269 research outputs found

    The critical ultraviolet behaviour of N=8 supergravity amplitudes

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    We analyze the critical ultraviolet behaviour of the four-graviton amplitude in N=8 supergravity to all order in perturbation. We use the Bern-Carrasco-Johansson diagrammatic expansion for N=8 supergravity multiloop amplitudes, where numerator factors are squares of the Lorentz factor of N=4 super-Yang-Mills amplitudes, and the analysis of the critical ultraviolet behaviour of the multiloop four-gluon amplitudes in the single- and double-trace sectors. We argue this implies that the superficial ultraviolet behaviour of the four-graviton N=8 amplitudes from four-loop order is determined by the factorization the k^8 R^4 operator. This leads to a seven-loop logarithmic divergence in the four-graviton amplitude in four dimensions.Comment: latex. 5 pages. v2: Added references and minor change

    The physics and the mixed Hodge structure of Feynman integrals

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    This expository text is an invitation to the relation between quantum field theory Feynman integrals and periods. We first describe the relation between the Feynman parametrization of loop amplitudes and world-line methods, by explaining that the first Symanzik polynomial is the determinant of the period matrix of the graph, and the second Symanzik polynomial is expressed in terms of world-line Green's functions. We then review the relation between Feynman graphs and variations of mixed Hodge structures. Finally, we provide an algorithm for generating the Picard-Fuchs equation satisfied by the all equal mass banana graphs in a two-dimensional space-time to all loop orders.Comment: v2: 34 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes. References added. String-math 2013 proceeding contributio

    Localized gravity in non-compact superstring models

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    We discuss a string-theory-derived mechanism for localized gravity, which produces a deviation from Newton's law of gravitation at cosmological distances. This mechanism can be realized for general non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds, orbifolds and orientifolds. After discussing the cross-over scale and the thickness in these models we show that the localized higher derivative terms can be safely neglected at observable distances. We conclude by some observations on the massless open string spectrum for the orientifold models.Comment: 12 Pages. Based on some unpublished work presented at Quarks-2004, Pushkinskie Gory, Russia, May 24-3

    The elliptic dilogarithm for the sunset graph

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    We study the sunset graph defined as the scalar two-point self-energy at two-loop order. We evaluate the sunset integral for all identical internal masses in two dimensions. We give two calculations for the sunset amplitude; one based on an interpretation of the amplitude as an inhomogeneous solution of a classical Picard-Fuchs differential equation, and the other using arithmetic algebraic geometry, motivic cohomology, and Eisenstein series. Both methods use the rather special fact that the amplitude in this case is a family of periods associated to the universal family of elliptic curves over the modular curve X_1(6). We show that the integral is given by an elliptic dilogarithm evaluated at a sixth root of unity modulo periods. We explain as well how this elliptic dilogarithm value is related to the regulator of a class in the motivic cohomology of the universal elliptic family.Comment: 3 figures, 43 pages. v2: minor corrections. version to be published in The Journal of Number Theor

    D-instantons, Strings and M-theory

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    The R^4 terms in the effective action for M-theory compactified on a two-torus are motivated by combining one-loop results in type II superstring theories with the Sl(2,Z) duality symmetry. The conjectured expression reproduces precisely the tree-level and one-loop R^4 terms in the effective action of the type II string theories compactified on a circle, together with the expected infinite sum of instanton corrections. This conjecture implies that the R^4 terms in ten-dimensional string type II theories receive no perturbative corrections beyond one loop and there are also no non-perturbative corrections in the ten-dimensional IIA theory. Furthermore, the eleven-dimensional M-theory limit exists, in which there is an R^4 term that originates entirely from the one-loop contribution in the type IIA theory and is related by supersymmetry to the eleven-form C^{(3)}R^4. The generalization to compactification on T^3 as well as implications for non-renormalization theorems in D-string and D-particle interactions are briefly discussed.Comment: harvmac (b) 17 pages. v4: Some formulae corrected. Dimensions corrected for eleven-dimensional expression

    Topological M Theory from Pure Spinor Formalism

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    We construct multiloop superparticle amplitudes in 11d using the pure spinor formalism. We explain how this construction reduces to the superparticle limit of the multiloop pure spinor superstring amplitudes prescription. We then argue that this construction points to some evidence for the existence of a topological M theory based on a relation between the ghost number of the full-fledged supersymmetric critical models and the dimension of the spacetime for topological models. In particular, we show that the extensions at higher orders of the previous results for the tree and one-loop level expansion for the superparticle in 11 dimensions is related to a topological model in 7 dimensions.Comment: harvmac, 28pp. v2: Assorted english correction

    Higher-loop amplitudes in the non-minimal pure spinor formalism

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    We analyze the properties of the non-minimal pure spinor formalism. We show that Siegel gauge on massless vertex operators implies the primary field constraint and the level-matching condition in closed string theory by reconstructing the integrated vertex operator representation from the unintegrated ones. The pure spinor integration in the non-minimal formalism needs a regularisation. To this end we introduce a new regulator for the pure spinor integration and an extension of the regulator to allow for the saturation of the fermionic d-zero modes to all orders in perturbation. We conclude with a preliminary analysis of the properties of the four-graviton amplitude to all genus order.Comment: v1: harvmac format. 28 pages. No figures. v2: added references and typos corrected. Expanded discussion of the zero mode counting and the vanishing condition of amplitudes. v3: minor correction

    Gravity, strings, modular and quasimodular forms

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    Modular and quasimodular forms have played an important role in gravity and string theory. Eisenstein series have appeared systematically in the determination of spectrums and partition functions, in the description of non-perturbative effects, in higher-order corrections of scalar-field spaces, ... The latter often appear as gravitational instantons i.e. as special solutions of Einstein's equations. In the present lecture notes we present a class of such solutions in four dimensions, obtained by requiring (conformal) self-duality and Bianchi IX homogeneity. In this case, a vast range of configurations exist, which exhibit interesting modular properties. Examples of other Einstein spaces, without Bianchi IX symmetry, but with similar features are also given. Finally we discuss the emergence and the role of Eisenstein series in the framework of field and string theory perturbative expansions, and motivate the need for unravelling novel modular structures.Comment: 45 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the Besse Summer School on Quasimodular Forms - 201

    Local mirror symmetry and the sunset Feynman integral

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    We study the sunset Feynman integral defined as the scalar two-point self-energy at two-loop order in a two dimensional space-time. We firstly compute the Feynman integral, for arbitrary internal masses, in terms of the regulator of a class in the motivic cohomology of a 1-parameter family of open elliptic curves. Using an Hodge theoretic (B-model) approach, we show that the integral is given by a sum of elliptic dilogarithms evaluated at the divisors determined by the punctures. Secondly we associate to the sunset elliptic curve a local non-compact Calabi-Yau 3-fold, obtained as a limit of elliptically fibered compact Calabi-Yau 3-folds. By considering the limiting mixed Hodge structure of the Batyrev dual A-model, we arrive at an expression for the sunset Feynman integral in terms of the local Gromov-Witten prepotential of the del Pezzo surface of degree 6. This expression is obtained by proving a strong form of local mirror symmetry which identifies this prepotential with the second regulator period of the motivic cohomology class.Comment: 67 pages. v2: minor typos corrected and now per-section numbering of theorems, lemmas, propositions and remarks. v3: minor typos corrected. Version to appear in Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physic

    A Feynman integral via higher normal functions

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    We study the Feynman integral for the three-banana graph defined as the scalar two-point self-energy at three-loop order. The Feynman integral is evaluated for all identical internal masses in two space-time dimensions. Two calculations are given for the Feynman integral; one based on an interpretation of the integral as an inhomogeneous solution of a classical Picard-Fuchs differential equation, and the other using arithmetic algebraic geometry, motivic cohomology, and Eisenstein series. Both methods use the rather special fact that the Feynman integral is a family of regulator periods associated to a family of K3 surfaces. We show that the integral is given by a sum of elliptic trilogarithms evaluated at sixth roots of unity. This elliptic trilogarithm value is related to the regulator of a class in the motivic cohomology of the K3 family. We prove a conjecture by David Broadhurst that at a special kinematical point the Feynman integral is given by a critical value of the Hasse-Weil L-function of the K3 surface. This result is shown to be a particular case of Deligne's conjectures relating values of L-functions inside the critical strip to periods.Comment: Latex. 70 pages. 3 figures. v3: minor changes and clarifications. Version to appear in Compositio Mathematic
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