98 research outputs found

    Correctability of thyroid dysfunction by interm ittent hypobaric hypoxia

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    The work is devoted to studying the effect of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia on thyroid dysfunction. Simulation of thyroid dysfunction by oral introduction of levothyroxine sodium in a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight of the animal is accompanied by an increase in the concentration thyroid hormones and decreased levels of TSH in the blood, decrease blood supply to the thyroid gland and the structural changes, characteristic of reducing its functional activity. The use of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia reduces recovery time of hormonal imbalance in the pituitary gland-thyroid gland, structural, functional and microvascular disturbances in the thyroid gland.Работа посвящена изучению влияния прерывистой гипобарической гипоксии натиреоидную дисфункцию. Моделирование тиреоидной дисфункции путем перорального введения левотироксина натрия в дозе 50 мкг/кг массы тела животного сопровождается увеличением концентрации тиреоидных гормонов и снижением уровня ТТГ в крови, уменьшением кровоснабжения щитовидной железы и структурными изменениями, характерными для понижения её функциональной активности. Применение прерывистой гипобарической гипоксии сокращает сроки восстановления гормонального дисбаланса в системе гипофиз-щитовидная железа, структурно-функциональных и микрососудистых наррений в щитовидной железе


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    Complement system is an important component of innate immunity, providing primary protection against pathogens invading the body. In addition, it was shown that the complement system is associated with many diseases, not only autoimmune and infectious, but also mental disorders. In this regard, it is necessary to develop affordable and fast method of measuring activity of the complement system in real-time mode. We present a new semi-automated method for assessment of serum complement activity. The assay is based on cytolytic action of complement system upon the ciliate organism Tetrahymena pyriformis. This method consists in repeated counting of live Tetrahymena motile cells by means of specially developed Biolat device, which consists of two video cameras, light sources, and movable round plate. The plate has two rows of holes. The device also includes microprocessor control unit based on AutoCiliata software, intended for control of operation module and counting the surviving cell. The calculations are based on fixation of two sequential video-frames, with subsequent software image processing. Cell death events were observed upon incubation in triethanolamine (TEA) buffer containing 5% of blood serum. We have also compared complement activity in different buffers, i.e., standard medium for culturing of ciliates, Veronal-Medinalum buffer, and the TEA buffer. TEA buffer was found superior to the Veronal buffer when applied in the test system. The time of cell death in the TEA-buffered medium containing 5% serum was < 15 minutes for all the sera studied. The parameters denoting serum complement activity were as follows: a half-life time for the moving cells (TLD50), and a similar value for 100% cell inactivation (1/TLD50, functional activity of the complement system, ACS). The sensitivity of this assay was calculated from dependencies between TLD50 and ACS, and actual serum concentrations. We have suggested an opportunity for evaluation of an integral complement activity, and interrelations between the intensity of synthesis and consumption of its major effector proteins. In the course of this study, we have tested different concentrations of Ca++ and Mg++ ions in the incubation buffer, with optimal physiological concentrations of2.5 mMand1.5 mM, respectively. We have also estimated statistical precision characteristics for pre-analytical and analytical steps of the method. The average coefficients of variation (CV) were 3.9% and 2.7%, respectively, thus satisfying the reliability criteria in research. A short performance time of the study suggests its potential application in clinical practice, including online examination regimens. A method for semi-automatic measurement of serum complement activity could be applicable in daily clinical practice, including the online performance


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    Natural nanocomposites hemicellulose arabinogalactan and flavonoids isolated (from Siberian larch) and characterized. Additionally nitro- and sulfo-esters of arabinogalactan and its calcium salt are synthesized and. characterized. All of the derivatives of the beta-hemicellulose arabinogalactan. are water-soluble and are promising prebiotics on the example test-strain Bifidobacterium bifidum. (except for the nitrate esters of arabinogalactan)

    Permitted Oxygen Abundances and the Temperature Scale of Metal-Poor Turn-Off Stars

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    We use high quality VLT/UVES published data of the permitted OI triplet and FeII lines to determine oxygen and iron abundances in unevolved (dwarfs, turn-off, subgiants) metal-poor halo stars. The calculations have been performed both in LTE and NLTE, employing effective temperatures obtained with the new infrared flux method (IRFM) temperature scale by Ramirez & Melendez, and surface gravities from Hipparcos parallaxes and theoretical isochrones. A new list of accurate transition probabilities for FeII lines, tied to the absolute scale defined by laboratory measurements, has been used. We find a plateau in the oxygen-to-iron ratio over more than two orders of magnitude in iron abundance (-3.2 < [Fe/H] < -0.7), with a mean [O/Fe] = 0.5 dex (sigma = 0.1 dex), independent of metallicity, temperature and surface gravity. According to the new IRFM Teff scale, the temperatures of turn-off halo stars strongly depend on metallicity, a result that is in excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement with stellar evolution calculations, which predict that the Teff of the turn-off at [Fe/H] = -3 is about 600-700 K higher than that at [Fe/H] = -1.Comment: In press, Ap

    Silent chromatin at the middle and ends: lessons from yeasts

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    Eukaryotic centromeres and telomeres are specialized chromosomal regions that share one common characteristic: their underlying DNA sequences are assembled into heritably repressed chromatin. Silent chromatin in budding and fission yeast is composed of fundamentally divergent proteins tat assemble very different chromatin structures. However, the ultimate behaviour of silent chromatin and the pathways that assemble it seem strikingly similar among Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae), Schizosaccharomyces pombe (S. pombe) and other eukaryotes. Thus, studies in both yeasts have been instrumental in dissecting the mechanisms that establish and maintain silent chromatin in eukaryotes, contributing substantially to our understanding of epigenetic processes. In this review, we discuss current models for the generation of heterochromatic domains at centromeres and telomeres in the two yeast species


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    In this paper a classification of adjectives denoting mental characteristics of the human is proposed. Data obtained from scientific literature on psychology, dictionary definitions of adjectives and corpus data are analyzed. Adjectives are grouped taking into account (а) the character of the property denoted by them and (b) the semantic role of the substantive filling the syntactical valency of the adjective.В настоящей работе предлагается классификация прилагательных, обозначающих психические характеристики человека. Анализируются сведения, почерпнутые из научной литературы по психологии, словарные дефиниции адъективов и корпусные данные. Адъективы группируются с учетом (а) характера обозначаемого ими признака и (б) семантической роли существительного, заполняющего синтаксическую валентность прилагательного

    Correctability of thyroid dysfunction by intermittent hypobaric hypoxia

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    The work is devoted to studying the effect of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia on thyroid dysfunction. Simulation of thyroid dysfunction by oral introduction of levothyroxine sodium in a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight of the animal is accompanied by an increase in the concentration thyroid hormones and decreased levels of TSH in the blood, decrease blood supply to the thyroid gland and the structural changes, characteristic of reducing its functional activity. The use of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia reduces recovery time of hormonal imbalance in the pituitary gland-thyroid gland, structural, functional and microvascular disturbances in the thyroid gland.Работа посвящена изучению влияния прерывистой гипобарической гипоксии на тиреоидную дисфункцию. Моделирование тиреоидной дисфункции путем перорального введения левотироксина натрия в дозе 50 мкг/кг массы тела животного сопровождается увеличением концентрации тиреоидных гормонов и снижением уровня ТТГ в крови, уменьшением кровоснабжения щитовидной железы и структурными изменениями, характерными для понижения её функциональной активности. Применение прерывистой гипобарической гипоксии сокращает сроки восстановления гормонального дисбаланса в системе гипофиз-щитовидная железа, структурно-функциональных и микрососудистых нарушений в щитовидной железе

    Long-term prognosis in gestational arterial hypertension

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    The study is devoted to long-term prognosis in women with gestational arterial hypertension (GAH) in anamnesis. A retrospective epidemiological study of GAH clinical importance in women with essential AH was performed. In AH group, more than 50 % women had GAH syndrome in anamnesis. As a rule (45 %), this syndrome included chronic AH (AH before pregnancy or diagnosed before 20 weeks of gestation). Low birthweight in children predicted AH risk in their mothers. Inpatients with AH and GAH syndrome, the clinical course was more severe (higher risk of target organ damage, early cerebrovascular complications, coronary heart disease) than in AH patients without GAH syndrome. In AH/GAH women, genetic factors were less important than in AH women without GAH. More than a half of GAH patients (62,3 % ) received anihypertensive therapy. The latter did not affect significantly obstetric complication risk, labor outcome, and long-term prognosis in women. Only 34 % of GAH patients received an advice to continue the cardiologic follow-up after birthgiving. GAH syndrome should be considered as an independent cardiovascular risk factor. Women with GAH should be in focus of cardiologists' special attention, even if blood pressure level normalized post-partum. Such patients require regular medical examination and active cardiovascular prevention