12 research outputs found

    The Roman lighthouse and old Church of St. Michael on Palagruža

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    U radu se raspravlja o vremenu i uzrocima gradnje kasnoantičke utvrde na Veloj Palagruži. ArheoloÅ”ki dokazi koriÅ”tenja tog objekta kontekstualiziraju se s povijesnim okolnostima plovidbe Jadranom u 5. st. po. Kr. Usporedbama sa sličnim arhitektonskim primjerima raspravlja se o prirodi koriÅ”tenja utvrde kao boraviÅ”ta posade s glavnom zadaćom održavanja svjetlosne signalizacije tijekom sezone plovidbe Jadranom. Ukazuje se na povijesne okolnosti koje su vjerojatno dovele do napuÅ”tanja utvrde kao dijela većeg maritimnog sustava koji slabi prema kraju 5. stoljeća. Raspravlja se o položaju prve crkve sv. Mihovila, adaptirane unutar ostataka rimske utvrde, vjerojatno u 9. stoljeću.This work contains a discussion of the exact dating and reasons for construction of the fort on Vela Palagruža in Late Antiquity. Archaeological evidence of the use of this building is contextualized within the historical circumstances of navigation on the Adriatic Sea in the 5th century AD. Comparisons to similar architectural examples are used to discuss the nature of the fortificationā€™s use as lodgings by crew with the primary task of maintaining light signalization during the sailing season on the Adriatic. The historical circumstances that probably led to the abandonment of the fortification as a part of a larger but, at the end of the 5th century, deteriorating maritime system are presented. The exact location of the first Church of St. Michael, adapted inside the remains of the Roman fortification, probably in the 9th century, is discussed


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    U izdanju dviju sastavnica SveučiliÅ”ta u Splitu objavljen je zbornik radova međunarodne znanstvene konferencije Asmosia XI Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone održane u Splitu od 18. do 22. svibnja 2015. godine. Ovo opsežno djelo (1011 stranica i viÅ”e od 1300 slikovnih priloga u boji) objavljeno je na engleskom jeziku, službenom jeziku međunarodne udruge ASMOSIA (Association for Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity). Zbornik sadrži 96 znanstvenih radova podvrgnutih međunarodnoj recenziji. Svoj prilog dalo je 176 autora, među kojima su i svjetski autoriteti u svojim poljima kao Donato Attanasio, Moche Fischer, John J. Herrmann, Guntram Koch, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Pilar Lapuente, Yannis Maniatis, Patrizio Pensabene, Scott H. Pike, Walter Prohaska, Annewies van der Hoek i drugi. Teme radova većinom pokrivaju prostor Mediterana i Europe, no pojedine teme odnose se i na Å”ire geografsko područje. Posebno poglavlje u zborniku posvećeno je i istočnojadranskim temama

    The Necropolis at Vičja luka and Rat Hillfort at the Island of Brač Revisited

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    U radu je izvrÅ”ena revizija inventara grobnih cjelina iz Vičje luke kod BoboviŔća na otoku Braču,pronađenih 1908. Utvrđeno je dosad nedefi nirano postojanje viÅ”estrukih ukopa u tri od četiricjeline te je prema analogijama materijala sa susjednih područja datacija ukapanja u grobnice III iIV promijenjena u 5.-3., odnosno 4.-3. st. pr. Kr. Objavljen je materijal koji potječe s rekognosciranjaobližnje gradine Rat i potvrđuje postojanje kontakata s južnom Italijom od 8. st. pr. Kr. pa nadalje.At the site of Vičja luka, near BoboviŔće on the island of Brač, prehistoric fi nds were discovered duringthe 19th century. On several occasions farmers have discovered pieces of metal helmets, knemides,shards of pottery, golden rings, glass and amber beads and pieces of pottery, all concentrated aroundthe site of Vičja luka valley, just below the hillfort settlement of Rat. In the year of 1908, material fromdiscovery of four graves was preserved, thanks to F. Bulić, the director of Archaeological museum inSplit. The fi nds from three graves (Graves I, III and IV) were photographed, and together with the fi ndsfrom the Grave II entered in an inventory.I. Marović and M. Nikolanci published that material in 1977. The list of grave material, includinginterpretation of the necropolis, was given then, noting the wide range of contacts by whichimported material reached the Illyrian hillfort settlement of Rat. Graves I, III, and IV were dated inthe 4th century BC and Grave II in the 5th century BC. In that interpretation no attempts were madeto separate grave fi nds by gender, pointing out at the presently non-existing bone remains from thegraves, which were not interesting for the museum secretary in the 1908.Results from the excavations carried out in 1957 at Vičja luka and Rat hillfort sites by Marovićand Nikolanci were never published. Just two pieces, including silver stater of Kroton (dated 550-480 BC) from the site of 1908 graves, and the sherd of black-fi gured pixis with representation ofthe dogs running (dated to the end of the 6th century) from the excavation at the Rat hillfort, werepublished. Few notes from the local newspapers suggested that the pieces of imported ware ofGreek and Roman origin were found during excavations at Rat hillfort, while there were no signifi cantdiscoveries (except stater) during Vičja luka excavations. One note from 1977 suggested that thehillfort settlement has had the continuity of life from the late Bronze Age throughout the Iron Age.Revision of the material from the graves was made here, using 1908 photos and inventory listscombined with the 1977 publication. Some indications point out at the existence of the grave goodsconnected to the role of woman in society, compared to the contemporary fi nds from the Italianpeninsula and the neighbouring regions. The fi nds of whorls and spools from Graves I, III and IV, andthe bracelets and necklaces from all the graves indicate the existence of the female burials. At thesame time goods exclusively connected with male wear, such as Greco-Illyrian helmets, decoratedbronze lamina and bronze belt hooks, both parts of the belt, tweezers and double Ā«omegaĀ» pinsindicate the male burials in Graves II, III and IV. Therefore, the existence of the several burials in theGraves II, III and IV suggest that we should treat them as family tombs, not as one person graves, asthey are accepted in the Croatian literature. Further attempt was made to separate material by sexes.The round conical bronze pendants from the graves were interpreted as parts of the belt decorativebronze lamina, and triangular bronze pendants as parts of female wear.Bronze fi bulae are present in three out of four graves. Majority of them have contemporary pairsat the neighbouring Liburnian and Dalmatic area, dating from the 5th and the 4th century B C.There is a large number of imported goods from southern Italy and Greece in the graves,including the 4th century and later Hellenistic pottery, glass amphora-shaped beads, two glass seals,decorated bronze ring and belt hook. That luxurious material shows the existence of the intensivecontacts between local Illyrians and Greek and Hellenistic centres, and also the existence of the socialstratifi cation of the native society. There is an open question regarding the origin and nature of thepresence of pottery in the context of native graves of the 4th century and later, as it was not notedbefore.In the survey conducted in the 1994 the piece of Daunian geometric pottery dated in the 8thcentury BC was found at the Rat hillfort, together with the sherds of the Greek origin dated in the5th century BC. These sherds, together with the fi nds from the graves, illustrate the place which thiscommunity had in the network of Adriatic connections from the 8th to the 3rd century B

    Herding and Hillforts in the Bronze and Iron Age Eastern Adriatic: Results of the 2007- 2010 Excavations at Gradina Rat

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    Razvoj i uloga brončanodobnih i željeznodobnih gradina na istočnoj obali Jadrana joÅ” su uvijek tek donekle poznati. U svrhu proÅ”irivanja znanja o tim lokalitetima istražena je fauna srednjodalmatinskoga lokaliteta Rat kako bi se uočile promjene u načinu lova, uzgoja i obradi trupala tijekom faza života tog naselja. Kako bi se rasvijetlile te promjene, obrađen je osteoloÅ”ki materijal iz brončanoga i željeznog doba kroz pet faza nalaziÅ”ta.The development and function of Bronze and Iron Age hillfort settlements along the eastern Adriatic is still little understood. In the interest of adding to the understanding of these sites, the fauna of the central Dalmatian site of Rat is examined to deduce changes in hunting, husbandry practices and carcass processing over its occupation sequence. Material is compare

    Salamandrija on Palagruža: site formation from the Early Neolithic to the present day

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    Autori donose rezultate i interpretaciju dvaju desetljeća arheoloÅ”kih iskopavanja na Palagruži, otočiću koji se smjestio na sredini Jadrana. Palagruža je privukla pozornost istraživača kada je godine 1994. ondje otkriveno svetiÅ”te grčkog junaka Diomeda. No arheoloÅ”ka iskopavanja iznjedrila su brojne artefakte i arhitektonske ostatke koji pokazuju da je Palagruža bila posjećivana u različitim povijesnim razdobljima: ranom neolitiku i kasnom bakrenom/ranom brončanom dobu, od arhajskog do ranorimskog carskog razdoblja, u kasnoj antici, ranom srednjem vijeku te od 19. stoljeća do danas. Analiza arheoloÅ”kih artefakata iskopanih na Palagruži pokazala je da je ovaj mali otok koriÅ”ten u različite svrhe: služio je kao odmoriÅ”te, orijentacijska točka i promatračnica, svetiÅ”te, utvrda i svjetionik. Ovdje iznesena interpretacija kulturnih slojeva pokazuje kako je Palagruža bila u žariÅ”tu kada su se događali glavni preokreti u povijesti čovječanstva, Å”to dokazuje njezinu važnost u pomorskom prometu na Jadranu i Sredozemlju.The authors are presenting the results and interpretation of archaeological excavations spanning two decades on the small island of Palagruža situated in the centre of the Adriatic Sea. Palagruža attracted the attention of researchers when the cult site of the Greek hero Diomedes was discovered in 1994. However, archaeological excavations yielded numerous artefacts and architectural remains, which have shown that Palagruža was visited in different historic periods, in the Early Neolithic and the Late Copper/Early Bronze Age, from the Archaic to Early Roman Imperial Period, in Late Antiquity, the Early Middle Ages and from the 19th century to the present. Analysis of the archaeological artefacts unearthed on Palagruža has shown that this small island was utilized for different purposes: it was used as a staging post, an orientation and observation point, a sacred place, a fort and as a lighthouse. The interpretation of cultural layers presented here demonstrates that Palagruža was in the focus during the main turning points in human history, testifying to its importance in Adriatic and Mediterranean seaborne traffic


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    U izdanju dviju sastavnica SveučiliÅ”ta u Splitu objavljen je zbornik radova međunarodne znanstvene konferencije Asmosia XI Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone održane u Splitu od 18. do 22. svibnja 2015. godine. Ovo opsežno djelo (1011 stranica i viÅ”e od 1300 slikovnih priloga u boji) objavljeno je na engleskom jeziku, službenom jeziku međunarodne udruge ASMOSIA (Association for Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity). Zbornik sadrži 96 znanstvenih radova podvrgnutih međunarodnoj recenziji. Svoj prilog dalo je 176 autora, među kojima su i svjetski autoriteti u svojim poljima kao Donato Attanasio, Moche Fischer, John J. Herrmann, Guntram Koch, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Pilar Lapuente, Yannis Maniatis, Patrizio Pensabene, Scott H. Pike, Walter Prohaska, Annewies van der Hoek i drugi. Teme radova većinom pokrivaju prostor Mediterana i Europe, no pojedine teme odnose se i na Å”ire geografsko područje. Posebno poglavlje u zborniku posvećeno je i istočnojadranskim temama


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    U izdanju dviju sastavnica SveučiliÅ”ta u Splitu objavljen je zbornik radova međunarodne znanstvene konferencije Asmosia XI Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone održane u Splitu od 18. do 22. svibnja 2015. godine. Ovo opsežno djelo (1011 stranica i viÅ”e od 1300 slikovnih priloga u boji) objavljeno je na engleskom jeziku, službenom jeziku međunarodne udruge ASMOSIA (Association for Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity). Zbornik sadrži 96 znanstvenih radova podvrgnutih međunarodnoj recenziji. Svoj prilog dalo je 176 autora, među kojima su i svjetski autoriteti u svojim poljima kao Donato Attanasio, Moche Fischer, John J. Herrmann, Guntram Koch, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Pilar Lapuente, Yannis Maniatis, Patrizio Pensabene, Scott H. Pike, Walter Prohaska, Annewies van der Hoek i drugi. Teme radova većinom pokrivaju prostor Mediterana i Europe, no pojedine teme odnose se i na Å”ire geografsko područje. Posebno poglavlje u zborniku posvećeno je i istočnojadranskim temama