4 research outputs found

    Митоинхибиращ и кластогенен ефект на води от антропогенно повлияни зони

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    The present study aims to analyse the effect of waters, anthropogenically influenced by various pollutants, on the mitotic division and chromosomal apparatus of cells by establishing their potential mitoinhibitory and clastogenic effect. The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of contaminated water was examined by the application of the Allium cepa test system. Mitotic depression has been established for samples with available anthropogenic contamination. Microscopic analysis showed an increased incidence of chromosomal aberrations in the test samples compared to the control, resulting from the genotoxic effect available. Chromosomal abnormalities of the type of lagging and ‘vagrant’ chromosomes, chromosomal fragments, anaphase and telophase bridges, micronuclei, as well as deviations from normal cell division such as K-mitoses and asynchronous mitoses have been observed. The analysis of the spectrum of chromosomal aberrations shows some differences in the frequency of occurrence of the different types of disorders, which reflects the specificity of the genotoxic effect of the water samples from the surveyed areas.Настоящото проучване има за цел да анализира влиянието на антропогенно повлияни от различни замърсители води върху митотичното делене и хромозомния апарат на клетките чрез установяване на потенциалния им митоинхибиращ и кластогенен ефект Чрез прилагане на Allium cepa тест-системата е проучено цитотоксичното и мутагенното действие на замърсените води. Констатирана е митотична депресия за пробите с налично антропогенно замърсяване. Микроскопският анализ показва увеличена честота на хромозомните аберации в опитните проби в сравнение с контролната, което е резултат от наличен генотоксичен ефект. Констатирани са хромозомни аномалии от типа на изоставащи и „скитащи” хромозоми, хромозомни фрагменти, анафазни и телофазни мостове, микроядра, както и отклонения от нормалното клетъчно делене като К-митози и асинхронни митози. Анализът на спектъра на хромозомните аберации показва известни различия в честотата на срещане на отделните типове нарушения, което отразява спецификата на генотоксичното действие на водните проби от проучваните зони

    Combined kinesitherapy in multiple sclerosis with elements of art therapy

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    Introduction Key components in neurorehabilitation are the adaptation and improvement of neuroplasticity, i.e. the capacity of the brain to make new nerve connections after lesion damage, and the control of lost functions to be taken over by other zones in the brain. Art therapy as an integrative therapy improves the mental and physical health and contributes to improving the general functional state that enriches the lives of individuals, families and communities through active creation of art, creative processes and enjoyable psycho-physical health. Aim The aim of the study is to study the effect of applied kinesitherapy with elements of art therapy in maintaining the general functional state and independence of the patient. Materials and methods The study included an examination of a 52-year-old woman diagnosed with a chronic-remitting clinical form of multiple sclerosis in whom there was chronic pain along the spine, paraesthesia, diplopia, dysarthria, memory impairment, decreased concentration and attention, and periods of anxiety and fear. Motor activity is impaired which includes: paresis, impaired coordination, intention tremor and disturbed balance. Ten-day combined kinesitherapy with ten 2-hour art therapy sessions, twice per week, was performed. The applied kinesitherapy includes means for: maintenance of the cardiorespiratory activity with aerobic load in the form of ergometry or training; maintaining range of motion in the joints and overcoming muscle imbalance with passive exercises; proprioceptive-nerve muscle relief; active exercises; improving coordination with coordination exercises; improving balance with balance exercises on reduced support areas and lack of visual control; improving functional capabilities by recognizing different digits and shapes when placing the limb in a certain position on or over them; prophylaxis of complications. Results After the applied kinesitherapy and art therapy starting with: drawing simple geometric shapes, natural shapes in still life, drawing characters from fantasy, drawing landscapes, there is an improvement of the functional status (postural stability, accuracy and coordination of movements), better emotional state, concentration and attention. Conclusion Proper multidisciplinary therapeutic approach in multiple sclerosis and application of complex treatment of kinesitherapy and art therapy leads to positive results on the impaired functional and emotional status of the patient

    Consumer attitudes towards using conventional physiotherapy procedures and unconventional methods

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    Introduction: Unconventional methods of treatment are those that favourably affect individual health trough non-traditional physical methods, non-medicinal products of organic or mineral origin, acu­puncture and others. According to the Law on Health, they can be practiced by people without med­ical education, who are registered by the Regional Health Inspections (RHIs). The aim of the paper is to explore consumer attitudes to the use of conventional physiotherapy procedures and unconven­tional methods to promote individual health.Methods and materials: A sociological method for collecting information and statistical methods for processing the results are used. A survey was conducted among 104 users of unconventional and con­ventional physiotherapeutic methods for treatment between 1st and 14th December 2017. The ques­tionnaire includes 29 closed and one open question.Results: Over 60% of the respondents, participated in the survey, have used unconventional methods. Among the unconventional methods used are reflexology (50.8%), ventusotherapy (31.1%), acupunc­ture (16.4%), and acupressure (11.5%). In regard with the conventional physiotherapeutic methods, the largest share has balneotherapy (46.4%), followed by physiotherapy (43.3%). The frequency of vis­its to centers for unconventional methods is different: several times per year - 48.5% of the respon­dents; only once per year - 37.9% and 9.1% once per month. Consumers prefer unconventional meth­ods mainly because of recommendations from family and friends. Many of the satisfied users visit­ing spa, balneology and eastern medicine centers would use the most of the services, if the NHIF cov­ers part of the price.Conclusions: In the recent years, more and more unconventional ancient methods to improve and protect health are used. Very often, consumers preferred these methods as a stand-alone alternative or in combination with traditional physical methods and procedures. According to the respondents, non-traditional and alternative methods for promoting individual health should be provided by phy­sicians, physiotherapists, kinesitherapists, and rehabilitators