37 research outputs found

    The plant hormone ethylene restricts Arabidopsis growth via the epidermis

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    The gaseous hormone ethylene plays a key role in plant growth and development, and it is a major regulator of stress responses. It inhibits vegetative growth by restricting cell elongation, mainly through cross-talk with auxins. However, it remains unknown whether ethylene controls growth throughout all plant tissues or whether its signaling is confined to specific cell types. We employed a targeted expression approach to map the tissue site(s) of ethylene growth regulation. The ubiquitin E3 ligase complex containing Skp1, Cullin1, and the F-box protein EBF1 or EBF2 (SCFEBF1/2) target the degradation of EIN3, the master transcription factor in ethylene signaling. We coupled EBF1 and EBF2 to a number of cell type-specific promoters. Using phenotypic assays for ethylene response and mutant complementation, we revealed that the epidermis is the main site of ethylene action controlling plant growth in both roots and shoots. Suppression of ethylene signaling in the epidermis of the constitutive ethylene signaling mutant ctr1-1 was sufficient to rescue the mutant phenotype, pointing to the epidermis as a key cell type required for ethylene-mediated growth inhibition

    Laser space debris cleaning:Elimination of detrimental self-focusing effects

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    A ground-based laser system for space debris cleaning requires pulse power well above the critical power for self-focusing in the atmosphere. Self-focusing results in beam quality degradation and is detrimental for the system operation. We demonstrate that, for the relevant laser parameters, when the thickness of the atmosphere is much less than the focusing length (that is, of the orbit scale), the beam transit through the atmosphere produces the phase distortion only. The model thus developed is in very good agreement with numerical modeling. This implies that, by using phase mask or adaptive optics, it may be possible to eliminate almost completely the impact of self-focusing effects in the atmosphere on the laser beam propagation

    The diverse salt-stress response of Arabidopsis ctr1-1 and ein2-1 ethylene signaling mutants is linked to altered root auxin homeostasis

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    We explored the interplay between ethylene signals and the auxin pool in roots exposed to high salinity using Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type plants (Col-0), and the ethylene-signaling mutants ctr1-1 (constitutive) and ein2-1 (insensitive). The negative effect of salt stress was less pronounced in ctr1-1 individuals, which was concomitant with augmented auxin signaling both in the ctr1-1 controls and after 100 mM NaCl treatment. The R2D2 auxin sensorallowed mapping this active auxin increase to the root epidermal cells in the late Cell Division (CDZ) and Transition Zone (TZ). In contrast, the ethylene-insensitive ein2-1 plants appeared depleted in active auxins. The involvement of ethylene/auxin crosstalk in the salt stress response was evaluated by introducing auxin reporters for local biosynthesis (pTAR2::GUS) and polar transport (pLAX3::GUS, pAUX1::AUX1-YFP, pPIN1::PIN1-GFP, pPIN2::PIN2-GFP, pPIN3::GUS) in the mutants. The constantly operating ethylene-signaling pathway in ctr1-1 was linked to increased auxin biosynthesis. This was accompanied by a steady expression of the auxin transporters evaluated by qRT-PCR and crosses with the auxin transport reporters. The results imply that the ability of ctr1-1 mutant to tolerate high salinity could be related to the altered ethylene/auxin regulatory loop manifested by a stabilized local auxin biosynthesis and transport

    Overexpression of the NMig1 gene encoding a NudC domain protein enhances root growth and abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The family of NudC proteins has representatives in all eukaryotes and plays essential evolutionarily conserved roles in many aspects of organismal development and stress response, including nuclear migration, cell division, folding and stabilization of other proteins. This study investigates an undescribed Arabidopsis homolog of the Aspergillus nidulans NudC gene, named NMig1 (for Nuclear Migration 1), which shares high sequence similarity to other plant and mammalian NudC-like genes. Expression of NMig1 was highly upregulated in response to several abiotic stress factors, such as heat shock, drought and high salinity. Constitutive overexpression of NMig1 led to enhanced root growth and lateral root development under optimal and stress conditions. Exposure to abiotic stress resulted in relatively weaker inhibition of root length and branching in NMig1-overexpressing plants, compared to the wild-type Col-0. The expression level of antioxidant enzyme-encoding genes and other stress-associated genes was considerably induced in the transgenic plants. The increased expression of the major antioxidant enzymes and greater antioxidant potential correlated well with the lower levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lower lipid peroxidation. In addition, the overexpression of NMig1 was associated with strong upregulation of genes encoding heat shock proteins and abiotic stress-associated genes. Therefore, our data demonstrate that the NudC homolog NMig1 could be considered as a potentially important target gene for further use, including breeding more resilient crops with improved root architecture under abiotic stress

    Nonlinear beam tapering and two-dimensional ring solitons

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    We examine a possibility to exploit the nonlinear lens effect - the initial stage of self-focusing to localize initially broad field distribution into the small central area where wave collapse is arrested - the nonlinear beam tapering. We describe two-dimensional localized solitary waves (ring solitons) in a physical system that presents a linear medium in the central core, surrounded by the cladding with the focusing Kerr nonlinearity. The standard variational analysis demonstrates that such solitons correspond to the minimum of the Hamiltonian

    Extreme climatic events: impacts of drought and high temperature on physiological processes in agronomically important plants

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    Climate models predict more frequent and more severe extreme events (e.g., heat waves, extended drought periods, flooding) in many regions for the next decades. The impact of adverse environmental conditions on crop plants is ecologically and economically relevant. This review is focused on drought and heat effects on physiological status and productivity of agronomically important plants. Stomatal opening represents an important regulatory mechanism during drought and heat stress since it influences simultaneously water loss via transpiration and CO2 diffusion into the leaf apoplast which further is utilized in photosynthesis. Along with the reversible short-term control of stomatal opening, stomata and leaf epidermis may produce waxy deposits and irreversibly down-regulate the stomatal conductance and non-stomatal transpiration. As a consequence photosynthesis will be negatively affected. Rubisco activase—a key enzyme in keeping the Calvin cycle functional—is heat-sensitive and may become a limiting factor at elevated temperature. The accumulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) during stress represent an additional challenge under unfavorable conditions. Drought and heat cause accumulation of free amino acids which are partially converted into compatible solutes such as proline. This is accompanied by lower rates of both nitrate reduction and de novo amino acid biosynthesis. Protective proteins (e.g., dehydrins, chaperones, antioxidant enzymes or the key enzyme for proline biosynthesis) play an important role in leaves and may be present at higher levels under water deprivation or high temperatures. On the whole plant level, effects on long-distance translocation of solutes via xylem and phloem and on leaf senescence (e.g., anticipated, accelerated or delayed senescence) are important. The factors mentioned above are relevant for the overall performance of crops under drought and heat and must be considered for genotype selection and breeding programs