14 research outputs found

    The tectonic evolution of the Chuya-Kurai zone (Siberian Altai mountains) by means of multi-method chronology

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    The Phanerozoic tectonic evolution of the Chuya-Kurai zone was studied by means of zircon U/Pb-dating, apatite fission track (AFT) and apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) thermochronology performed on basement rocks. Our results suggest that multiple magmatic episodes during the Paleozoic, related to the accretion-collision tectonics in Central Asia, affected our study area. Mesozoic and Cenozoic basement cooling events are interpreted as periods of tectonic reactivation. A new tectonic model for Late Cenozoic evolution of the Chuya-Kurai zone is proposed

    Remote monitoring of a tailings dam using the Internet of Things

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    Due to their size and often their remoteness, large geotechnical structures such as tailings dams are ideally suited to be observed using smart monitoring technologies. With the arrival of the 4th Industrial Revolution – and in a year characterised by unprecedented disruption and uncertainty impacting physical access for monitoring purposes – adoption of state-of-the-art Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for remote monitoring applications provides a unique, real-time view into the behaviour of these structures. To improve understanding of the long-term pore pressure behaviour associated with the operation of a tailings dam, the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Pretoria (UP), in collaboration with SRK Consulting and Marula Platinum, is conducting an instrumentation project to observe pore pressure (both positive and negative), moisture content and temperature at nine monitoring locations on a platinum tailings dam. The Marula Platinum Mine is situated approximately 30 km northwest of the town of Burgersfort. The mine operates a tailings dam with a footprint of 48 Ha on which deposition occurs by means of spigotting.https://journals.co.za/journal/civenghj2021Civil Engineerin

    Application of unsaturated soil mechanics – two years on

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    In recent years, technological advancements in the field of unsaturated soil mechanics have helped improve understanding in this field for both researchers and engineering practitioners. Gaspar & Jacobsz (2019) presented a short overview of some key principles of unsaturated soil mechanics and highlighted how measurement techniques (both in the laboratory and in-situ) are becoming increasingly available in South Africa. The purpose of this article is to present a review of the two years following that publication to illustrate the uptake of these developments in engineering practice.http://www.civils.org.zaam2022Civil Engineerin

    Hydroacoustic and sediment records of Lake Huelde, Chiloé Island, south central Chile

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    The dataset contains the raw data that is the basis for the research published in Kempf et al. 2017 about a paleotsunami record of 17 events in the past 5500 years in a coastal lake on Chiloé Island in south central Chile. The dataset consists of hydroacoustic data, i.e., 2D sub-bottom profiles (3.5 kHz Pinger) and sidescan sonar data (Klein3000), and sediment core data, i.e., split core images, X-ray CT-scans, multi-sensor core logs and the core metadata