78 research outputs found

    Homozygous Deletion of Six Olfactory Receptor Genes in a Subset of Individuals with Beta-Thalassemia

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    Progress in the functional studies of human olfactory receptors has been largely hampered by the lack of a reliable experimental model system. Although transgenic approaches in mice could characterize the function of individual olfactory receptors, the presence of over 300 functional genes in the human genome becomes a daunting task. Thus, the characterization of individuals with a genetic susceptibility to altered olfaction coupled with the absence of particular olfactory receptor genes will allow phenotype/genotype correlations and vindicate the function of specific olfactory receptors with their cognate ligands. We characterized a 118 kb β-globin deletion and found that its 3′ end breakpoint extends to the neighboring olfactory receptor region downstream of the β-globin gene cluster. This deletion encompasses six contiguous olfactory receptor genes (OR51V1, OR52Z1, OR51A1P, OR52A1, OR52A5, and OR52A4) all of which are expressed in the brain. Topology analysis of the encoded proteins from these olfactory receptor genes revealed that OR52Z1, OR52A1, OR52A5, and OR52A4 are predicted to be functional receptors as they display integral characteristics of G-proteins coupled receptors. Individuals homozygous for the 118 kb β-globin deletion are afflicted with β-thalassemia due to a homozygous deletion of the β-globin gene and have no alleles for the above mentioned olfactory receptors genes. This is the first example of a homozygous deletion of olfactory receptor genes in human. Although altered olfaction remains to be ascertained in these individuals, such a study can be carried out in β-thalassemia patients from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines where this mutation is common. Furthermore, OR52A1 contains a γ-globin enhancer, which was previously shown to confer continuous expression of the fetal γ-globin genes. Thus, the hypothesis that β-thalassemia individuals, who are homozygous for the 118 kb deletion, may also have an exacerbation of their anemia due to the deletion of two copies of the γ-globin enhancer element is worthy of consideration

    The effect of ω-fatty acids on mrna expression level of PPARγ in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma

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    Background: The antineoplastic role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) ligandshas previously been demonstrated in several gastric cancer cell lines. Activation of PPARγ by polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) inhibits growth and proliferationof tumor cells. In this double-blind clinical study, we evaluate the effect of PUFAs on PPARγ mRNA expression in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. Materials and Methods: A total of 34 chemotherapy-naive patients diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma were enrolled in the present study. According to treatment strategies, all subjects were divided into two groups, the first group (17 individuals) received cisplatin without supplements and the second group (17 individuals) received cisplatin plus orally administered PUFAs supplements for 3 weeks. The gastric biopsy samples were obtained from all participants before and after treatment, and PPARγ mRNA expression levels were evaluated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction using validated reference genes. Results: Our findings revealed that PPARγ mRNA expression is significantly upregulated in group II afterreceiving cisplatin plus orally administered PUFAs supplements for three weeks (p < 0.0001), whereas PPARγ mRNA expression did not show significant alteration in group I after receiving cisplatin alone. Conclusion: The results of the study evidence that PPARγ may act as a potential target for the therapy of human gastric adenocarcinoma

    Analysis of the telomere length of subpopulations of primary human hematopoietic cells

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    Telomeres are structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes; they protect the ends from degradation and end-to-end fusions. Mammalian telomeres consist of a tandem array of G-rich repeats, with a length of two to 12 kb in human somatic cells. Somatic cell telomere length shortens with each cell division, leading to senescence or apoptosis. Critically short telomeres can lead to genomic instability, thus in cells that divide continually, such as germ cells, telomere length is maintained by telomerase. In a rare autosomal dominant form of dyskeratosis congenita, patients carry a mutation in the RNA template of telomerase, resulting in half maximal telomerase activity. Patients with this genotype die of aplastic anemia, indicating that maintenance of telomere length is likely critical, and may be particularly important in hematopoietic stem cells. Telomere length can be measured by a quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridisation and flow cytometry based method (Flow- FISH). In the present study, this technique was used to measure telomere length in lymphocytes and in "candidate" stem cell populations isolated from eight cadaveric marrow samples from normal adults (aged 14 to 48 years). Telomere length analysis of B and T cells - two populations that undergo activation-induced telomerase up-regulation - revealed that CD20⁺ B cells in the bone marrow had longer telomeres than CD3⁺ T cells (p<0.002). The CD34⁺CD38⁻ populations from each of the eight donors also had longer telomeres than the T cell subsets. The telomerase activity in T lymphocyte populations thus appears insufficient to prevent telomere shortening during differentiation from the pluripotent stem cell. To compare telomere length in different subsets of primitive hematopoietic ceils, we analysed FACS-purified CD34⁺CD38⁻ and CD34⁺CD38⁺ populations. The CD34⁺CD38⁻ cells had significantly longer telomeres than the CD34⁺CD38⁺ cells (p<0.02, n=8). The Side Population (SP) cells identified by FACS as Hoechst 33342'° cells did not have significantly longer telomeres than the CD34⁺CD38⁻ population. In two donor samples, additional populations were sorted, and the data is consistent with the proposed hierarchical pattern of these cell populations, with CD34⁺CD38⁻ thought to have the greatest proliferative potential and the longest telomeres. This data supports the hypothesis that hematopoietic cells with the greatest proliferative potential will have the longest telomere length. It is still unclear if a hematopoietic cell population exists within the SP with "germ-line" or "fetal" length telomeres. While we cannot exclude that a small subset of more primitive cells capable of maintaining long telomere length exists within the sorted SP cells that were analysed, we conclude that telomere length declines in the majority of the primitive hematopoietic cells examined here.Medicine, Faculty ofMedical Genetics, Department ofGraduat