253 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja pasulja - značaj, sortiment, načini proizvodnje

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    Pasulj je poreklom iz Amerike gde se gajio pre 5000 godina, a na ostale kontinente se širi od kraja 16. veka. Vrlo je značajan usev u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji mnogih zemalja, kao i u međunarodnoj trgovini. Proizvodnju pasulja u Srbiji karakterišu značajne površine (trenutno u blagom padu). Proizvodnja se najčešće odvija na manjim površinama, bez navodnjavanja. Ranije se proizvodio kao združeni usev sa kukuruzom, zatim je dominantna bila proizvodnja u čistom usevu, a danas se sve više proizvodi kao združeni usev u voćnjacima. Zastupljen je u konvencionalnoj i organskoj proizvodnji. Proizvedene količine su ispod potreba stanovništva, pa se velike količine uvoze. Postoji adekvatan sortiment ali semenarstvo još nije dovoljno razvijeno. U velikom procentu se koristi nesortno seme, prvenstveno odomaćene populacije, ali i strane sorte koje nisu na državnoj sortnoj listi. Prosečni prinosi su niski i kolebljivi

    Divergentnost u kolekciji pasulja prikazana analizom glavnih komponenata (PCA)

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    We studied the divergence of our beans collection. The study included two qualitative traits, grain color and shape, and 13 quantitative traits, namely three components of plant height, five direct yield components and five chemical properties of grain. The principal component analysis (PCA) showed which of the traits were decisive in genotype differentiation. The principal components were formed based on the correlation matrix and shown through unrotated and rotated values of trait correlation with the main axes. The percentage contribution of particular principal components to total variability was shown, as was the accumulation of variability. The variability of the collection was interpreted based on the seven principal components, the first one describing genotype productivity, the second grain shape, the third grain size, the fourth genotype harvestability and the last three describing the chemical composition of grain.Ispitivana je divergentnost kolekcije pasulja. Posmatrane su boja i oblik zrna pasulja kao kvalitativne i 13 kvantitativnih osobina (tri komponente visine biljke, pet direktnih komponenti prinosa i pet hemijskih osobina zrna). Analizom glavnih komponenata (PCA) utvrđeno je koje su od ispitivanih osobina odlučujuće u diferenciranju genotipova. Glavne komponente su formirane na osnovu korelacione matrice. Prikaz glavnih komponenti vršen je preko nerotiranih i preko rotiranih vrednosti korelacija osobina sa glavnim osama. Prikazan je procentualni udeo pojedinih glavnih komponenata u ukupnoj varijabilnosti, kao i kumulacija varijabilnosti. Za objašnjenje varijabilnost kolekcije dovoljno je bilo sedam glavnih komponenata. Prva glavna komponenta govori o produktivnosti genotipa, druga o obliku zrna, treća o krupnoći zrna, četvrta o pogodnosti genotipova za žetvu, a ostale tri o hemijskom sastavu zrna

    Karakterizacija sorti pasulja na osnovu proteinskih markera

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    The biochemical marker phaseolin and isozymes were used in this work to display the variation of common bean germ plasma. Fifteen bean genotypes of different origin i. e. selections were studied. From 8 analyzed enzymic systems, enzymes MDH, SKDH, ME and IDH were polymorphic, while there were no differences in zymograms for enzymes PGM, PHI, PGD, and ADH. Analysis of phaseolin revealed two types: S and T. The S type of phaseolin was found in most of analyzed genotypes (9). Phaseolin type T was found in varieties of Novi Sad selection: Zlatko, Sremac and Aster, domestic population Žuto-zeleni Stepanovićevo and Jovandeka, Croatian variety Slavonski žuto-zeleni. Those varieties were developed from domestic populations from north-west region of Balkan, Slavonia, and Vojvodina.U radu je proučeno 15 sorti pasulja različitog porekla i selekcija, iz banke gena Zavoda za povrtarstvo Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Analizirano je 8 enzimskih sistema i rezervni protein fazeolin. Različite alelne varijante nađene su za enzime: MDH, ME, SKDH i IDH. Većina analiziranih genotipova (9) ima S tip fazeolina. Sorte novosadske selekcije: Zlatko, Sremac i Aster, domaće populacije Žuto zeleni Stepanovićevo i Jovandeka, hrvatska sorta Slavonski žuto-zeleni imaju T tip fazeolina. Novosadske sorte su nastale izborom iz domaćih populacija iz severozapadnog područja Balkana, Slavonije i Vojvodine. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da se u procesu stvaranja novih sorti u klimatskim uslovima naše zemlje i regiona koristila germplazme iz Srednje i iz Južne Amerike. Po prvi put su izvršene analize i karakterizacije sorti Zavoda za povrtarstvo Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, na proteinskom nivou. Rezultati polimorfizma fazeolina i izoenzima predstavljaju dobru polaznu osnovu za dalja istraživanja banke gena pasulja i primenu molekularnih markera

    Quality differences among garlic ecotypes

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    Garlic quality is comprised of bulb yield components and dry matter content Garlic has the highest dry matter content of all vegetable crops. Clove mass as a yield component, along with dry matter content, is the basis for determining garlic quality for food industry and seed production purposes alike. Predominant in our country’s garlic production are domestic ecotypes which give lower yields than cultivars resulting from breeding. In the present paper, we studied the divergence of garlic ecotypes by analyzing their dry matter content and clove size. The study lasted three years and involved 48 garlic ecotypes (18 autumn and 30 spring ones). Using hierarchical clustering, a very low variability of dry matter content was found in the autumn ecotypes. Differences in clove mass were very pronounced so four ecotype groups were formed that differed in the number of ecotypes as well as in the value of this trait. The spring garlic ecotypes were very heterogeneous in terms of bulb mass and dry matter content and were accordingly divided into six and five groups, respectively

    Interaction of some polyoxotunstates with acetylcholinesterase

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    Polyoxometalates (POMs) are polyanionic oligomeric aggregates of transition metal ions, such as tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, etc. held together by oxygen bridges, with a high density of negative charge. They are relatively stable, some even highly stable in aqueous solutions at biological pH values. In addition to applications in catalysis, separations, analysis, and as electrondense imaging agents, some of these complexes have been shown to exhibit biological activity in vitro as well as in vivo ranging from anti-cancer, antibiotic, and antiviral to antidiabetic effects. Recent investigations reported some polyoxotungstates as reversible inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), making them potential anti-Alzheimer’s drugs. AChE is a serine hydrolase mainly found at neuromuscular junctions and cholinergic brain synapses. Its principal biological role is the termination of impulse transmission at cholinergic synapses. Reversible inhibitors of AChE mostly have therapeutic applications, while toxic effects are associated with irreversible AChE activity modulators. Reversible inhibitors play an important role in the pharmacological manipulation of the enzyme activity, and have been applied in the diagnostic and/or treatment of various diseases such as: myasthenia gravis, AD, postoperative ileus, bladder distention, glaucoma, as well as antidote to anticholinergic overdose. The effect of four new synthesized polyoxotungstates soluble in water on AChE activity was studied. AChE is purified from electric eel and commercially available. The enzyme was treated in vitro with polyoxotungstates in the concentration range from 1 × 10-7 to 1 × 10-3 mol/L at 37ºC for 15 minutes, and the incubation time was 12 min. The obtained dependence remaining enzyme activity vs. the inhibitor concentration fitted the sigmoidal function. IC50values, indicating the enzyme sensitivity toward the inhibitor and the inhibitory capacity of the analyzed compounds, were determined from the inhibition sigmoidal curves. Na10[H2W12O42] × 27H2O did not markedly reduce AChE activity at the highest investigated concentration (1 mmol/L). K7[SiV3W9O40] × 10H2O exhibited a weak inhibitory potential, causing 50% decrease in the enzyme activity at 5 × 10-4 mol/L. However, AChE sensitivity in the presence of K7[Ti2PW10O40] was several hundred times higher, reaching IC50 at 1.15 × 10-6 mol/L. Furthermore, (NH4)14[NaP5W30O110] × 31H2O demonstrated the strongest capacity to inhibit AChE. In the presence of its low concentration of 2 × 10-8 mol/L, the enzyme activity was noticeably reduced related to the control value (obtained without inhibitor), while 50% decrease in AChE activity was achieved at 3.8 × 10-7 mol/L.Fourth International Conferenceon Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2016, May 23-27, 2016, Niš, Serbi

    Obrazovanje kao faktor fertiliteta i populacione politike u Srbiji

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    Serbia has been facing a childbearing crisis and its repercussions for decades, despite the population policy measures. This paper analyses the linkage between women’s education and childbearing, since the educational attainment level is a significant and accurately measurable determinant of fertility. The analysis is based on vital statistics, as the input for the calculation of various fertility indicators for the period of 2002–2015. This timeframe is taken into consideration because a strong financial incentive for childbearing was introduced in 2002, while 2015 is the most recent year for which data on vital events are available. In the observed period, the total fertility rates of women with no education and with university education increased, in contrast to the declining total fertility rates of women with primary and secondary education. The findings of this research indicate the need to create conditions that promote childbearing by women with primary and secondary education, who have not responded to the existing, principally financial, fertility policy measures as expected

    Pasulj u strukturi setve Vojvodine

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    In this paper harvested areas under the dry bean in the period 1954-2003 has been analyzed. An analysis covers the wole period, but also certain decades of analyzed period. Dry bean has been cultivated on average area of about 8,000 ha. That is 0.5% of total province’s arable area and about 10% of area under vegetable production. The family farms, which cultivate dry bean on the average area of the about 7,550 ha have the dominate role in the organization of the production. Their participation in the total area is 92% and thus these farms give main feature of dry bean production in Voivodina Province. Harvested areas under the dry bean in Voivodina are characterized by significant stability. That is on the first place consequence of the high stability of the family farms’ area. Taking into consideration agro technical characteristics of this crop and the fact that domestic supply does not meet needs of domestics consumers can conclude that rate of growth of 1.48% which was established in the last decade of analyzed period is not satisfactory.U radu se analiziraju požete površine pasulja u periodu od 1954-2003. godine Analiza obuhvata period u celini kao i pojedine dekade ispitivanog perioda. Pasulj se u Vojvodini gaji na prosečnoj površini od oko 8 000 ha što je 0,5% ukupnih oraničnih površina Pokrajine, odnosno nešto manje od 10% ukupnih površina pod povrćem. Dominantno mesto u organizovanju proizvodnje imaju seljačka gazdinstva koja pasulj gaje na prosečnoj površini od oko 7 550 ha. Ova gazdinstva sa prosečnim učešćem od 92% u ukupnim površinama daju obeležja proizvodnje u Vojvodini. Imajući u vidu agrotehnička svojstva ovog useva i činjenicu da ukupna proizvodnja ne zadovoljava domaće potrebe sigurno je da utvrđena stopa rasta u poslednjoj dekadi ispitivanog perioda od 1,48% ne odražava zadovoljavajući nivo rasta prosečnih površina pod pasuljem u Vojvodini

    Dialelna analiza osobina ploda kod lubenica

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    Current demands of consumers and thus producers are important when targeting watermelon breeding programs, especially in programs aimed at improvement of fruit traits. A complete diallel set has been investigated for breeding values of six watermelon lines, via general and specific combining ability, relationships between general and specific combining ability, heritability and heterosis for fruit size, rind thickness, soluble solids and fruit shape. The lines P2 and P4 were good general combiners for fruit size. These lines also had high values of specific combining ability in direct and reciprocal crosses. The lines with negative general combining ability for fruit size (P1 and P5) can be used in breeding for small fruits (4-6 kg), good taste (high sugar content), desired rind thickness, desired fruit form and high fruit ratio. Relationships between general and specific combining ability indicated that the additive effect played an important role in the expression of fruit weight, rind thickness and sugar content, while fruit shape was inherited incompletely dominantly.Pozitivne vrednosti GCA za krupnoću ploda su imali dva roditelja, P2 i P4, koji se mogu koristiti kako u direktnim tako i u recipročnim ukrštanjima, za stvaranje hibrida veće krupnoće. Visoko negativne vrednosti GCA su imali P1 i P5, te se ove linije mogu koristiti za stvaranje hibrida manje krupnoće ploda (od 4-6 kg), dobrog ukusa (9,8 %SS), željene debljine kore, odgovarajućeg oblika i visokog randmana ploda. GCA/SCA odnosom ustanovljeno je da aditivni efekat ima važnu ulogu u ekspresiji mase ploda, debljine kore i %SS. Ova istraživanja ukazuju da je za stvaranje hibrida lubenica, zavisno od postavljenog modela, neophodno korišćenje divergentnih linija za ispitivane osobine ploda, a posebno za masu (veličinu) ploda

    The influence of diazinon and its metabolites on acetylcholinesterase, NA+/K+-ATPase and antioxidant enzymes in rat brain synaptosomes

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    The aim of this study was to investigate neurotoxic potential and oxidative stress responses of diazinon and its metabolites, diazoxon and 2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinol using synaptosomes as a model system. Synaptosomes were isolated from the brain of Wistar albino rats and incubated at 37oC for 1 hour in the presence of selected concentrations of the investigated compounds. Acetylcholinesterase, Na+/K+-ATPase and antioxidant enzymes activities were determined by standard spectrophotometric methods. Diazinon induced concentration-dependent acetylcholinesterase and Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition, while the activity of catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase was not significantly affected. Increasing concentrations of diazoxon, oxo analog of diazinon, caused almost complete acetylcholinesterase and Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition, and activated antioxidant enzymes: catalase (up to 25%), superoxide dismutase (up to 55%) and glutathione peroxidase (up to 30%). Unlike diazoxon, diazinon hydrolysis product, 2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinol did not remarkably change the activities of the investigated enzymes, except superoxide dismutase that was stimulated up to 25%. The obtained results suggest that neurotoxic and prooxidative potential of diazinon, thioorganophoshate used as a commercial insecticide preparation, significantly reinforces mostly due to its transformation to diazoxon in the metabolic pathways.Third International Conferenceon Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2015, June8-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr

    Uticaj genotipa i spoljne sredine na prinos i kvalitet jesenjeg belog luka

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    Genotype response to changeable environmental factors as ex-pressed through genotype x environment interaction offers important in-formation to breeders and growers as end users. Bulb mass and dry matter yield per bulb are major components of garlic yield and quality. The paper analyzed G x E interaction of 18 winter garlic genotypes (13 populations and five clones) across three growing seasons. Main effects of the genotype, environment and their interaction were determined applying the AMMI model. Year was the major source of variability for bulb mass (70.7%), while G x E interaction amounted to 6.18%. Dry matter yield was most variable under the effect of genotype (46.91%) and the interaction was high, 13.45%. The first principal component was important for bulb mass and dry matter yield since it explained 77.52% and 78.39% of the G x E interactions, respectively. A biplot was constructed to graphically represent the G x E interaction.Značajnu informaciju o genotipu za oplemenjivače i proizvođače kao krajnje korisnike, predstavlja njegov odgovor na promenljive faktore sredine, koji je izražen preko interakcije genotipa sa spoljnom sredinom. Prinos i kvalitet belog luka predstavljeni su masom lukovice i prinosom suve materije po lukovice. U radu je analizirana G x E interakcija 18 genotipova (13 populacija i 5 klonova) jesenjeg belog luka tokom tri vegetacione sezone. Primenom AMMI modela ustanovljeni su glavni efekti genotipova za ispitivane osobine preko glavnog efekta sredine za genotipove i njihove interakcije. Najveći izvor varijabilnosti za masu lukovice imale su godine (70,7%) dok je interakcija iznosila 6,18%. Prinos suve materije je najviše varirao pod uticajem genonotipa (46,91%) i visok udeo interakcije 13,45 %. Za masu lukovice i prinos suve materije je značajna prva glavna komponenta, kojom je objašnjeno 77,52% odnosno 78,39% G x E interakcije. Korišćen je biplot da bi se grafički predstavila G x E interakcija