Pasulj u strukturi setve Vojvodine


In this paper harvested areas under the dry bean in the period 1954-2003 has been analyzed. An analysis covers the wole period, but also certain decades of analyzed period. Dry bean has been cultivated on average area of about 8,000 ha. That is 0.5% of total province’s arable area and about 10% of area under vegetable production. The family farms, which cultivate dry bean on the average area of the about 7,550 ha have the dominate role in the organization of the production. Their participation in the total area is 92% and thus these farms give main feature of dry bean production in Voivodina Province. Harvested areas under the dry bean in Voivodina are characterized by significant stability. That is on the first place consequence of the high stability of the family farms’ area. Taking into consideration agro technical characteristics of this crop and the fact that domestic supply does not meet needs of domestics consumers can conclude that rate of growth of 1.48% which was established in the last decade of analyzed period is not satisfactory.U radu se analiziraju požete površine pasulja u periodu od 1954-2003. godine Analiza obuhvata period u celini kao i pojedine dekade ispitivanog perioda. Pasulj se u Vojvodini gaji na prosečnoj površini od oko 8 000 ha što je 0,5% ukupnih oraničnih površina Pokrajine, odnosno nešto manje od 10% ukupnih površina pod povrćem. Dominantno mesto u organizovanju proizvodnje imaju seljačka gazdinstva koja pasulj gaje na prosečnoj površini od oko 7 550 ha. Ova gazdinstva sa prosečnim učešćem od 92% u ukupnim površinama daju obeležja proizvodnje u Vojvodini. Imajući u vidu agrotehnička svojstva ovog useva i činjenicu da ukupna proizvodnja ne zadovoljava domaće potrebe sigurno je da utvrđena stopa rasta u poslednjoj dekadi ispitivanog perioda od 1,48% ne odražava zadovoljavajući nivo rasta prosečnih površina pod pasuljem u Vojvodini

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