9,129 research outputs found

    Gravitational waves and pulsar timing: stochastic background, individual sources and parameter estimation

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    Massive black holes are key ingredients of the assembly and evolution of cosmic structures. Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) currently provide the only means to observe gravitational radiation from massive black hole binary systems with masses >10^7 solar masses. The whole cosmic population produces a signal consisting of two components: (i) a stochastic background resulting from the incoherent superposition of radiation from the all the sources, and (ii) a handful of individually resolvable signals that raise above the background level and are produced by sources sufficiently close and/or massive. Considering a wide range of massive black hole binary assembly scenarios, we investigate both the level and shape of the background and the statistics of resolvable sources. We predict a characteristic background amplitude in the interval h_c(f = 10^-8 Hz)~5*10^-16 - 5*10^-15, within the detection range of the complete Parkes PTA. We also quantify the capability of PTAs of measuring the parameters of individual sources, focusing on monochromatic signals produced by binaries in circular orbit. We investigate how the results depend on the number and distribution of pulsars in the array, by computing the variance-covariance matrix of the parameter measurements. For plausible Square Kilometre Array (SKA) observations (100 pulsars uniformly distributed in the sky), and assuming a coherent signal-to-noise ratio of 10, the sky position of massive black hole binaries can be located within a ~40deg^2 error box, opening promising prospects for detecting a putative electromagnetic counterpart to the gravitational wave emission. The planned SKA, can plausibly observe these unique systems, although the number of detections is likely to be small. (Abridged)Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to CQGra. Proceedings to the AMALDI8 conferenc

    gamma-ray DBSCAN: a clustering algorithm applied to Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data. I. Detection performances with real and simulated data

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    The Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) is a topometric algorithm used to cluster spatial data that are affected by background noise. For the first time, we propose the use of this method for the detection of sources in gamma-ray astrophysical images obtained from the Fermi-LAT data, where each point corresponds to the arrival direction of a photon. We investigate the detection performance of the gamma-ray DBSCAN in terms of detection efficiency and rejection of spurious clusters, using a parametric approach, and exploring a large volume of the gamma-ray DBSCAN parameter space. By means of simulated data we statistically characterize the gamma-ray DBSCAN, finding signatures that differentiate purely random fields, from fields with sources. We define a significance level for the detected clusters, and we successfully test this significance with our simulated data. We apply the method to real data, and we find an excellent agreement with the results obtained with simulated data. We find that the gamma-ray DBSCAN can be successfully used in the detection of clusters in gamma-ray data. The significance returned by our algorithm is strongly correlated with that provided by the Maximum Likelihood analysis with standard Fermi-LAT software, and can be used to safely remove spurious clusters. The positional accuracy of the reconstructed cluster centroid compares to that returned by standard Maximum Likelihood analysis, allowing to look for astrophysical counterparts in narrow regions, minimizing the chance probability in the counterpart association. We find that gamma-ray DBSCAN is a powerful tool in the detection of clusters in gamma-ray data, this method can be used both to look for point-like sources, and extended sources, and can be potentially applied to any astrophysical field related with detection of clusters in data.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    LISA observations of massive black holes binaries using post-Newtonian wave-forms

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    We consider LISA observations of in-spiral signals emitted by massive black hole binary systems in circular orbit and with negligible spins. We study the accuracy with which the source parameters can be extracted from the data stream. We show that the use of waveforms retaining post-Newtonian corrections not only to the phase but also the amplitude can drastically improve the estimation of some parameters.Comment: Latex 2 pages, 1 figure. To appear in: "Third Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves". Edt. S. Meshkov; American Institute of Physic

    LISA astronomy of double white dwarf binary systems

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will provide the largest observational sample of (interacting) double white dwarf binaries, whose evolution is driven by radiation reaction and other effects, such as tides and mass transfer. We show that, depending on the actual physical parameters of a source, LISA will be able to provide very different quality of information: for some systems LISA can test unambiguously the physical processes driving the binary evolution, for others it can simply detect a binary without allowing us to untangle the source parameters and therefore shed light on the physics at work. We also highlight that simultaneous surveys with GAIA and/or optical telescopes that are and will become available can radically improve the quality of the information that can be obtained.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJLetter

    A Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach to the study of massive black hole binary systems with LISA

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will produce a data stream containing a vast number of overlapping sources: from strong signals generated by the coalescence of massive black hole binary systems to much weaker radiation form sub-stellar mass compact binaries and extreme-mass ratio inspirals. It has been argued that the observation of weak signals could be hampered by the presence of loud ones and that they first need to be removed to allow such observations. Here we consider a different approach in which sources are studied simultaneously within the framework of Bayesian inference. We investigate the simplified case in which the LISA data stream contains radiation from a massive black hole binary system superimposed over a (weaker) quasi-monochromatic waveform generated by a white dwarf binary. We derive the posterior probability density function of the model parameters using an automatic Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm (RJMCMC). We show that the information about the sources and noise are retrieved at the expected level of accuracy without the need of removing the stronger signal. Our analysis suggests that this approach is worth pursuing further and should be considered for the actual analysis of the LISA data.Comment: submitted to cqg as GWDAW-10 conference proceedings, 10 pages, 4 figures, some changes to plots and numerical detail

    A family of filters to search for frequency dependent gravitational wave stochastic backgrounds

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    We consider a three dimensional family of filters based on broken power law spectra to search for gravitational wave stochastic backgrounds in the data from Earth-based laser interferometers. We show that such templates produce the necessary fitting factor for a wide class of cosmological backgrounds and astrophysical foregrounds and that the total number of filters required to search for those signals in the data from first generation laser interferometers operating at the design sensitivity is fairly smallComment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses iopart.cls, accepted for publications on Classical and Quantum Gravity (Special Issue, Proceedings of Amaldi 2003

    Studies of waveform requirements for intermediate mass-ratio coalescence searches with advanced detectors

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    The coalescence of a stellar-mass compact object into an intermediate-mass black hole (intermediate mass-ratio coalescence; IMRAC) is an important astrophysical source for ground-based gravitational-wave interferometers in the so-called advanced configuration. However, the ability to carry out effective matched-filter based searches for these systems is limited by the lack of reliable waveforms. Here we consider binaries in which the intermediate-mass black hole has mass in the range 24 - 200 solar masses with a stellar-mass companion having masses in the range 1.4 - 18.5 solar masses. In addition, we constrain the mass ratios, q, of the binaries to be in the range 1/140 < q < 1/10 and we restrict our study to the case of circular binaries with non-spinning components. We investigate the relative contribution to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the three different phases of the coalescence: inspiral, merger and ringdown. We show that merger and ringdown contribute to a substantial fraction of the total SNR over a large portion of the mass parameter space, although in a limited portion the SNR is dominated by the inspiral phase. We further identify three regions in the IMRAC mass-space in which: (i) inspiral-only searches could be performed with losses in detection rates L in the range 10% < L < 27%, (ii) searches based on inspiral-only templates lead to a loss in detection rates in the range 27% < L < 50%$, and (iii) templates that include merger and ringdown are essential to prevent losses in detection rates greater than 50%. We investigate the effectiveness with which the inspiral-only portion of the IMRAC waveform space is covered by comparing several existing waveform families in this regime. Our results reinforce the importance of extensive numerical relativity simulations of IMRACs and the need for further studies of suitable approximation schemes in this mass range.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules

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    We investigate the dynamical behavior of simple modules composed of two genes with two or three regulating connections. Continuous dynamics for mRNA and protein concentrations is compared to a Boolean model for gene activity. Using a generalized method, we study within a single framework different continuous models and different types of regulatory functions, and establish conditions under which the system can display stable oscillations. These conditions concern the time scales, the degree of cooperativity of the regulating interactions, and the signs of the interactions. Not all models that show oscillations under Boolean dynamics can have oscillations under continuous dynamics, and vice versa.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure
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