96 research outputs found

    Leyes naturales del movimiento

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    Presentación en power point sobre las leyes naturales que rigen el movimiento

    Estructura del movimiento expresivo

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    Power point que resume los elementos de la motricidad expresiva

    Gender Differences in the Level of Achievement of Gymnastic and Acrobatic Skills

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    Physical education should provide the opportunities to progressively integrate motor tasks with different levels of complexity from early ages to adolescence. The objective of this research was to analyze gender differences in the level of achievement of basic acrobatic skills of students of physical activity sciences in their non-university stages. This cross-sectional study with descriptive design was carried out with a total of 675 first-year Spanish university students distributed over eight academic years. An initial test of two acrobatic skills was performed. The instruments used for data collection were a video camera and observation templates. The SPSS 26.0 computer program was used for data analysis. The main results show a poor and insufficient level of technical achievement by both genders, but more pronounced for men. The most deficient phases were those related to extension movements of different segments of the body and movements that require coordination and stability in the descent phases of acrobatics, and men were less flexible in both phases. Non-university training of the content associated with basic gymnastic and acrobatic skills is being deficient within the subject of physical education with a downward trend of not only the development of sports skills but also of physical abilities such as flexibility and strength

    Habilidades gimnásticas y acrobáticas. Aproximación conceptual

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    Terminología básica sobre las habilidades gimnásticas y acrobáticas, sus diferentes ámbitos de aplicación y los posibles recursos materiales utilizados para su desarrollo

    Diagnosis and trend in the acquisition of gymnastic and acrobatic skills in high school

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    The teaching of sports skills present in most physical education programs in Secondary Education, including gymnastic and acrobatic skills, provides multiple benefits to students in training such as the development of postural control, the improvement of stability skills, general coordination, fundamental movement skills, as well as locomotor and object control skills, among others. In this line, the aim of this study was to analyze, the level achieved by Spanish first-year university students of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in executing two basic acrobatic skills after their previous stages of training. Therefore, in this research a cross-sectional descriptive and retrospective study was developed, where through an initial evaluation of 675 first-course university students distributed over eight academic years (from the academic year 2010-2011 to the academic year 2017-2018 included), the trend of the level of execution of two basic acrobatic skills acquired was determined. The results demonstrated an insufficient level of technical achievement and physical deficiencies. The stability and body orientation of students performing basic skill were lacking, and the most deficient muscle actions were those associated with the folding and deployment of the legs, and the absence of arm–trunk–leg alignment was also observed. This study determined that in the stages of previous training, the contents associated with basic gymnastic and acrobatic skills could be underdeveloped in the curricula of physical education. These findings reflect the need to reinforce both the specific initial training and in-service training of physical education teachers to guarantee effective acquisition of motor learning and, specifically, of basic gymnastic skills

    The Effect of Group Work on Expressive-Artistic Activities for the Emotional Regulation of University Students

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    The purpose of higher education is the development of basic and professional skills to prepare students for the following stages of life. Social abilities and emotional regulation are considered to be part of these skills and could be improved through a group-work method. The aim of this study is to describe the emotional regulation process perceived by university students after group work is realised in expressive-artistic activities. The 69 participants (28 women and 41 men) aged between 19 and 26 (mean age 20.5, SD 2.1) were all second-year students of a Physical Activity and Sport Science degree. The data were collected through the questionnaire AIRE (Adaptative Instrument for Regulation of Emotions) applied by online form. The results revealed that the main goal of the students was to enjoy and have fun during the group work and gain new ideas from their peers. The biggest struggle was the schedule because some of them presented other personal or family commitments that limited their availability to practice. Overall, most of the participants affirmed that there are completely satisfied with the group project. In conclusion, group work within expressive-artistic activities improves social interaction and social skills but could be influenced by external factors (family, work, and other social commitments).This research was founded by the Program Redes-13CE for Research in University Teaching, from the Institute on Education Sciences of the University of Alicante (call 2020-21). Ref: [R37926]

    Technologies and self-assessment as strategies for collaborative gymnastic learning

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    The acrosport is an ideal content to work in physical education classes due to its cooperative and integrating characteristics and the multiple benefits it can bring to the students. The aim of this research is to analyze the perception of 81 students of High School after carrying out an acrosport unit using the technologies and involving the students in the evaluation process. For this, a qualitative methodology with descriptive character was used. The instrument for the collection data was the semi-structured interview where questions were addressed about the benefits and difficulties encountered in the development of the unit, as well as about the usefulness perceived by adolescents of the use of video during the development of the unit and self-evaluation. The qualitative data were coded according to the narrative content of the students and analysed with the AQUAD 7 programme. The results show that the students perceive benefits in terms of enjoyment and companionship in this practice. Regarding the difficulties encountered, the lack of time and the specific requirements for the development of this modality are the most outstanding aspects. Furthermore, the student’s value positively the use of video in the acrosport classes and the self-evaluation supported by rubrics. In this way, the practice of acrosport contributes numerous affective-social benefits, concluding in addition, that the use of the video and the inclusion of the students in the evaluation allow them to be participants of their teaching-learning process, being able to contribute to the formation of more critical and autonomous people

    Promoting Gender Equality, SDG5 in Gymnastics

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    The training of future teachers of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (PAS) must offer learning that ensures comprehensive training. The social demand and the international call to achieve global objectives to overcome any problems associated with health, education or gender differences, makes training and awareness approach necessary for these future professionals. This area, where Olympic values such as respect, excellence and friendship are paramount, has much to offer in addressing these issues. Gender differences in spaces that are still masculinized such as the sports world are a worrying issue; within sports disciplines, the various gymnastic specialties are a traditional area from which to contribute. The aim of this study is to identify the prior knowledge of PAS students in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to implement and assess a teaching action to contribute to the specific training of students on the SDGs and specifically on SDG5: Gender Equality. This way, the teaching strategy has contributed to the awareness of university students towards these objectives and goals, to the identification and description of the main initiatives from the Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation (RFEG) associated with the development of SDG 5, as well as to the design of possible actions to reduce gender differences and inequalities in the gymnastic environment

    Interdisciplinary Experience Using Technological Tools in Sport Science

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    In the framework that interdisciplinary projects could be a potential tool to improve learning processes in higher education, a teaching innovation experience was carried out. This study presents the didactic experience carried out between two first-year subjects of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. The experience consisted of designing and implementing a practice activity from an interdisciplinary approach and with the support of technological tools, such as the use of platforms, recordings and sports technique analysis software. The main aim of the present study was to assess such an experience according to students’ perception. The instrument used to assess such an interdisciplinary experience was a questionnaire of 17 items. The sample comprised 79 students who attended both subjects simultaneously. The reliability of the instrument is ensured according to Cronbach’s alpha (a = 0.903). The results of this study, as interdisciplinarity and organizational aspects, were highly assessed. The analysis of the survey also indicates that this interdisciplinary practice activity helped subjects to achieve a more meaningful level of both integrated and specific knowledge.This research was funded by the Program Redes-I3CE for Research in University Teaching, from the Vice rectorate of Educational quality and innovation, Institute of Education Sciences of the University of Alicante (call 2019-20)