scienze cognitive permettono di ripensare la mente non solo come un organo che incamera contenuti, ma come un apparato complesso di gestione delle stesse modalità e reti di presa in carico di questi contenuti. Occorre dunque educare la mente e formarla non solo per ricevere e trasferire informazioni, ma anche per predisporsi al meglio a questo trasferimento. La teoria della plasticità sinaptica permette di ipotizzare una forma di educazione precoce del bambino cheabbia di mira la strutturazione di un cervello ben fatto in grado in seguito di diventare la testa ben fatta teorizzata da Edgar Morin

    Human leukocyte antigens A23, A24, and A32 but not A25 are ligands for KIR3DL1

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    Abstract Inhibitory killer cell immunoglobulin receptors (KIR) bind to major histocompatibility complex antigens. Concise knowledge of KIR ligands allows prediction of natural killer (NK)–cell alloreactivity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. KIR3DL1 binds to the Bw4 epitope on HLA-B antigens. Although the same epitope is also found on 4 HLA-A antigens (HLA-A23/24/25/32), these are not currently regarded as KIR3DL1 ligands. We show that expression of HLA A*2301, A*2402, or A*3201 but not HLA A*2501 protects target cells from lysis by KIR3DL1+ NK cells. KIR3DL1+ NK cells from donors expressing the Bw4 epitope on an HLA-A antigen only are fully functional and capable of lysing Bw4− target cells. HLA A25 differs at amino acid 90, close to the serologic Bw4 epitope, from A23/24/32 and from Bw4+ HLA-B antigens. These data suggest that HLA-A antigens should be taken into consideration when assessing the potential for NK alloreactivity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

    Natural killer cell receptors: new biology and insights into the graft-versus-leukemia effect

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    AbstractNatural killer (NK) cells have held great promise for the immunotherapy of cancer for more than 3 decades. However, to date only modest clinical success has been achieved manipulating the NK cell compartment in patients with malignant disease. Progress in the field of NK cell receptors has revolutionized our concept of how NK cells selectively recognize and lyse tumor and virally infected cells while sparing normal cells. Major families of cell surface receptors that inhibit and activate NK cells to lyse target cells have been characterized, including killer cell immunoglobulinlike receptors (KIRs), C-type lectins, and natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs). Further, identification of NK receptor ligands and their expression on normal and transformed cells completes the information needed to begin development of rational clinical approaches to manipulating receptor/ligand interactions for clinical benefit. Indeed, clinical data suggest that mismatch of NK receptors and ligands during allogeneic bone marrow transplantation may be used to prevent leukemia relapse. Here, we review how NK cell receptors control natural cytotoxicity and novel approaches to manipulating NK receptor-ligand interactions for the potential benefit of patients with cancer

    LOB-Based Deep Learning Models for Stock Price Trend Prediction: A Benchmark Study

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    The recent advancements in Deep Learning (DL) research have notably influenced the finance sector. We examine the robustness and generalizability of fifteen state-of-the-art DL models focusing on Stock Price Trend Prediction (SPTP) based on Limit Order Book (LOB) data. To carry out this study, we developed LOBCAST, an open-source framework that incorporates data preprocessing, DL model training, evaluation and profit analysis. Our extensive experiments reveal that all models exhibit a significant performance drop when exposed to new data, thereby raising questions about their real-world market applicability. Our work serves as a benchmark, illuminating the potential and the limitations of current approaches and providing insight for innovative solutions