761 research outputs found

    Closing the circle : current state and perspectives of circular RNA databases

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are covalently closed RNA molecules that have been linked to various diseases, including cancer. However, a precise function and working mechanism are lacking for the larger majority. Following many different experimental and computational approaches to identify circRNAs, multiple circRNA databases were developed as well. Unfortunately, there are several major issues with the current circRNA databases, which substantially hamper progression in the field. First, as the overlap in content is limited, a true reference set of circRNAs is lacking. This results from the low abundance and highly specific expression of circRNAs, and varying sequencing methods, data-analysis pipelines, and circRNA detection tools. A second major issue is the use of ambiguous nomenclature. Thus, redundant or even conflicting names for circRNAs across different databases contribute to the reproducibility crisis. Third, circRNA databases, in essence, rely on the position of the circRNA back-splice junction, whereas alternative splicing could result in circRNAs with different length and sequence. To uniquely identify a circRNA molecule, the full circular sequence is required. Fourth, circRNA databases annotate circRNAs' microRNA binding and protein-coding potential, but these annotations are generally based on presumed circRNA sequences. Finally, several databases are not regularly updated, contain incomplete data or suffer from connectivity issues. In this review, we present a comprehensive overview of the current circRNA databases and their content, features, and usability. In addition to discussing the current issues regarding circRNA databases, we come with important suggestions to streamline further research in this growing field

    SPsimSeq : semi-parametric simulation of bulk and single-cell RNA-sequencing data

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    SPsimSeq is a semi-parametric simulation method to generate bulk and single-cell RNA-sequencing data. It is designed to simulate gene expression data with maximal retention of the characteristics of real data. It is reasonably flexible to accommodate a wide range of experimental scenarios, including different sample sizes, biological signals (differential expression) and confounding batch effects

    Accurate RT-qPCR gene expression analysis on cell culture lysates

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    Gene expression quantification on cultured cells using the reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) typically involves an RNA purification step that limits sample processing throughput and precludes parallel analysis of large numbers of samples. An approach in which cDNA synthesis is carried out on crude cell lysates instead of on purified RNA samples can offer a fast and straightforward alternative. Here, we evaluate such an approach, benchmarking Ambion's Cells-to-CT kit with the classic workflow of RNA purification and cDNA synthesis, and demonstrate its good accuracy and superior sensitivity

    On the utility of RNA sample pooling to optimize cost and statistical power in RNA sequencing experiments

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    Background: In gene expression studies, RNA sample pooling is sometimes considered because of budget constraints or lack of sufficient input material. Using microarray technology, RNA sample pooling strategies have been reported to optimize both the cost of data generation as well as the statistical power for differential gene expression (DGE) analysis. For RNA sequencing, with its different quantitative output in terms of counts and tunable dynamic range, the adequacy and empirical validation of RNA sample pooling strategies have not yet been evaluated. In this study, we comprehensively assessed the utility of pooling strategies in RNA-seq experiments using empirical and simulated RNA-seq datasets. Result: The data generating model in pooled experiments is defined mathematically to evaluate the mean and variability of gene expression estimates. The model is further used to examine the trade-off between the statistical power of testing for DGE and the data generating costs. Empirical assessment of pooling strategies is done through analysis of RNA-seq datasets under various pooling and non-pooling experimental settings. Simulation study is also used to rank experimental scenarios with respect to the rate of false and true discoveries in DGE analysis. The results demonstrate that pooling strategies in RNA-seq studies can be both cost-effective and powerful when the number of pools, pool size and sequencing depth are optimally defined. Conclusion: For high within-group gene expression variability, small RNA sample pools are effective to reduce the variability and compensate for the loss of the number of replicates. Unlike the typical cost-saving strategies, such as reducing sequencing depth or number of RNA samples (replicates), an adequate pooling strategy is effective in maintaining the power of testing DGE for genes with low to medium abundance levels, along with a substantial reduction of the total cost of the experiment. In general, pooling RNA samples or pooling RNA samples in conjunction with moderate reduction of the sequencing depth can be good options to optimize the cost and maintain the power

    Long non-coding RNAs in cutaneous melanoma : clinical perspectives

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    Metastatic melanoma of the skin has a high mortality despite the recent introduction of targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are defined as transcripts of more than 200 nucleotides in length that lack protein-coding potential. There is growing evidence that lncRNAs play an important role in gene regulation, including oncogenesis. We present 13 lncRNA genes involved in the pathogenesis of cutaneous melanoma through a variety of pathways and molecular interactions. Some of these lncRNAs are possible biomarkers or therapeutic targets for malignant melanoma

    DNA methylation profiling of primary neuroblastoma tumors using methyl-CpG-binding domain sequencing

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    Comprehensive genome-wide DNA methylation studies in neuroblastoma (NB), a childhood tumor that originates from precursor cells of the sympathetic nervous system, are scarce. Recently, we profiled the DNA methylome of 102 well-annotated primary NB tumors by methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) sequencing, in order to identify prognostic biomarker candidates. In this data descriptor, we give details on how this data set was generated and which bioinformatics analyses were applied during data processing. Through a series of technical validations, we illustrate that the data are of high quality and that the sequenced fragments represent methylated genomic regions. Furthermore, genes previously described to be methylated in NB are confirmed. As such, these MBD sequencing data are a valuable resource to further study the association of NB risk factors with the NB methylome, and offer the opportunity to integrate methylome data with other -omic data sets on the same tumor samples such as gene copy number and gene expression, also publically available

    Circulating RNA biomarkers in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma : a systematic review

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common histological subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL). DLBCL is an aggressive malignancy that displays a great heterogeneity in terms of morphology, genetics and biological behavior. While a sustained complete remission is obtained in the majority of patients with standard immunochemotherapy, patients with refractory of relapsed disease after first-line treatment have a poor prognosis. This patient group represents an important unmet need in lymphoma treatment. In recent years, improved understanding of the underlying molecular pathogenesis had led to new classification and prognostication tools, including the development of cell-free biomarkers in liquid biopsies. Although the majority of studies have focused on the use of cell-free fragments of DNA (cfDNA), there has been an increased interest in circulating-free coding and non-coding RNA, including messenger RNA (mRNA), microRNA (miRNA), long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) and circular RNA (circRNA), as well as RNA encapsulated in extracellular vesicles or tumor-educated platelets (TEPs). We performed a systematic search in PubMed to identify articles that evaluated circulating RNA as diagnostic, subtype, treatment response or prognostic biomarkers in a human DLBCL population. A total of 35 articles met the inclusion criteria. The aim of this systematic review is to present the current understanding of circulating RNA molecules as biomarker in DLBCL and to discuss their future potential
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